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Everything posted by timba

  1. I would prefer we don't setup another QB to fail. Lets finish off the O-Line before throwing away another pick on a QB.
  2. The Crypt Keeper http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/extramust...rypt.Keeper.jpg http://www.billsdaily.com/images/06pics/jauronhs.jpg
  3. Edwards has been cold the past few weeks. Fitz hasn't really looked good but he's making plays at the right time. The turnovers have definitely been a huge help, no question about it, but Fitz has been putting it in the endzone and TE hasn't.
  4. Definitely on one of the passes he received yesterday. He managed to catch the ball even though the defender had his hand on it all the way to the ground.
  5. I don't see any breakout game coming this year. I believe that he is looking ahead to next year, and the numbers he puts up are not going to be the deciding matter for what team he gets on. He just needs to behave himself and he'll be set for next year. I expect to continue to see between 7 and 12 plays go TO's way a game. Expect a couple drops, a couple catches he has no business making, and a couple missed opportunities deep.
  6. Awesome, the dude can make tackles. That's what the D is supposed to do. Lots of tackles does not mean he's a great LB. Teams are targeting his area of the field because they can move him 5 yards back before he chases down the back from behind. The large amount of tackles also tells a tale about our D, mostly that it can't get off the field.
  7. The word you are looking for is 'opportunistic.' The pass D (safeties) have been making good plays on balls that have been tipped or overthrown. Byrd in particular has been in the right place at the right time. It's possible to consider this luck, but it has been happening too often. I believe it is more his ability to read how the play is developing and putting himself in the right position. He seems to have very good instincts and can actually catch!
  8. The offense remained inconsistent today. The only touchdowns were off of the opportunistic interceptions by Byrd. Several 3 and outs. Lee seemed to appear from nowhere in the second half while TO had his usual Buffalo game (8 or so passes his way, a couple drops, a couple missed opportunities deep). Neither back could get anything going. The line looked bad. Most noticeably on the edges. The Defense had another Rocky Balboa-esque performance. Took a beating up and down the field but held up towards our end of the field. Again, the interceptions by Byrd were major plays for the Bills. The D was helped by consistent minor injuries to Williams and Stewart as well as Delhomme making some questionable throws at times. D Line had a few sacks but nothing in the semblance of consistent pressure. Got killed on a couple 4th downs on Carolina's TD drive. Special teams looked good except for the last Lindell Kickoff. Very good coverage by Jenkins and Wendling. Solid returning by Freddy J.
  9. "it's hard to throw to wide receivers in the nfl"
  10. "After trying plastic I figured paper was the way to go."
  11. The head injury thing will be leading to Fitz starting the next game or two. I really hope Edwards watches closely. While Fitz definitely isn't an answer at qb, he will at least show that having some faith in your receivers will lead to some big plays.
  12. They're so bad they lost at losing Glad we got the win! I'm still not optimistic about us seeing too many more, so I'm going to try to enjoy this win (A DIVISION WIN!). FU JESTS! GO BILLS!
  13. The biggest rushes came when the backs cut back across the line (not where the play was designed to go). The opposite side DE's were crashing on the line instead of keeping contain. Williams has been in the backfield all year and has been doing a very good job.
  14. I distinctly remember him catching one screen pass and carrying a dude a couple yards. The official line is wrong.
  15. If Edwards is the problem Fitz isn't the solution. He played his role and helped the team win. Still only had 16 points from the offense and that's from a six pick game from the defense. That was the difference in this game, the D.
  16. I thought they said he was up to six after this game. Royal may be a decent blocker but he killed SO MANY drives dropping the ball that it overshadows his blocking skills.
  17. For a couple hours, yeah. It's nice to be able to see the team you root for win once in a while. I'm pretty sure that's the idea. WE WON A DIVISION GAME! Byrd had a good game in the pass D, but there is much room for improvement in his run D. Overall I'm happy with how he performed today.
  18. Fitz played his role perfectly. Came into the game when the starter went down and did enough to help get the win.
  19. It's an amazing thing when you throw the ball to a WR! On another note, when did Lee start running slants?
  20. What about that pass to Nelson up the seam? That's a pretty ballzy throw and he put it in a position where Nelson was able to make a GREAT catch.
  21. I'm kind of curious... what about Jauron makes him an excellent coach? Is it the gross misuse of timeouts in ANY situation? Perhaps his ability to instill discipline into his troops so they don't have double digit penalties called by halftime? Maybe his studious halftime adjustments that allow him to out coach those big name teams like the Tampa Bay Bucs? No... it's his decisive nature that allows us to switch offensive coordinators days before the season starts.
  22. While I definitely don't contribute all of his down year to his age, it still doesn't help. He also seems to have a really bad case of the 'dropsies' this year. I know he's always had a problem hanging onto the ball, but his catch:drop ratio really stinks. Maybe it's just because he's a Bill now and I see him play more often. Regardless he's lost a step, can't hold onto the ball, and still brings the TO baggage that he's always brought. MAYBE we could get a fourth for him, I just don't think of any teams that would go out on the limb for him.
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