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Everything posted by TheChimp

  1. I wanna see Trent start this season. It's always amusing to see what new and interesting ways he can take himself out of games when he's scared.
  2. He played halfback for the Lobos and was a real straight-through-the-line kinda guy, set some school records, then added what seems like 30 pounds because he wasn't gonna make it as a halfback in the NFL. I'd like to see him beat out McIntyre for the starting FB role but my guess is he can do decently on ST. GO LOBOS!
  3. Almost all plastic shopping bags are made of #2 plastic and CAN be recycled. The problem is, our society only pays lip service to recycling, by having recycling bins everywhere but no companies being forced to buy back the plastic. And in many states, like the one I'm currently in, New Mexico, recycling is still not even a way of life. What we NEED is more recycling, not banning plastic. But that's what you get when you have a bunch of lazy politicians ruling over a bigger bunch of lazy consumers.
  4. “I will become the man my dad wanted me to be,” Jimmy said. “In time I will forgive these evil people that robbed my dad from me.” By "forgive", I hope he means "kill". As an aside, does anyone know why it seems that they knew the family had a safe?? Strange that the story didn't make a bigger deal about that part.
  5. There was no way a decently coached and well-rested Bills team shouldn't have had a 20-point lead going into the 4th Quarter, let alone get the poor kicker closer than !@#$ing 47 yards for the game-winner. And a team with some actual CLASS wouldn't have had that rally in the square the next day, where they patted Norwood on the shoulder and said in front of the whole city, "Hey, no way we're blaming you for that loss, you're still our guy", then immediately cut him. Not only did they completely disrespect Norwood, but they disrespected the game of football, and the three embarassing losses that followed were their just desserts.
  6. Hey now, we all know that Trent tried to throw T.O. under the bus, but he couldn't escape the pocket and he wet himself before the bus could get out of its break.
  7. He's like every other outspoken Christian in America. They all talk like they are trying out for ther role of Jesus in their school play. It's all horseshit. Ten to one he beats his wife. You mean, you didn't realize all this when he defended that total thug douchebag Mike Vick so vehemently? But hey, better late than never, I always say!
  8. I'd rather they got a good Offensive Lineman with the pick, frankly. !@#$ Tebow. I mean yes, it's nice that he wasn't aborted, but he'd wish he was, behind our O-Line, and a teeny weeny RB when we have two 1000-yard rushers? Whatever. It's becoming more and more difficult to care about this team.
  9. Welcome, Rodney!! I got to see this kid here in New Mexico and he was truly a dominant RB. Not wanting him to supplant anyone like Lynch or Jackson or anything like that, but he will make a really solid third back. Glad he's here.
  10. Oh I thought they were simply changing the name to "Big Ben's Rape Jerky".
  11. The other day, my girlfriend and I were driving in western Pennsylvania and got stuck behind this Amish buggy and the horse must have Mike Vicked seven times in five minutes, it was one big blob of Mike Vick after another falling out that horse's ass.
  12. I might be going out on a limb here, but you seem like the kind of guy who eats babies.
  13. Thank you!!! !@#$!!! I seriously was starting to doubt my own memory. Now the question is, why do only three of us remember it? What have the rest of you guys been drinking? Seriously, that's !@#$ed up. lol
  14. I guess I just got confused by two unrelated stories. I remember vividly that Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas were both talking about how we were all gonna be blown away by some news, and then someone somewhere mentioned the thing about Ralph giving the team to his wife, and then somehow maybe my aging brain decided that the two things were related. Were Jim and Thurman were talking about the Nix hire? Was that what we were all supposed to be creaming our jeans over? Lame.
  15. And she was supposed to be sitting there ready to start negotiating with Jim Kelly and his "people". Right? I seriously am starting to think that I dreamed that whole thing. Can anyone fill me on what happened with that whole deal?
  16. Only problem I have with that article is the brown nosing the writer does to Golisano, who for all intents and purposes is WORSE than Wilson, in terms of giving a crap about the team he owns. I still remember, clear as day, in an interview a couple years ago, right on camera, when asked if the Sabres were for sale, Golisano said, "Not really", then proceeded to tell the interviewer (I forget who it was, I think it was the guy who does the radio play-by-play for the Bils games, to be honest. Forgive the ignorance, I've been in Albuquerque for over a decade now) how he really didn't doubt that another ownership group, provided they vowed to keep the team in Buffalo, could easily come in and do a better job than his guys (Quinn,Regier, Ruff, etc) were doing. He basically dared someone to pony up the dough so they'd be allowed to come in and save the team from his incompetent boobs. Then he promptly moved to Florida and stopped doing interviews about the Sabres, altogether. He's a hijacker is all he is. Wilson might be a douchebag, but at least he makes changes occasionally and listens when the mob starts getting antsy. Golisano probably doesn't even know there was a game last night.
  17. Exactly. Just have your dog fight his dog instead.
  18. Vick would never wanna come to the Bills. Buffalo doesn't have half the dogfighting operations that Philly does. And the gangs in Buffalo are so unsophisticated compared to the gangs in Philly.
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