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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Steely = new Tom? Consider my mind blown.
  2. The judge had to dismiss a jury's ruling on this and issue a direct ruling. Glad a jury of my peers knows the law
  3. Is my libertarian middle school band teacher's prophecy coming true? Obama = Dubya?
  4. I always use weather.gov at home. At my job, we used weatherunderground.com because it has storm tracks (I worked at a country club). Weather.gov is usually pretty accurate, and I'm not disappointed.
  5. Oh quit with the BBcode mods already.
  6. And? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-...us-atheist.html
  7. Cooked, only because I've heard too many horror stories about salmonella from my father.
  8. My dad used the Fusion for a while, then switched to a Schick Quattro Titanium, which is what I use. We both use the Quattro now, and as far as I know are both happy with it.
  9. That article reminds me of a "Focus on the Family" pamphlet some conservative lobbyist gave me once.
  10. Some guy had one near a cafe I was in that was called, "IDareYou" He shouldn't have dared me.
  11. Alright! The yanks are coming! USA! All the way!
  12. You may be one of the most unproductive trolls I've ever seen.
  13. They're using the flip command for BBcode. I think it requires some modification in order for it to work.
  14. Nov. 18, 2001. If I remember correctly, Seattle kicked a game winning field goal as time expired. Refs missed a delay of game on that field goal I think. Still had fun though.
  15. College. In between classes. My late birthday fools many.
  16. In all seriousness, and I think it has been said numerous times already, a team that is only 2 or 3 wins away from the playoffs may look better to a high-profile coach.
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