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Everything posted by timba

  1. I just don't see it. An aging prima donna who is having an unproductive year. They had an opportunity for him in the offseason when they wouldn't have to get rid of any picks or players. What would you want for him?
  2. If nobody wanted TO in the offseason, why would they give up anything for him now?
  3. I voted McKelvin because of the long term implications. The second year for any position is crucial towards development and if we want to hang in the afc east (with the receivers in this division), his continued progress is key. For just the season itself, Butler. He had the most experience on the line and was solid while he was in there. I believe we have more success so far this season with him in there.
  4. Discipline comes from the coaching staff. Young players DO sometimes still make mistakes, but having double digit penalties by the second half is ridiculous. That definitely falls on the coaching staff, including Jauron.
  5. Good to great QB's will STILL make plays despite their O-Line play. Rothlesberger, Rogers, Rivers are all examples that have been provided here. Trent is definitely not in the same league is these guys. He is a QB that NEEDS protection or he's just not going to produce... anything. We had solid protection for the first two games. Trent looked decent in those games. The biggest problem last game was the penalties. It was 3rd and short a number of times and the line would jump. 3rd and 3 vs. 3rd and 8 is a HUGE difference. That comes down to discipline that the coaching staff should be instilling into the team. I would LOVE to be able to spend our first pick next year grabbing a new QB with a lot of promise, but if we don't fix our coaching and O-Line problems first I don't expect to see much change. You don't find guys like the above mentioned very often. The safest way to progress is to get a competent front office and decent coaching staff. Then work on the O-line. I still like the looks of Wood and Levitre, but would like improvement at the other three positions.
  6. It was enough for Evans to get me a single point in fantasy... joy. Favorite play? I was fairly entertained by our gunner getting a call on him for being ineligible downfield. Then when the refs realized they botched it they added another guy as ineligible.
  7. Guys have good games and bad games. Whoever seems 'on' for a particular game should get a brunt of the work. This game Lynch looked pretty solid to me and Jackson seemed to be getting taken down earlier than I'm used to seeing. It could be completely different next week. Regardless, the staff needs to recognize early who the go to guy that game is.
  8. I don't feel like you're giving the tackles enough credit. I didn't hear any negativity on the board about Butlers performance (normally this boards focus) and while Bell had several mental mistakes (penalties) he was performing pretty well for a guy who was tossed into the LT position without a game under his belt. We had a very small sample size of what they could do. Yes, it was against a NE team that was trying to get their feet under them and pathetic looking Bucs team; so why not wait and see how they perform against decent teams instead of our backups?
  9. I'm glad i'm not listening to Mike and Mike... I couldn't handle Greeny's unnatural satchel attention of the Jets. This does improve the Jets talent wise, but they still have a rookie QB who is going to have problems over the course of the season.
  10. Where were you until both of our starting tackles were injured? The line was looking very good until both Butler and Bell went down. So yeah, when we have our starters in I'm a fan. We need some more depth. I will agree with you that I'd like Peters over Chambers and Scott.
  11. - Same old story as far as pass coverage goes. Our guys stand back 10 yards, let them run routes underneath. Some actual coverage would be pretty cool once in a while. - Haven't seen the D gashed up the middle like that for a long while now... and it was the same lame wildcat play each time. - I lost count of how many times the tackles straight up whiffed on blocks. The screen game is nowhere near it was w/o Bell in there. - Trent was staring down whatever receiver he wanted to throw to. If it was there he threw a hard to catch ball and if it wasn't he went to the well covered checkdown man. There were several occassions where he could have taken off for 5-10 yards but dumped it off for a gain of 1 or 2. - The running game really wasn't all that improved with the ML/FJ combo. Freddy did indeed look better when he was on the field. - I now remember why Wendling doesn't play on D. - Jauron lost the shades so we can be inspired by that lost look in his face.
  12. The difference between TO answering the same questions that Trent, Freddy, Lee, and Jauron did, is that it's TO. Everything he says (or doesn't say) is analyzed under a microscope and taken in it's most negative connotation. If it comes down to hearing TO give these lame responses or TO giving his true opinion and then have media outlets spin the thing, I'd rather hear nothing at all.
  13. Serves the Pats* right! Way to be RR, using bellicheats own methods on him.
  14. The Bills were definitely one of those things my old man got amped about too! Can't blame you for having love for the juice for his football prowess.
  15. I don't understand how the Pats* are still in the top 10 on some of these things. They squeaked by the Bills and got shown up by the Jests. Have not looked like a top 10 team this year...
  16. Thank god you got that Dolphin thing out of your system Yeah I work with one of those... I've been making fun of him all week for losing to Chicago That's some dedication, having tapes sent to you so you could watch! These last three Monday Night games have been particularly brutal.
  17. How could you stand being left behind?! I've only read stuff about the teams from back in the day. I would love to have seen some of those guys play. That makes me feel guilty as I've only actually been to a handfull of games. My first was a Bills-Phins game at Rich Stadium (so early 90's) where the Bills happened to get a good smacking. I was sitting in THE top row with a bunch of my family. My family included my 80 something year old great grandmother who didn't give a crap that she had to walk up the stairs cause she wanted to see her Bills! The most recent game I was at was the Bills-Skins game from a couple season ago (in Washington) and we won with the Lindell field goal. It's really funny when you're one of 5 Bills fans in a section and you're the only one willing to get up and scream. There were a lot of pissed of Skins fans
  18. There are a lot of people from a lot of different backgrounds that support the Bills from these forums. How did you get started as a Bill fan and how long has it been? I'm definitely one of the 'young-ins' on the board. I have family from the Buffalo area and my Dad was a huge fan. I started getting into the team during the superbowl era (I was 4 during the Bills-Giants) and have been following them ever since. By elementary school I was defending them against all the kids who liked to say 'BILLS stands for Boy, I Love Losing Superbowls'. So what about you all?
  19. BLASPHEMY! Hoping for 5 TD's against us... (says the guy playing Colsten on his fantasy team).
  20. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-game-highlig...-vs-Chiefs-2008 vs. http://www.nfl.com/videos/buffalo-bills/09...3-Buccaneers-20 (at 0:21) In the first vid, Trent doesn't put too much under the ball and Lee is able to run under the ball in stride. It's just a little long but it's the kind of pass I'd rather see than in the first vid where Lee obviously has to slow up (you can see it when watching his feet) and the defenders then have a chance to make a play. He put it in the right place but just a step or two too late. Yeah, it's picky, but there's room for improvement!
  21. I was one of those who was very worried about this team after preseason. I realize preseason doesn't tell the story of the team, but seriously that was sad. Anyways, this is what I was wrong about. 1. Offensive Line - The line did not look very special during the preseason. Getting pushed up into Trent often and really not showing any 'gel'. I also thought it was too early for D-Bell and getting rid of LW was a mistake. So far this season the line has assisted in the Bills having the 5th ranked RB in yardage and the 4th ranked passer by rating. 2. Trent - He didn't show any signs that he had changed from last year. No deep passes at all, untimely mistakes, and almost disturbed in the pocket. So far he's tossed 2 td's in each of his first two games, helped put the team in a position to FINALLY beat those blasted Pats*, and has looked comfortable running the no-huddle. 3. Run D - It is essentially the same front seven as last year, and boy have they stepped it up. Kudo's go out to Kyle Williams and Ellison. Williams has been a menace to opposing O-lines and Ellison has been a tackling machine (27). Currently holding teams to under 70 yds/game on the ground. 4. Dick Jauron - I thought he was going to be completely lifeless on the sidelines for a fourth consecutive season, but did you see him against TB? The hoody and shades (even went the sun wasn't shining) and I think he even smiled once! So yeah... I've been wrong on these points so far. It's still early in the year, and I'd like to see how we do against some playoff caliber teams (NE has looked less than impressive so far and the Buc's... well yeah). This is all somewhat reminiscent of last year, Schonert had the offense scoring points and starting out with an impressive 5-1, so I'm not saying my 'hopes are up', but I do have hope! GO BILLS!
  22. He gave TO a bunch of trouble a couple years back on MNF. Always rooted for the guy but he can feel free to have an off day this Sunday
  23. True, but I expect no less from the Saints. Especially since our run D has been solid so far this year.
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