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Everything posted by timba

  1. I seem to remember hearing 'don't worry about the offense' last preseason after the starting unit couldn't score a touchdown. It still remained a theme the entire year. After last year, and all the years before, I reserve the right to be as critical of preseason performances as I please.
  2. I could just be way too pessimistic to recall the good, but I'm glad it's there. I hope to see more of what you describe than what I remember! We pessimists need balance from the optimists to remind us it's not all dark and dreary. If I came off as attacking you personally at all I do apologize. It is much easier to discuss when you're not attacking or being attacked by the person you're talking with. I can't fault anybody who enjoys football and specifically the Bills as much as I do, even if our opinions differ.
  3. I agree that he's a good pass rusher and I agree that just being around a QB isn't a pressure. When your QB is getting up off the ground more often than not, he's being pressured.
  4. The game I watched was Friday vs. Washington. I haven't rewatched the game but I know I was not impressed. He was the one playing LT correct? What I recall seeing was him getting decent initial contact but guys being able slide off and get around him on the outside.
  5. Alright, maybe consistent wasn't the right word but it was more often than it should. I won't excuse the poor play but I do accept your reasoning.
  6. Stop making it harder to come up with excuses please. Thanks
  7. Meredith started off on the left and was beat consistently from that side. I watched him specifically and he was the cause of a lot of pressure. If Chambers is truly so awful he shouldn't be playing. Howard I have no critique of and wasn't really focusing on.
  8. I was very happy with the run blocking. It was the pass blocking that disturbed me. If it becomes a one dimensional offense other teams will just start stacking the box.
  9. Two of the three people who replaced them actually started multiple games for us last year. No excuse.
  10. Reggie was a step off on a number of plays. Easily correctable with repetitions in the system and not uncommon in the first preseason game.
  11. From what Chan said he was going to run a lot of two back sets with Lynch and Jackson but unfortunately those early injuries really stalled that plan. I'm not upset with what the offense was trying to do as much as I am upset with how they were doing it. 1/10 on third down conversions. You'll never win like that.
  12. Indeed the line is the key! People seem to be throwing around the sacks stat as if it means everything. Nobody can tell me you didn't see our QB's running for their lives in that first preseason game. How many stats did the Skins have? zero. Tons of pressure. All game except for the first drive and towards the end of the game. I guess it's just a coincidence that during that time the offense looked alright. We may have been running with most of our backup O-line, but we all know that Kirk Chambers has seen some pretty significant time the last couple years and Meredith got more than his feet wet last year. If these are the guys on the roster then they had better be able to perform. No excuses.
  13. It was definitely the first preseason game, and hopefully the team only gets better from here. By the end of the first quarter, I found myself saying 'God they're getting Trent killed already." I was watching Meredith at LT for most of the offensive possessions and he was getting beat consistently. Bell had better be a huge upgrade or else it will be a familiar theme through the season. The QB play reaffirmed what I saw last year. With good blocking Trent is the more consistent QB. With poor blocking Fitzgerald has more of an ability to make something happen. I liked what I saw from the running game, so I really hope they stick with that more often than passing. I liked what I saw from Steve Johnson, David Nelson, and Naaman Roosevelt. I was hoping to see Marcus Easley get some time. How come he wasn't suited up? The defense started off strong, but were getting gassed pretty quick due to the offensive 3 and outs. I'd like to see our big three stand up blockers a bit better. Saw lineman sliding off and getting to the second level fairly easily. Still didn't see much of a pass rush. Maybin still looks like a boy playing with men. The Skins QBs had plenty of time to wait for the open receiver. I'd like to see how Arthur Moats does next game. He was a step behind on a bunch of plays, and I think once he reacts instead of thinking then reacting he'll be fine. I liked Dontes big hit on Cooley, but was kind of disappointed by his cockiness afterwards. Not because it wasn't a good hit, but Cooley still caught the ball for a pretty decent gain... he didn't prevent the completion so why celebrate? Once Reggie Corner finds his rhythm he'll grab a few picks. There were still many costly penalties on both sides of the ball. That needs to get cleaned up just like it did last year. Still have a ridiculous number of injuries and again had a bunch of guys go out during the game. Both the offense and defense were plain BAD on third down. The team won't go anywhere if it can't convert on third down and the defense on the field the whole game.
  14. BLASPHEMER! We actually did need to address the WR position. The guy has the physical traits but only started showing production in his senior year. CBS has him rated at the 13th best WR and NFL.com has him rated at 5.'something low'. From what I'm reading I feel like it was a bit of a reach, but I can't complain with addressing another need.
  15. It may be rage induced due to Steve Young interrupting him all night.
  16. The Bills picked up a true offensive threat that needs to be planned for. I'm going to try to be optimistic and hope he's like Chris Johnson running the ball and Reggie Bush catching the ball. Just because we didn't address any of our major needs at 9 doesn't mean there aren't still talented players at those positions still available. I do NOT know how Nix can say they still have no plan on moving Marshawn. He's problematic off the field, taking up cap space, losing play time, and could be turned into draft picks so we can keep addressing our need positions.
  17. Take one drink whenever somebody says: 'On the clock' 'War room' 'High character guy' 'High motor guy' 'Intangibles' 'Upside' 'Work Ethic' calling a pick a 'reach' when the Bills are mentioned outside of their draft slot Take two drinks whenever: Somebody talks about the Big Ben suspension/scandal The Dolphins Pick The Pat* Pick The Jets Pick When a clip of Jets fans booing at previous draft picks are shown Finish your beer when: The BILLS PICK! Tim Tebow is picked (x12 if picked by the bills) Just what I've though of so far. Additions?
  18. So what exactly has occurred that should create optimism?
  19. While it would definitely be a good move for the Bills, it would be an awful move for Warner. He'd be going from a playoff contender to a bottom of the division team. He'd go from a mediocre line to a not so good line, which is a bad move for a guy with concussion issues. He'd go from a receiving trio of Fitzgerald, Boldin, Breaston to Evans, Hardy, Johnson. He's at the end of his career and if he comes back, won't be looking at a rebuilding effort. I like the idea of him being a Bill, I just can't envision any reason why he'd come here.
  20. When a franchise quarterback is available, you definitely take them. That doesn't mean you start them right away. Especially in the Bills situation. You don't want to ruin the kids confidence before he gets a chance to grasp the nfl game. Finish off the O-line and bring in a veteran qb to teach him the ropes.
  21. You draft the franchise QB if he's available but you don't start him until you have a line that can protect him.
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