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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Let's just hope and pray that he never has to be Terry Tate, Oval Office Linebacker
  2. Seriously though, what's the origins of this Obama kool-aid thing, and what does it even mean? Is it a reference to the cult that killed itself with poisoned kool-aid?
  3. Yeah, the fact that it still gets cold in October in New York means an overall climate change isnt happening...that's right My father is the lead forecaster for the Buffalo branch of the National Weather Service and he is absolutely convinced that the world's coastal cities are going to be completely underwater by the year 2050.
  4. Do you realize how much of a bully you come across as when you insult people this way? And you wonder why conservatives are thought of as intolerant? Instead of responding to legitimate questions, you just question peoples' manhood and disrespect them. Is it because you don't have answers?
  5. You're right, he isn't quite as bad anymore. Here's one time he paid for being a little weasel earlier on in his career
  6. You make a relatively good point about Obama (though I refuse to agree that Palin isn't dumb) But can we stop it with the "Obama kool-aid drinkers" thing? I don't know where the cliche came from, but IMO it's horribly overused.
  7. As long as it's through a peephole or something discreet
  8. So I take it you're not into necrophilia? Your loss
  9. I don't think anybody called the rivalry dead, did they? just suffering. And I don't know about you, but I see an awful lot of Viagra, Cialis, and FloMax ads...those are most definitely not targeted toward us young people.
  10. He's a blowhard and irritating, but for the most part I find myself largely agreeing on the core of the things he says. And he can be pretty funny at times. It's always great to see him rip into a Pacman Jones or a Manny Ramirez
  11. Haha you caught me... but I still believe what I said.
  12. I REALLY hope that the Bills and Dolphins are simultaneously dominant in the AFC at some point in the next 5-10 years. I'm getting sick of the Patriots and Colts being the "big rivalry". Remember the absolutely ridiculous hype their regular season game got last season? I'd like to see ESPN countdowns leading up to a Bills-Fins game on Monday Night. And I don't care if its blasphemous to wish that the Fins would do well, this is something that I want to see.
  13. He didn't knock Stround, just said Kyle Williams did a better job last Sunday. And in my opinion, it's an astute observation and one that most journalists wouldn't make (because they don't know who Williams is)
  14. If I might ask, why the double standard? If a male teacher sleeps with a student, he's a pedophile, monster, or pervert. When a woman does it, it's treated as a joke and the response is generally "Where were these teachers when I was in high school?", and people just generally gauge the teacher on hotness and decide if she was worthing banging. Now, this isn't the kind of story that enrages me, even if it was a male teacher (for the most part, I consider a 17 year old able to make their own decisions) but I just wanted to point out the double standard. In both cases, it's an experienced adult taking advantage of a child, in the eyes of the law.
  15. You criticized somebody for citing the Crusades but then you cite something which happened, I believe, primarily in the 9th century? Ok...
  16. Excuse me, but the burka is part of their religious beliefs. Women are not forced against their will to wear burkas, the great great majority do it because it represents their faith. Don't project our feminist values onto another culture just because you see their clothing as oppressive. It is part of who they are.
  17. I would not do anything about people that want me dead. I would not travel into their neck of the woods, where those people might actually kill me. And yes, I know you're going to respond with the people who died in September 11...but hey, on the absolutely miniscule microscopic chance that I am killed by an Islamic person while here in America, so be it. I had a nice run. Seriously, I am 100 times more likely to die in a car accident today than to be murdered by anybody, so why worry about people who might want you dead 5,000 miles away? I would not justify the death of thousands upon thousands of American and Iraqi troops and Iraqi civilians at the expense of killing a small faction that wants to cause destruction.
  18. They don't raise their voices in disapproval because those who raise a voice against the government in these theocracies/dictatorships are shot on sight.
  19. So you're one of those people huh? Joe McCarthy reincarnated...You take every statement that doesn't say "freedom ain't free" or "we have to protect ourselves and our families against the evil-doers" and you associate it with sympathizing with the enemy. Those tactics worked in the 50's but I like to believe that maybe people are most rational these days. I'd like to see an America where folks don't use fear as a tactic to tear people down.
  20. Those are two isolated and extreme cases. Of course I wouldn't want THOSE people to be President. But I also wouldn't want a Klan or Black Panthers member to be President. There are extreme examples in every race. My point was that it's wrong for this person the OP brought up to use the word "Muslim" as if it's some racial slur and that we should be afraid of them.
  21. That may be true in the Muslim world, but I'm sure it would be a different case if you're dealing with an American born person of Muslim descent. Your behavior is determined by the culture you grew up with, not the ethnicity you are. Muslims do not have a genetic quality which makes them more religiously zealous.
  22. So we should kill all radical Muslims? How about radical Christians who parade around saying we should nuke the entire Middle East and rid the world of the heathen scum? Should we find and kill all of them too?
  23. Some people in this country just drive me insane. Denouncing Barack for being a Muslim is a good way to simultaneously show that you are both ignorant and intolerant. It proves you know nothing about the candidate and that you think a person being Muslim is a bad thing, as if it would be wrong to vote a person of Muslim or Arab descent to be president.
  24. +1 And it's a great feeling isn't it? But yeah, if that best available player is a DE, it's definitely a plus.
  25. The Flyers look absolutely pathetic this year. Though not as big of a train wreck as the Lightning. I hope that d-bag Barry Melrose doesn't come crawling back to ESPN after his can gets fired.
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