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Everything posted by BuffaninATL

  1. any assumption involving race on a message board is dangerous and makes me question your said capacity
  2. good post, all valid reasons why college ball is better to watch, IMO. Not only is the officiating way more consistent, there are no officials named Hochuli in the NCAA ...
  3. and vets in wheelchairs with permanent brain injuries from trauma get off your high horse. It is what it is.
  4. Quantitatively, I see your point......qualitatively, it's the the random & capricious nature of how/when penalties are called that sucks all the life out of this game. The NFL is a cartel controlled by big money & big markets. For all those who refute these arguments and crow about how TV ratings are up, that speaks to the couch potato that is American society. No thank you.
  5. Not sure if I agree with how you vetted your list of "good looking" QBs .... just saying - questionable at best. Young, Marino, Elway - yes.....the others, ummmm - not so much
  6. I watched Darnold alot in college and his propensity for turning the ball over (INTs, fumbles due in part to less than ideal hand size) was noteworthy. Does a quality OC and/or offensive-minded HC fix those issues? I guess it's a chicken or egg argument to be had.
  7. regarding the pass to Clay, he threw a long pass across his body to the opposite side of the end zone - even if it was a bit wobbly. so be it. Only a guy with a cannon can make that throw.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem being a homer and I embrace it - proud as hell to be from Buffalo. I am in Sarasota now - no more ATL for me thank God !
  9. If it wasn't domestic violence, it was PUBLIC violence. No thanks, he doesn't fit the McBeane culture and the backlash would be too much.
  10. these types of stories intrinsically seem to happen in Buffalo more often than not - or am I just a homer? Good for you R Foster, keep developing !
  11. I am a bit confused Epstein; what kind of team in the MLB playoffs/World Series would be in full-on quit mode? Am I missing something obvious from your post?
  12. Coach, will all due respect...it's OK to hate the Pats, Bruins, & Celtics, but what RedSox did this past season was historic, and there is no debating this.
  13. Jerry Sullivan was shown the door and in typical fashion he portrayed his departure as being motivated by his “independence” as a critic of the Bills. We expect a columnist to be critical, nobody ever had a problem with that. But Sullivan’s entire claim to fame, in his mind, was that he was an independent critic and not a fan. But he took that to a level wherein he was critical of everything, without any balance. So he was equally as critical of the Bills during their Super Bowl years as well the drought years. The Pegulas were “over their heads” as owners, as if every new owner comes into the league with experience & expertise. Virtually every new owner is owning a franchise for the first time. And they took over the franchise from an owner who, despite is 50+ years of experience, ran the franchise into the ground. He also had a heads I win, tails you lose mentality. When Dareus had his troubles early in his career, Sullivan wanted the Bills to cut him. After Dareus had his big pro bowl year, Sullivan completely flipped to Dareus side. When Dareus had his most recent problems/issues, Sullivan wrote “see I told you so, should have cut him like I said” Heads he is right, tails he is right But none of the above was Sullivan’s biggest weakness. The biggest problem with Sullivan was that in all his years there, he never developed any sources of information, either inside the Bills organization or within the NFL, to provide insight or analysis based on experience, film study etc etc. So all you ever got from him was just the opinion of a guy who never played or coached the game, who never watched game film and who never developed a source or asset who had the experience/expertise to provide insight. Sullivan’s opinions were no more valid than any fan sitting on a bar stool watching the game on TV. And that was obvious from his columns. Tyler Dunne was with the News for one year, and consistently produced columns that were based on his interactions with NFL insiders or those with experience & expertise in evaluating the game. It was no wonder that Dunne was hired away after one year here, while Sullivan took the easy path of voicing uninformed opinions mixed in with potshots at everybody. And felt that was good enough, because after all, he was “no fan”. Criticism is fine and welcome; but readers/subscribers are entitled to informed opinions, or at least occasional insight from sources well placed, well versed or experienced with game of professional football. Sullivan could not be bothered to provide any of that. Good riddance Excellent take...!
  14. Josh was with Sam at yesterday's 3rd round of the U.S. Open in Southampton......this is a funny read which describes Josh's role in the series of events which follows here: https://www.golfdigest.com/story/us-open-2018-jets-fan-sees-sam-darnold-screams-j-e-t-s-in-tour-pros-backswing
  15. After careful forethought & consideration, and plenty of sleepless angst, I must implore you to keep this canard going....don't listen to anyone calling you a troll - surely jokesters like that simply don't know NFL talent like you do. Mr. Butler, thanks for dining here at Applebee's.... your table for one will be ready when our happy little vibrator goes off right next to your junk - or, if you like, you can seat yourself at the bar (...it's a smoke free zone, however)
  16. again, an opinion based on incomplete/missing information.......SMH
  17. Holy non-sequitur, Batman......or is this a story from Dr. Seuss? Either way, you have critical facts missing and the whole Sammy v. Zay thing is apples & oranges, errr......fruits & vegetables.
  18. Did not hear Sal say that either - detailed take by him earlier this AM
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