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Everything posted by timba

  1. For every QB that can perform without a decent o-line, there are much more that can't. We can look at the past several Bills QB's for that example. A good O-Line can also get you to the big show. Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Rex Grossman heck Neil O'Donnell even got there. None of them are great QB's by any means in fact I would classify them as serviceable.
  2. No matter who the QB is, they will not perform BETTER with a bad OL. There are definitely QB's in the league that CAN perform with a poor OL (Peyton Manning, Big Ben, Tom Brady, Drew Brees), but they cannot make the line play better. Unless we are picking up a VET like one of those guys, the line needs to be addressed first. You DO NOT see rookies come in, with awful lines and be successful. The rookies you see coming in being successful are on teams that have decent lines. Yes, that does include Joe Flacco and Matt Ryan.
  3. Just because we don't know the plan doesn't mean there isn't one.
  4. Edwards has hit a point each season where he has taken enough abuse and he gets it in his head that the hit is coming. Just look at the trend: both of the last two years Trent's strongest performances have been in the first few weeks of the season (aside from last years anomaly in KC). Is that a knock on Edwards or the line? The line is definitely NOT GOOD and has been a hindrance to the offense. That being said, Trent needs to be able to shake the big hit and have faith that the guys around him will/can do their jobs. There is plenty of blame to go around.
  5. Lori: Don't be TOO broken up. The guy is bringing in some serious cash. I was at work taking lunch. Jumped on TSW and saw the post. I gave my dad a call to let him know the good news.
  6. Having Jauron did nothing to help the team, so there won't be anything lost with him gone. It also lets them go and start interviewing people. Get a good grasp of the people they're interested and hopefully get one that will truly fit. It is also a means to appease the extremely PO'd fans who have been calling for Jaurons head since the end of last year.
  7. That all sounds somewhat familiar. I do recognize the name and remember the success he had in college, but that doesn't mean he'll be successful in the nfl. That being said, I like the move. No reason not to give a guy who had so much potential in college a shot. Can't be worse than what we have and we haven't dedicated tons of resources getting the guy. Good move.
  8. You don't think he'd switch things up a bit moving into a different league? Come now KollegeStudnet, lets keep this above the belt.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying either guy should be a long term starter. I'm just saying I can understand why the decision to play Fitz over Trent makes more sense even though Trent may have more overall talent. Edit: Also, they share the same weakness of an O-Line which can't effectively handle a pass rush.
  10. In all fairness to Fitz AND Trent, the longer you're behind a line where you have to watch your back, the more it gets in your head. These guys are running around out there trying not to get killed. The only difference is Fitz has still tried to make throws to WIN the game where Trent would always take the sure fire 2 yard play. For example, (I believe this was against the Panthers) the TD pass to Evans where it was a slant in the end zone between 2 defenders. Tight fit, but it was the kind of throw you want to see from your QB.
  11. The Senator: I'm on board. The dude has passion for the game (something I never saw in Jauron) and will DEFINITELY be entertaining in the post game interviews. The Bills haven't had success getting former head coaches or coordinators either, so I really don't know why they should avoid college coaches. "But Spurrier and Carrol!" Yeah, and Weis had problems going the other way. Evaluate the guy on who he is, not who they were.
  12. http://www.nfl.com/draft/history/fulldraft...mp;round=round1
  13. It's really hard to keep a head coaching job in the NFL. He must not have seen it coming on account of the too cool for school shades.
  14. Is the offense going to line up 10 yards off the ball too?
  15. Hey Tim, I see upgrades NEEDED at both OT positions, DT, OLB, and QB. OT - Neither edge of the line has been reliable all season. Do you see Bell progressing enough to actually be a reliable starter next season? If Butler can stay healthy is he more likely to stay at T or move back to G? DT - Last in the league against the run and that starts up front. I've been more than satisfied with Williams' play this season but I think we need a beefier guy up there to absorb more blockers. QB - I don't see the long term solution currently on the roster. Should an early pick address this situation or an experienced vet? If there is no O-Line improvement I feel like it would be a setup for a young player to fail where an experience vet would handle pressure around him a bit better. OLB - There is no depth at this position, and while Ellison has been a tackling machine it hasn't been anything meaningful. In fact none of the LB's have been impact players. Would getting a hard nosed, take no $*&^ player here make as much of an impact as I think he will? Aside from the obvious need to change the Buffalo regime and bring in a winning culture, what is THE biggest need area for the Bills? -Timba
  16. While I can see where you're coming from, there are only a handful of those qb's to be had. They are very hard to find and i'm not convinced we have the people in place to identify those individuals. I think it's more practical to solidify your line to have a balanced offense, where you don't necessarily have to rely on your qb all the time. It creates an environment where you can put a young qb in there, minimize his mistakes, and allow him to develop. I'll definitely give it to ya, nothing beats having that qb that can find a way to win in the 4th no matter what the situation (GO PEYTON! FU BRADY!), but having the entire offense rely on one guy having a good or bad game is risky at best. I don't believe Peyton could do what he did against the Patriots even 3 years ago. It has taken him time to get where he is now.
  17. Any quarterback, regardless of who it is, preforms better with a decent O-Line. True there are a handful of qb's that can perform behind a poor line, but they are very few in number. The Bills need to focus on solidifying their O-Line so they can make an adequate qb look good, a good qb look great, or a great qb a superstar.
  18. I would consider the better draft position a consolation prize to a win. I'd rather we beat those @#$%ing Titans!
  19. I was watching some of the classic bills games on you tube. I saw Kelly command his offense like Peyton Manning, buy time in the pocket like Big Ben, and throw the ball like Carson Palmer. Not really an answer to the topic, but the guy could play qb... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgmoX_FcT3Q...feature=related
  20. Your attempt to dissuade me of my poor usage of grammar and spelling is fruitless. My time is precious and cannot, nay, will not be spent correcting blatant errors the likes of which a middle school child could identify. Since this is an Internet forum where any arrogant, ignorant fool is allowed to spew from their blow hole, I will be one of those arrogant, ignorant fools.
  21. I'd take Addai and Moats. The Dallas D has been stepping it up and Willie Parker is seeing the field less and less. I have a running back predicament of my own! Frank Gore vs. Chicago Pierre Thomas vs. St. Louis Ricky Williams vs. Tampa Bay I'm thinking Gore and Thomas: Gore because he always has the potential to put up big numbers and Thomas because he's a primary back and is used a lot in both the passing game and the running game. But then there's Williams, a secondary back on a primarily running team, going against Tampa. TAMPA!
  22. Before I read the article, my guess is Sorry! Yeah I was wrong... fun read though!
  23. Vick is definitely a skilled player, but as a person is a POS. He may have paid his debt to society, but I don't believe he deserves the right to make millions of dollars again. I SEE him doing the right things, but I think he's doing them for the wrong reason. I see him as a person who's sorry that he got caught, not a person who's sorry that he did it.
  24. We really haven't been playing musical chairs with our qb's... Edwards is hurt so the backup is playing. Maybe he's talking about the Browns instead? Or maybe he's just being a good coach and is trying to keep some stability at the most important position on offense.
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