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Everything posted by BuffaloBill

  1. For a change it looks like the Bills front office made good decisions on what players can walk elsewhere for big contracts. Gilmore has been prone to being an up and down player.
  2. They say it together as they clean /dev/null/'s toilets which are usually plugged up given his love of fiber and baked beans. Speaking of plugged up....
  3. That /dev/null laps up like a starving dog. Meanwhile Johnny Hammersticks and Gugny nestle into their loveseat to watch Brokeback Mountain and....
  4. [This is an automated response]<br /><br />The thread is no longer contributing positively to the community and therefore the discussion has been closed.<br /><br />Thank you.
  5. Is your dad really your dad? Maybe it's time to have that difficult conversation with your mother.....
  6. yep...just like all those we have been on the wrong side of... I'll take the W...
  7. Technology will soon make the world's oldest profession the world's next profession to be thrown on the scrap pile of jobs no more....
  8. BBF's desire to become an Asian transsexual. BBF figured success was in his grasp until he learned that ....
  9. Maybe the rocket man can drop a warhead right in the middle of the cauldera.....
  10. Welcome to September hope as a Bills fan... We will see what the gremlins of December bring...
  11. What a difference a week makes... It's a long season and we have been here before .... sadly.
  12. Bit time players may big plays at the right time. TYrod threw an inaccurate pass at the worst possible time. TT is a backup QB who can come in as a change of pace player. He is not an elite QB and never will be as much as we might wish for this to happen.
  13. This is how the Bills build their roster.....How else do you go 17 years in complete futility?
  14. Personally I would be happy if he has a strong season so the Browns are not among the teams selecting a QB in 2018. It appears as though the Bills will be and the less competition the better.
  15. We question the living part.... existing maybe... living is suspect...
  16. Once again the fans hope the Bills have made the right moves. Once again it will come down to whether they identify a QB. It's really that simple and that difficult.
  17. RIP Joe .... met him once in Rich stadium parking lot. Great guy.
  18. [This is an automated response]<br /><br />This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. <br /><br />Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. <br /><br />Thank you.
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