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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I'm saying I was exaggerating my points because I like to argue when I get bored, which is what I was in class. I'm really not as big of a bleeding heart liberal as I was coming across as.
  2. Haha I won't even be making $50,000, as I intend to go into sports writing/broadcasting, which will mean a pretty long time with low salary, or perhaps an entire career with low salary if I never make it big. Plus, my parents aren't helping too much with the cost, so I'll be in debt up to my eyeballs, but theoretically better for the college experience...and an Ivy League education does open a lot of doors so I don't regret the decision. The apartment I live in now is $490 a month, and the one my friends and I are looking at for next year is $517, so I guess we're finding bargains.
  3. That's true but IMO you don't disrespect the Super Bowl champ with a low ranking until they seriously show you something to doubt them about. We'll see what happens when they hit the meat of their divisional schedule. The same can be said for us.
  4. Thanks for the link, it was a good interview. He is probably one of the more likable players in the NFL. For a young QB of a 5-1 team, success is not going to his head AT ALL. That's a credit to both Trent and Dick Jauron. Combine Trent's physical skills, intelligence, youth, and personality and you've got a QB that probably makes every other team jealous of the Bills.
  5. And since I've been showed up, I guess I'll admit that sometimes I just like to be a douchebag and exaggerate my argument for the sake of exacerbation. I still disagree with absolutely everything murra has said so far, but am I REALLY going to give 70% of my income to charity? nah Though I am more charitable than your average student. Apologies. Seriously though, chickenwing, I give you props for seeing through some of my bull sh--.
  6. I go to Cornell. Hoist by my own pitard, perhaps? Anyway, that is a good point, and I'm man enough to admit when somebody has properly called me out. But I'm being honest when I say that I go here because I think it gives me the best chance to pursue what I'm going after in a career, not because I'd like to make more money.
  7. First, I'm a what? a protege liberal student? Whose protege am I? And of course you're just resorting to your conservative buzzwords like "undermining family values" and "those who work hard" (in reference to those who make money) There are those who don't do a lick of work all day and still make 6 figures and there are those barely scraping by who do 60 hours of manual labor a week. You just assume that all poor people are lazy and could be making loads of money if they just tried harder. Not true. And the whole family values thing? Maybe those are your values, but not mine. Why do you treat family values as if it's something that's supposed to be universally agreed upon. And I'm sure that if I'm brainwashed, you are just as brainwashed as me, but from people of the conservative perspective. I interact with both liberals and conservatives on a daily basis and for the most part I tend to agree with the liberals. I don't see how that's brainwashing. And regarding the election. No, I'm not an Obama supporter, I was a Bill Richardson supporter. But the country CANNOT continue down the same war monger oil hungry bullsh*t path that it's on, and McCain is so much more likely to do that. This is a football site, so consider this football comparison. You've just fired your head coach and need a replacement. The team is 0-5 and needs to rebound quickly if it's got a shot. Do you hire a coach who is going to enact the same exact play calling and philosophy as the last one, or do you shake things up? I'm not saying Obama will be perfect, but he'll be better than just having more of the same.
  8. Answer me honestly here. If there was a black guy wearing, let's say, a Matt Cassel mask, would you have posted this? Maybe the guy is a Randy Moss fan and chose to show it in this way. How about a white guy that likes Jimi Hendrix a lot? What if he gets a tattoo depicting Jimi? Is that racist?
  9. And John McCain (voting with Bush 90% of the time) has given us enough reason to believe that he will continue America on the horrible path that we've beem set on. The country is foundering and, fact is, it IS time for a change.
  10. So now with that "I mean to belittle you" comment, it's fair for me to call you an as*hole. And you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say the $250,000 earner SHOULD feel guilty, I said I'm suprised he doesn't feel guilty more often. And you're using Glenn Beck and Fox News (two sources with some incredibly right-wing spin) as sources? Find something a little more impartial please. And all Obama said in that debate is that the insanely rich ought to be paying higher taxes than their secretaries. And you can go ahead and save up for your family, but I'm afraid that I don't exactly fall for the dedication to the nuclear family thing. That's not to say I won't have a wife and kids (it's a very useful social institution), but I feel that a lot of people use the well being of their family as an excuse to hoard wealth. That's just the feeling I get. Yeah, you have to look out for your family, but given the choice of legitimately helping another human being and giving my kids a larger inheritance, I choose the former. And hey don't debate with me if you don't want, it doesn't really make a difference to me, but I entered into this thing trying to have a thought provoking conversation and you just wanted to strong arm me and make me sound like an idiot. Sounds a lot like most right wingers.
  11. As long as you were married to her before you killed her
  12. Gash, you are the racist here because you're setting the double standard between black and white. So showing up to a Bills game wearing a Trent Edwards mask is ok, but showing up wearing a Marshawn Lynch mask isn't? That's what I call racist.
  13. So a little while back, Jags receiver Matt Jones was busted for possession of cocaine. His crime constituesa maximum of 10 years in prison, but now it looks like all he will be receiving is a 3 game suspension from the NFL. Yet another athlete not having to face justice. Imagine if you got caught doing coke and your punishment was not having to go to work for 3 weeks. Ridiculous. As long as you're good enough at a sport, you can do coke, beat your wife, and murder people without ever paying. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3654599
  14. You definitely have a point here, but the trouble is that most people don't even use their right to vote a bad politician out of office. Members of the House of Representatives have a 94% success rate when they run for reelection, because people tend to vote for name recognition even if the guy/gal is doing a horrible job in office. The majority of people stay too ignorant about their local/national representatives to even know they are doing a bad job.
  15. Thank you! Anybody who took 8th grade government knows that, but every day you hear about "American democracy" and "spreading democracy". I don't vote for anything this country does, only for the people who make those decisions. Andin most cases, I'm only given two choices. Those who think America puts power in the hands of the people wears blinders.
  16. And one more thing, the presidential election is a perfect example of how we don't live in a democracy and how the power is really not in the hands of the people. You said yourself that you're really not a McCain supporter, and you clearly dislike Obama. And yet, those are the only two people legitimately vying for the position! Does that sound like democracy to you? Being force fed two politicians? Or maybe four candidates who stand a legit chance if you include the primary process. Imagine a restaurant where the waitress approaches you and says "This is the greatest restaurant in the world because you can order literally anything in the world that you want. That's right, anything in the world, it is completely your decision. In fact, we should do everything possible to make sure that every restaurant has this policy. Now, we're out of everything except the Cheeseburger and Spaghetti." Those who dislike both candidates do NOT have their voices heard.
  17. Hahaha I'm in class right now, I just prefer going on TBD over listening to this blowhard prof. Anyway, your statement about the middle class just shows the arrogance of the middle and upper class. "I work hard for my money, it shouldn't be taken away so that lazy poor people can have it" You just assume that money is tied to working hard. How about the kid whose dad left before he was born and whose mom works 60 hours a week but who still can't make ends meet. That kid has to start working to support himself probably at the age of 14 or 15, he probably isn't receiving a good education at his poorly funded school, and he probably won't go to college for both of those reasons, and he might end up making pretty much close to minimum wage his entire life. It's a viscious cycle and anybody who just hides behind "the middle and upper class shouldn't be punished" clearly isn't in touch with the struggles of the lower class. Barack Obama (I wholeheartedly agree, not a good candidate for president) wants to increase taxes on those making more than $250,000 a year. How does that hurt those people? Maybe they can't afford that in-ground pool anymore? If I ever end up making that much money, I will GLADLY give 70% of it away to charity because the feeling of helping your fellow man is better than having possessions IMO. You only need a certain amount of money to live comfortably, and I'm surprised more people don't feel guilty about saving up for that brand new BMW while others suffer needlessly. People who make that much money don't necessarily work harder, they just work at jobs which require a higher skill level, skills they probably learned at college, which they probably went to because their middle or upper class parents could afford it. It is all a cycle, and it is not easy to change your social class from generation to generation. I'm confident that I would not be sitting in class right now if I had gone to an inner city Buffalo school instead of a school in the 'burbs. And give me some examples of Obama's "fascination with socialist policies". I get the feeling you're being a little extreme about that. And one more thing, do not belittle me by saying things like "you're probably going to ignore most of what I said..." I'm trying to have a frank discussion but if you're not going to take me seriously about it, then there's no point.
  18. Well... 1. We don't actually live in a democracy. We live in a republic. If America were a democracy then the voting public, not congressmen, would vote on creating legislation and passing bills. In a democracy, the people make decisions. In a republic, the people decide on other people who will make decisions for them. That's us. 2. Socialism is not the oppositie of democracy, it's the opposite of capitalism. Democracy is a system of government, socialism is an economic theory, opposite of capitalism. It is indeed possible to live in a democratic socialist country. Anyway, liberals are not trying to make everyone equal, just to give everyone equal opportunities. Tax breaks for families who have trouble feeding their kids, unemployment checks to folks looking for work, throwing money at underpriviledged schools so that inner city kids might some day compete with rich private school kids...none of those are bad things. Unfortunately, there are people that abuse these systems and are just looking for a handout, but that's not the norm. There has to be a middle ground. Should we start initiatives to make every single person equal in wealth? No. Should we leave people high and dry for them and their children to starve? No.
  19. How about some ravioli with ricotta and crab meat? MMMmmmmm
  20. Don't worry dude, I thought it was funny. I wanna meet that Newton Tom Cat dude and thank him for proving everybody right about Pats* fans
  21. I don't know man, I'm pretty sure Marshawn gave him that nickname. Do you want to be the one to defy the great Lynch?
  22. Don't forget about Vincent Jackson. He's a big guy at 6 foot 5 and he's having a better than decent season. He's actually been relatively good in the past, just hugely overshadowed by Gates.
  23. And by the way, I do have my priorities set. They are just apparently not the same as yours and it's not your place to tell me I should have them set differently. To each man his own right?
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