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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Good for him, I just gained a boatload of respect for the man. I'm still voting Obama.
  2. I did not get B word slapped in that comment. In fact, I am incredibly against abortion and I believe the practice is disgusting. Just because you conservatives forcibly align yourselves with every typical conservative belief doesn't mean I have to vote liberal down the line. Abortion (particularly the kind known as partial birth abortion) is stopping a human heart, it takes all rights away from the father, promotes promiscuity, and offers a cop out to a girl who made a mistake. Humans are said to be the only animal that cold bloodedly murders its own kind, and we are CERTAINLY the only species that murders our own kind in the womb. So that's what you get for saying I'm all about a woman's right to choose. And I have a good friend who just returned from 8 months in Bangladesh where she lived in a Muslim village with a Muslim family. I asked her about a month ago and she said that if all the men decided it was ok for the women to take off their burkas, they would still wear them regardless. It IS their way of life. You are the one, Joe, who equates wearing a burka to being a virtual slave, and that is a pretty big leap.
  3. or were you being sarcastic? my meter might be broken...
  4. So now you get to determine what "Real" America is? People from largely Democratic areas aren't "Real" Americans in your opinion? That's ok. I believe that our next President thinks of us all as "Real" Americans.
  5. The good thing is, OJ IS guilty in the eyes of the law of 12 counts of armed robbery, felonious assault, etc. And at the age of 61, his sentence should put him behind bars til he croaks.
  6. umm, yes we should legalize gay marriage, do you have a problem with Billie Jean King and women like her? And yes, we should legalize marijuana...not to save athletes from scrutiny though. IMO if alcohol is legal, why shouldn't mary jane be legal? After all, alcohol tends to make people do stupid stuff. Pot just makes you lazy. You don't hear about too many high drivers, or people getting into fights because they were both high. Legalize it!
  7. Um, no it hasn't. And this isn't just about since 2000. This problem has existed since the 1950's. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an elite team of meteorologists and climatologists assembled from around the world predicts that the globe's average temperature will have risen 11.6 degrees fahrenheit during the course of the 21st century. That's enough to permanently change life as we know it.
  8. Yes. They are there for a reason, and this is a perfect example of one of those reasons. Think about it this way. What if something goes wrong and you or your friend are needlessly killed when the authorities could have been contacted and the situation resolved? I say leave the gunslinging for Favre.
  9. Frankly, a man who had a stroke and who could probably die with one solid knock to the skull AND who has a couple of little kids is a numbskull. Props for being tough enough to keep playing, but it is downright dumb.
  10. Also, with the increased temperature of the Caribbean Sea, our southern coastal states are going to be seeing worse and more destructive hurricanes as time goes on. Hurricanes just feed off of warm water. Katrina might look pretty mild some day in the not so distant future.
  11. There's a big difference between predicting the exact weather for a day two months in the future (impossible) and predicting general global climate changes (possible through scientific extrapolation). The difference between Earth's average temp. from year to year is rising exponentially, the polar ice caps are melting, water levels are rising, and it's all going to get much much worse according to him. I bet you won't be so concerned about the carbon tax then. You can choose to believe or not believe him, but good luck finding a more qualified source.
  12. In my mind, Brady never cheated, nor did any of the other Patriots* who were on the team at the time they spied. The onus is all on Belichick and his coaching staff for this one. If any of the players had outed Belichick and the team on this issue, they would've been looked upon as traitors in their own locker room. Even the most honest of players is put between a rock and a hard place when this kind of cheating from the coaches occurs, and the players shouldn't have to deal with that.
  13. It's a good thing they don't decide the Superbowl by Chris Mortensen playing a game of Madden.
  14. By the way, I noticed my mistake as soon as I pushed Reply, but then I deleted it. Did Lori drag it up from the depths or did I just not delete it right?
  15. Uggghhhhh Ok it was me, as you all know now. I slipped up and posted as finsfan while still signed on as sage... Sorry for all the smack but I heard all of you clamoring for a Dolphins guy to hate on, so I decided to be one for a bit...hey its close to halloween right? LETS GO BUFFALO
  16. Yeah, apparently he got a "concussion" right? Probably just a pathetic effort by the team to get him out of the game and make it look like they had a reason other than that he sucks and they made a mistake ever taking out Losman. Of course they have to pretend he's better after the bye cuz he had 2 weeks and nobody is a big enough wimp to be out more than 2 weeks with a concussion, but he'll be getting another "injury" soon enough.
  17. I don't know if it's so much smoke and mirrors so much as it is just a team going up in smoke. Sad thing is, they have an easy schedule like us, so they most likely won't finish anywhere below 8-8. But that's no matter, because I think this year is officially the fall of the Patriots* "dynasty"
  18. Just as a note, it's spelled McGwire. Just sayin And yes, he juiced.
  19. Yeah! He's the reason for all the pinecones too!
  20. Meanwhile on Fox News Bill O'Reilly insists it wasn't actually a black man, but rather a dark Hispanic who ought to be deported back to where he came from, while Sean Hannity examines Barack Obama's friendship with the attacker, who once held a benefit dinner (which Obama attended) during Obama's run for Senate.
  21. Beer is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems Go beer!
  22. You intolerant bastard...a black man commits a heinous crime and you just stereotype away, as if they are all like that.
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