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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. I am in no way advocating that the Bills go the Cheap Route, and I never even hinted at that, you just read into it so you have some sarcastic but useless input to this subject. In fact, I didn't even say I wouldnt sign Fitz, I just don't think he is worth $10 million a year. There is a big difference between "Going Cheap" and "Not Overpaying", it is pretty simple, I guess like some of the people on this board. Going Cheap is getting rid of any established veterans that might be making what they deserve just to dump their salary and replace them all with low draft picks, undrafted players or other teams' castoffs. Not overpaying someone isnt the same as Going Cheap, it is smart organizational management. You are a little contradictory arent you? In my book, 5 years is a long time in the NFL, and you say yourself that Fitz isn't the long term answer, but then you say pay him? Which is it? I guess you don't take the time to think, you just jump at the chance to try to take a dig at someone else, when it turn it only makes you look like a fool.
  2. Exactly, the only thing a QB cant ever do on that throw is underthrow it, which is what he did-Twice. You have to place that ball where if your receiver cant get it, it is overthrown where nobody else can get to it either.
  3. You are right, the officiating league wide has been inconsistent this year, and it hasn't gone unnoticed. I don't think in the long run any teams gets it worse or better than others, except for the protecting the superstars (Brady, etc.) which has gone on forever in all the sports.
  4. That should have been an interference, but there was also a non-call against us that was big. On the Roosevelt TD, the play clock was clearly down to "0" and the refs didn't call delay of game, which would have taken away a TD. What comes around goes around, I think it all evens up in the end.
  5. Considering the upside, the age, the salary and the cast around him, if he isn't now he will be real soon.
  6. Chan called the correct play, Fitz plain and simply blew it. On a play like that, you either have to complete it, or over throw it so the only one who can get to it is your receiver. That was almost identical to the underthrown pass he had picked earlier. Those two passes cost the game, despite the defense being horrendous.
  7. I thought it was a good idea also. He can't block in the backfield, and he dances all day before he gets to the line of scrimmage, so why not use his blazing speed outside? Only problem was he danced with the ball on receptions too.
  8. Even not considering yesterday, no way in that hot place down below do I pay Fitz $10 million for 5 years. You can draft a quarterback, 10 years younger then Fitz, and with the new rookie salary structure pay him less. We could have had Dareus and Dalton out of the past draft if we wanted to.
  9. Who is complaining? Besides, whenever Spiller gets the ball it is like watching Dancing With the Stars. Seems like he can never make up his mind, whether it be a punt return, a reception or a running play, he dances around instead of using is awesome speed and taking off.
  10. Those two terribly underthrown passes to what most consider our best receiver, which has nothing to do with injuries, lost the game, plain and simple. Fitz was bad yesterday, he is in no way a championship caliber QB, but people here just feel the need to make excuses for him. He is a hard nosed, over acheiver who gives his all but his physical tools fall short of a franchise quarterback.
  11. Ignore the idiots. That last drive was poorly designed, executed and was almost as bad as the pass Fitz threw on the possession before, when the Bills were in the Red Zone. The Bills gave that game away, plain and simple. Fitz was terrible, the defense continues to be very, very bad. Some people here though are satisfied with a 4-12 record as long as games are close. The team that played yesterday looked almost exactly like the 2010 team that went 4-12. Along with that, after the first sack that Fitz took, he show flashes of Trent Edwards, it appeared he never recovered from it, throwing to disgustingly short passes to Johnson that were easy interceptions, and taking several dumb sacks, including one that knocked the Bills out of field goal range. Anyone who would even think the word "playoff" the way that team played yesterday, and the way the defense has played for the past 5 games is a joke in themselves.
  12. I like Fitz, he is at times exciting, others frustrating, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but I have said since the day they signed him he is no franchise quarterback. He can make a team competitive, can lose games for you (today), can win games for you, but no team can win a championship with him behind center. Isn't winning a championship supposed to the be goal for all organizations?
  13. Why, if he is an unrestricted free agent? Also, Deion Branch worked out all rigth for the Pats last year.
  14. The way both defenses have been playing lately, it might have been a score like that anyways. It was bound to happen with Merriman, he has already lasted 2-3 games longer than most of us thought he would. He won't really be missed too much anyway, he have been pretty much invisible. I really think Moats is better than him right now anyway, Merriman will never be "lights out" again, whether because of injuries, age or lack of the juice, it is more than obvious. After five games he has 9 tackles and one sack that was only credited to him because he was the closest to the QB running out of bounds behind the line of scrimmage. Nope, he won't be missed at all, in fact we might benefit from him being out.
  15. That is moronic and illegal. He deserves that fine, and maybe even more than that. It is the NFL, he hit Vicks head, and lesser penalties already this year have been called for hits on Fitz. What a dumbass statement. Give it a rest, it was a blatant penalty and should have been fined. I am by no means a Vick fan, but dude, he paid his dues, and alot more than most Professional Athletes have. That is soceity, he served his sentence and has kept his nose clean since. There are alot of athletes who have used there money/fame to get out of crimes without any payment to society, or a monetary amount that doesn't affect them. He spent quite a bit of time in the same federal prison that they send military criminals to, so get over it.
  16. No, his Mom does too. I sometimes call him "The Ring Bearer" since often the TV announcers are obsessed with the fact that he wears his wedding ring during the game. It just tells me that his wife wears the pants at home. Lol
  17. I agree, I didn't think there was anyway that he wasn't going to get fined. The announcers stated it, and I also did in the shout box during the game. It might have been because he is a rookie, but it was a blatant hit and quite the moronic and costly play.
  18. Could be because they are used to winning. Overall, I didn't read a ton of posts, but a handful, and they are actually somewhat complimentary towards the Bills, But you are right, some of them are pretty much acting like they have been a fan of the Bills for the past decade, prior to this season. If some of the posters there know what they are talking about, it seems Perry Fewell might be worried about a no-huddle offense, actually issuing the defense some sort of wrist band to help combat it.
  19. How about the "Either Erase a big lead or Lose a Big Lead Bills."
  20. I think if she looked like dad she would be in a circus trailer not in her bra and panties running around in front of a bunch of people. Not only is she hot, she got penalized for a cheap shot too, Nice! My link Check out the link. Wouldn't be a bad view as a linebacker either.
  21. Or Clay Matthews, Oher, Josh Freeman, Harvin, Laurinaitis, LeSean McCoy, etc. Wasnt that weak of a draft overall, just alot of high pick busts.
  22. I only posted that in reply to someone disagreeing with me that our run defense wasn't much better than last year, and he/she seemed to think it was greatly improved, when in fact it isn't.
  23. If you are not interested in something don't read it. There is no requirement on this site to post a link to everything someones types on their keyboard. In fact it is one of the most retarded sounding things when someone replies with "link?". If it is that important go find the link yourself.
  24. Wayne is coming off one of his best years (111 catches), and hasn't not had 1,000 yards for about 7 or 8 years. Not like he is an old, injured, past his prime player. Besides, the Bills have taken chances with oft injured vets, who havent contributed in years (Merriman), Wayne would be a no-brainer.
  25. Only problem is there is two halves to each game and with the exception of the Kansas City game, the Bills haven't played a full two halves yet. For every time that you say that they shut down the Pats for a half you can also say that the Pats moved against the Bills for the other half as if we didn't even have a defense on the field. Besides the Pats did score 10 points in the second half, so they didnt't really shut them down, and it isn't the same team from 3 or 4 years ago so it isn't the most prolific offense of all time. That is like saying if you score on the Ravens you are scoring on the most prolific defense of all time because they were so great in 2000 when they won the Super Bowl.
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