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Everything posted by flmike

  1. HC is very important, but for the Bills OC will be even bigger, since we don't have an established QB.
  2. But Brandon said that continuity is so important!
  3. Max is so good, he can figure it out in a millisecond!
  4. OK, for as long as Springsteen has been touring, he doesn't need to tell the band. That's not terribly unusual for some jazz groups, for example. Especially for the drummer who doesn't even need to worry about what key it's in! Oh yeah, the thread. Bye Marrone. I never had a good feeling about your approach to the team. I strongly suspected that the high school offense was your doing. How on earth can you take 5 professional offensive lineman and make them into such a bad line?
  5. Why the love for Cowher? He's been out of the trenches for ages. Let him keep reading his TV copy. Reich is a big gamble. Ryan might be good, but I can't get over the horror show the Jets were this year. A good HC doesn't let things get that bad.
  6. Let me also say "Good riddance" . I fully believe the hot steaming mess of an offense was his fault. Time to hire someone who knows which end is up on an NFL team.
  7. What about drafting a good DE and letting Hughes go?
  8. Exactly. HOW did you get to 9-7 this year? Lots of indicators suggest that this record is the top floor, not a step on the staircase. If you saw lots of promising things that will benefit from more time, then great, but if you saw big problems that could sabatoge any progress, then not so great.
  9. 1990-91 was the most exciting year to watch the Bills. The Giants were the one team they should have beaten. In fact they sowed the seeds of their own loss by knocking out Simms in the regular season.
  10. I have to side with the non-playoff-caliber comments. The Bills benefited from a very soft NFC schedule (although no one saw the implosion of the NFC North at the beginning of the season). Their AFC record says all you need to know about how they are as a team, which is still not close. Our D was good this year, but not all the time. Sure, too much was asked from them, but they gave out at inopportune times, especially against the run. It was nice to go into December with a chance, but it wasn't real hope, now, was it? If they took care of business against KC and Miami (or just held serve in their own stadium!), things would have been different. Hey, you lose to bad teams on the road sometimes. Remember the 90s Bills? They occasionally laid a stinker in Indianapolis or somewhere. You have to win enough games to survive that sort of thing. I don't like the offensive plan this team has (which I still don't understand). The D has some great talent and can be good enough, but Schwartz is no genius, either. He just has better tools and doesn't make unforced errors like Marrone (whom I believe has been in charge of the offense). I really don't expect the team to be better next year if we keep the staff and the same basic players.
  11. Has anyone considered that our likely "best" record in a decade is due to a really soft NFC schedule? I would rather look at the hideous AFC record we have and the fact that we let the Raiders, Chiefs, and Dolphins beat us. We live in the AFC East with Brady. We need to really improve to have any chance. Marrone is not the answer. We can keep him around but all that will do is cause our good defensive players to bail in free agency.
  12. Someone posted a while back that the blocking schemes seemed to be "Pop Warner" style. If that's true, then those guys had no chance.
  13. It's so hard to say. Is it the talent on the offense or the coaching/preparation? Look at Belichek. Who was he before he had 2 great QBs? OTOH, a good staff would have figured out a way to make the best with what we have, even on the fly. They have misused EJ and the O-line players. We have some good men on that line and they are not being given a chance.
  14. At least the Bengals would be fairly new. Just be glad its not the 70s. Same teams every year because once you built an awesome team, you could ride it w/o worrying about Free Agency. I stopped watching football for a while because I didn't want to see only the Raiders and Cowboys (or Steelers and Fish).
  15. If Marrone takes the blame for the offense, then he should also take the fall for it. There is some talent there and he has completely misused it.
  16. Amazing how many people like Romo. Cowboy fans diss on him all the time. I don't seem to recall the SB he played in .....
  17. Yeah, the Detroit time will haunt him. Good for us.
  18. Bleh... Finally got a good uniform and ruined it.
  19. Give the OP a break. He's not saying the offense is good, just better than some have said. I don't think anyone believes that it is a playoff caliber offense. With 44 posts, it obviously was a discussion point, not an excuse. I won't be upset if the Bills change QB and OC next year, even HC. I hate to imagine it, but we are likely to lose some good D players who don't see a good team emerging in the years they have left.
  20. The HOF QB's all hated losing more than anything in the world. They mostly came from programs that were winners (the idea of drafting for pure potential is kind of silly) and they had a knack for making everyone around them better. Rare birds, but that's what you look for. You can't teach accuracy, pocket instinct, and the ability to read a defense (although different at the pro level, it transfers).
  21. Well, let's see how all those teams do in the bowl games.
  22. One also has to consider the conference he plays in. I don't think Oregon has been tested yet this year.
  23. Yeah, if I'm Winston, I play baseball. Fewer chances of losing your mind to concussions. If he wants to play football, he probably needs to stay in college another year to work out some issues.
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