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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. That might be the dumbest NFL list I have ever seen. For one, if you don't know who the players are, oh well, it doesn't even say the name. Of all the thousands of players who have played QB, many have sucked, yet the list if full of players who played in and/or won Super Bowls-dumb. Not too sure about great, but he put together a string of a few seasons where he was a pretty good QB, and no where near the worst 50 QBs in history. Let's start a list of the worst 50 NFL lists ever-#1-this list.
  2. I can think of $78 million reasons why ($50 million guaranteed reasons why).
  3. Looking at the rest of the schedule for the bottom feeders, I would put my money on the Colts finishing with the worst record, and with Peyton's age and injuries, would most likey take Luck if he comes out. It would actually be the perfect situtation for him, playing behind maybe the best QB ever, and regardless of how they are playing, they are not without talent there either.
  4. I guess it is too early in the week for you to grasp a little sarcasm? Really? You have got to be kidding?
  5. Isn't that more than our entire team? Maybe a Lamonica situation again?
  6. That is exactly why I started the very post you are referring to with: Good list, if you are talking underappreciated nationally and not in the Buffalo region. I would also add: The majority of the players talked about here weren't underappreciated by die hard Bills fans who knew how good they were. Please read the entire post next time.
  7. Good list, if you are talking underappreciated nationally and not in the Buffalo region. I would also add: 1. Frank Riech-he was more than a normal backup, who spends his whole season on the bench. We wouldn't have gotten to a few Super Bowls without him, especially with Kelly on average missing a game or two a season. 2. Lou Piccone-One of my favorite Bills that doesn't get mentioned much. The ultimate undersized, over achiever before Tasker. 3. Steve Freeman-23 career interceptions, steady cover man. 4. Mario Clark-career interceptions (all but 1 with the Bills) 5. Lucius Sanford-Started for the majority of 10 season with Buffalo. 6. Darryl Talley-I have always said that he is the most underrated players in Bills history. The heart and soul of the defense during his career. Played in every game in 12 of his 13 seasons in Buffalo (only 3 games he didn't were the 3 "scab" games in 1987. Got some attention, but not to the level he deserved. I could go on, but this is a sample. Others might be Smerlas, Kelso, Moody.
  8. So am I. But Still a big NO! Give it to someone who deserves it!
  9. Whitner couldn't have possible been any worse than our defensive backfield this past weekend in New Jersey.
  10. Quite sad for such a good man to die so young. I had the chance to briefly meet him once and chat for a couple minutes in Canton in 2002 during the Hall of Fame week when Jim Kelly went in. Always smiling and never acting like he was too good to chat with anyone. What a loss. The Bills don't have near the success in the Super Bowl era without him, probably a top 5-7 center in NFL history.
  11. [/url][/url] Here. One of the greatest Bills ever. Couldn't have went to any Super Bowls without him. My link
  12. Got knocked around with the Patriots also, who drafted him after winning the Heisman. I agree, alot of people on here are fast to blame Edwards for our poor defense, and I am not saying he is the next great D-Coordinator, but it isn't his fault, at least all of it. How many times are the DBs on the right receiver, but just cant keep up to him? How many times are the LBs or DLs in the right place but they get pushed out of the way or miss a tackle? All a coaching staff can do is put the players in the right place, the players have to make the play themselves.
  13. I have been using it for 3 or 4 weeks now, I think it is awesome. Has all the post game interview videos, news articles, weekly show videos (Tasker, Thurman), etc. And the quality of the graphics is really good.
  14. Probably going to put Campbell on the IR.
  15. No Sh*t Sherlock. I was referring to how once in awhile when a player doesn't work out somewhere he goes somewhere else and blossoms. Sorry to be so complicated.
  16. Actually, I havent read anywhere where anyone was blaming it on lack of arm strenghth. Fitz doesn't have the leagues strongest arm, not even close, but neither of those interceptions were long passes. They were plain and simple poor throws, nothing else. You could say it was mechanics, which is part of throwing, so it was all in all just poor throws.
  17. 2 sacks and 3 forced fumbles in 3 games? He didn't even accomplish that much here in practice. Sometimes things work like that, see Johnny Unitas (not comparing him to Unitas). Don't get over confident, there is alot of talent on the Jets, just like there is on the Eagles. They are only one game behind us, so the season isn't over yet. History with this team should hold your ego in check, unless this is your first year being a Bills fan.
  18. 10 years was as figure of speech, I didn't have time to verify birth certificates, but my point was clearly made. The only problem with your post (see highlighted areas)-how old will he be by the time the Bills are able to do that building only through the draft as Buddy Nix said they were going to?
  19. Do you know anyone that can get you into the Betty Ford Clinic? Their defense wasn't spectacular until you compare it to ours. The defense had 3 Pro Bowlers, and gave up over 400 yards of offense once all year, we do it every single game. On offense, they had two future Hall of Fame wideouts and a #3 in Hakim that had blazing speed. They had a Hall of Fame running back, the biggest all around threat from the RB position ever. They had one of the top 2 or 3 LTs in NFL history. And I really like Fitz, but he is no Kurt Warner.
  20. Hairston is out for a few weeks, but Bell is supposed to be back. Merriman says he will be back, he probably will, but he has been ineffective anyways, maybe partially due to his achilles and shoulder injuries. I hope Kelsay comes back, but read somewhere it might be longer. Jones still out for awhile. Williams should be back, he has been dealing with that foot injury since camp, I guess it flared up, so hopefully a few weeks will get him back. My gut feeling is if it was a playoff game, or there wasn't a bye the following week, Williams might have played sunday at NYG.
  21. I just think that 10 wins will get you a wild card, 9 wins wont. As far as the individual games, I think Cincy outplayed us by a bit (we still could have won), we gave the game away to the Giants (we should have won). That is just my opinion, which at this point of the season is obviously just speculation.
  22. I was just looking at the schedule yesterday, and I am guessing we win 5 more games- Sweep Miami Split with the Jets Beat Washington & Denver Would kinda suck in a way after starting so good, but after last year and the decade before it, 9 wins would be a great improvement. The way I look at it, the game we gave away to the Giants sunday is going to cost us a playoff spot. Just a guess. If there is one other game the Bills could win, it would be the Titans game, but kinda afraid Chris Johnson will have it in gear by then, and if we still have the NFL's worst rush defense like we have for the past 20 some weeks of games, he might go crazy.
  23. I heard on one of the telecasts that he was asking that his contract be reworked. He is signed through the 2012 season, getting "only" 1.83 million dollars next year, so he might be the biggest bargain in the NFL this year ($1.75 mil this year). I wouldn't give him a huge signing bonus, for a back his age he could break down anytime, but you are correct, 5 years means nothing, as the team can terminate it anytime. The only money that matters is the guaranteed signing bonus, and I would give him a good amount, but mainly add a year or two and triple the amount he is making over the remaining contract.
  24. I don't think anyone is asking for a timind safe throwing checkdown machine, just a quarterback who makes the obvious smart throws. A little league QB knows on that pass you either complete it or over throw it, you cannot in any way allow the defender to have a chance at the ball.
  25. Or worst case, it is incomplete=3 points.
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