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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. At least Maybin touched the QB for his sacks, Merriman was just the closest when the QB ran out of bounds. I don't think any Bills fan with common sense will criticize the Bills for dumping Maybin, but they should and have been criticizing the Bills for the Merriman debacle. I don't think anyone on here has ever said Ralph can't afford to do anything. I can afford to buy a 1985 Geo Prism, but I am not going to. There is a big difference in being able to afford something and being willing to spend the money on it. And almost any Bills fan knows, the most important thing to Ralph is "Ralph's Money."
  2. You lose a Pro Bowler from the leagues worst run defense, what does it leave you with? Not good at all.
  3. I don't think in Williams' case it had anything to do with the contract. His foot has been bothering him every since training camp. Did Peyton Manning's contract have anything to do with his neck injury? He signed a huge contract at the end of this past July. I am sure some players let up after a huge contract is acheived, but I don't picture Kyle Williams falling into this category. I am not saying it would happen, but I would expect it more from a Stevie Johnson, then Williams, whose motor is just to high strung to not go all out. Football is a violent game, and injuries happen.
  4. Your post is spot on, I agree I am not sure what influence he could have had in this franchise with his 12+ million dollar 9 tackle career. If you ask me, watching Fred Jackson play with his heart, durability and enthusiasm has more to do with the atmosphere around here turning positive then Merriman being here, because you hardly if ever even heard his name during a game. He might have tried to help in recruiting people to come here, not sure if it worked, but as far as a player, he will soon be forgotten in WNY.
  5. Don't get upset, I was just asking a question because a high percentage of your posts here and in the shout box are complaining about media personnel. As far as the three items you posted about Merriman, not sure if those are your opinions or not, but they aren't mine. Myself and many others right from the beginning clearly stated we thought it was a terrible signing, and you can go back through the archives and check if you don't have anything else to do, because it might take awhile. Not sure people are complaining in this thread either, I know I wasn't, just stating facts. I think the people who were criticizing Sullivan were the ones complaining, his assessment was right on if you ask me.
  6. I agree the defense against the run and pass has sucked this year, but in his defense, I think the Bills have already matched last years total for interceptions, so maybe he was referring to that when he said it is getting better. He said getting better, which doesn't take much after last year, he didn't say it was a dominating force. You are right they have a "chance" at an 11 win season, actually they have a chance at a 12 win season, but you aren't being realistic. After watching the Giants game, the way the defense played, the way Fitz played, the first half against the Pats, the first half against the Raiders, the second half against the Eagles, etc. do you really think they can go 9-1 the rest of the season? Optimistically maybe an 11 win season, realistically an 8-9 win season would be about correct. My guess looking at the schedule is that we end up 9-7, and like I said the game we gave away in New Jersey ends up costing us a Wild Card spot.
  7. Seems like a very fair thing for him to say? Was there an issue with it?
  8. Most people with common sense didn't need to wait, it was obvious he would flame out. Are you an ex-media type with a grudge against them? They really seem to get under your skin PTR.
  9. I really don't see what he has to apologize for? Alot of people want to get their pics taken with NFL players, and for that matter with celebrities, even if they are adult movie stars. They way the media is playing this you would expect to see naked pictures of them going at it in front of Robert Kraft's house. This over sensitive nation is going overboard, and this is a perfect example. I had a pic taken years ago with a porn star, doesn't mean I was on main street on top of a school bus going to town, it was just a pic of fully clothes people just like his pics. You have NFL players out beating their wives, drunk in public, shooting themselves in public places, so they need to not spend so much time worrying about things like getting a "fan" picture taken. As far as her posting it to Facebook, I have pics on my Facebook with Andre Reed, Bruce Smith, Marshall Faulk, Thurman Thomas, Derrick Thomas, Junior Seau, etc. Quite normal if you ask me. Besides, growing up in Western New York like Gronkowski did, it isn't often you get to see a real pornstar. Besides I would rather have a pic taken with this girl then the president, but they are both getting big bucks to screw things up every day.
  10. I am glad you like Merriman, and so do I, but personal feelings aside, I have said from the beginning it was a move that was too risky and wasn't worth it at all, much less every penny. The Merriman signing is one sure sign that before this franchise gets to the level of being a consistent competitor, it will need a different GM then Buddy Nix. Him keeping Merriman around was a personal thing, and no other GM in the NFL would have even considered spending the money on him that the Bills did. If they paid him those millions to be a cheerleader, which is what you basically say, just put him in a two piece on the sidelines with the Jills, but he might get hurt doing that also. The Bills need to cut all ties with him now, not later and not rely on a guy that averages about 2 games a season for the past 4 or 5 years, and has been invisible in the few games that he has played. It is more than obvious that his body is no longer cut out for the rigors of the NFL, whether it is as many people say because of the effects of years of steriod use, or he is just injury prone, but the guy hurt himself on the sideline getting ready for the opening game. It would have been nice to see "Lights Out" again, but from the very beginning you had a better chance at winning the lottery.
  11. Having one regular season game up there a year, and probably more than that in the near future was only about one type of support-$$ fiscal support for Ralph's pocket. A good portion of the people don't want it up there, it messes with the Argo's, and the ticket prices are outrageous up there, even compared to in Buffalo. Every time we play up there we are more or less the visitors, it always seems like a home game for the opponents.
  12. That is way inaccurate, as many of us were guessing the lotto number in this case way before it happened, it being the extension.
  13. As a retired military member myself, I was glad to help. Go Bills!
  14. Nope. And it seems like each game up there so far has been closer to a home game for the opponent then it has the Bills. I remember the first game against Miami, there were more Fins fans there then there are in Miami when they play home. Like I have said, selling out and sending one home game to Canada puts the Bills at a slight disadvantage before the season even starts. I saw one ranking list online that moved the Bengals up like 6 spots during a bye week, the justification was because they did so good in fleecing the Raiders in the Carson Palmer deal.
  15. It is a strange position to be in for such a cheap organization. Johnson has had one good season and wants to be a top 10 paid receiver? Freddie has had the most success out of the three but he is getting up in age. He deserves a raise, but I wouldn't guess they want to go 5 years, maybe 3. Fitz is in his first full year as a starter, do you give him a huge contract based on the first 4 games of this season. Williams had a couple Pro Bowl quality seasons before he got his extension, whether he has let up since is a different subject. I did read where the foot has been bothering him since training camp, and has really cut into his burst. This team is really confusing as to how they spend their money, as on occasion they do spend it. They will let a player in his prime walk so they don't have to spend, yet give 10 million over two years to a washed up, injury prone, maybe ex-steriod user because of his connection to Buddy Nix. I think the Bills should pay all of them, with that said, I don't think any of them should be paid in the top tier for their positions either, but rather given a hefty raise which puts them all in that second tier of players for their positions. The hardest one to figure is Fitz, he is a QB so that alone will put him in the big bucks, but for a few weeks he looks like the second coming of John Elway and everyone wants to throw the checkbook at him, then he comes every 3rd or 4th week and literally lays an egg like he did against the Giants.
  16. I have watched a little of the Fins games the past few weeks, and they have been getting Marshall the ball, he just keeps dropping it.
  17. Actually that should have been done two years ago.
  18. I am too, he didn't succeed here as a QB but he was a class guy who got involved in the community, much more than most do. He had all the physical tools, but couldn't put the mental part of the position in play. He had more of an arm then Fitz and Edwards combined. Good luck to him.
  19. Not sure about the Canadian games, but I do remember hearing years ago that a big reason why players didn't want to sign with the Expos or Bluejays in MLB was because of the high taxes. Maybe NYS is pissed at Ralphy Boy for moving a game to Canada, he gets the extra millions for his pockets and NYS loses one game worth of income tax?
  20. Only because the Steelers have won more recently. 15 years ago, alot of those people wearing Steeler jerseys were wearing Cowboy Jerseys, and probably 49er jerseys before that. Me too, and I was a huge MLB fan prior to the strike in 1994. Just can't get into it much anymore. Before the strike, I never missed a World Series game no matter who played, I go home now and forget it is even on. It isn't the NFL that has to worry, normally a regular season game gets better ratings than the World Series does anymore. This weekend was the exception because of the crappy matchup with the Colts, and MLB bragged about it for 3 days that they got better ratings than that bad game. Normally the NFL can put almost any REGULAR SEASON game against the WORLD SERIES and beat them bad in the ratings.
  21. That is about as surprising as getting snow in Buffalo during the winter. It was a bad move from the beginning, but it was a Buddy Nix "hook up". On the positive side, months ago someone asked how long before Merriman got hurt and my guess was 5 games! And 5 worthless games it was. Knowing him, he will get hurt doing that too?
  22. Are you serious? Crumbling around him? Let's see: 2006 Super Bowl Champions 2007 13-3 2008 12-4 2009 14-2 2010 10-6 Wow, if that is crumbling, then what do you call what the rest of the NFL has been doing, as I am sure if they don't have the most wins in that time frame they are in the top 2 or 3. There is and probably never has been a more valuable QB in the NFL. Look what the Pats did when Brady missed 15 and 3/4 of a games, they still had a really good season. Look what the Colts are doing without Manning. If your quote is accurate, I sure wish the Bills would start crumbling around Fitz. Enough said. It isn't as easy as just saying trade away that $50 guarantee, you can't force a team to trade with you. Who would take on that contract for a quarterback being dumped by a bad team? At the time it was signed it was the biggest contract in NFL history, not that easy to get another team to take it on.
  23. Some things is just funny -Your use of the English language is one of those things!
  24. Who cares? On a National level he might as well be Fitzgerald or FitzMunster. Give it time, if he keeps improving (or doesn't play as bad as he did in the Giants game) and the Bills remain competitive, eventually they will get it right, maybe. Even if they don't, who gives a crap? It won't effect the game at all.
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