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Everything posted by TheChimp

  1. Thurman Thomas ran pretty darned well out of the shotgun.
  2. I just love how they used the picture of him right after the missed kick in SB XXV. Yeah, that was the only one available.
  3. OK, say for argument's sake he actually DID what he is being accused of here. Would you then put him in the same category as, say, the terrorists who kidnap, torture, and then behead Western journalists with a dull blade? Do you even know why I'm asking? How about Dr. Kevorkian? Is he in this same category, as well? Does it really have to be "animal vs human" for you people? Or can it be SEVERITY OF THE ACTION that warrants your attention, as it is for ME and so many others? The fact that some of us recognize that ALL sentient creatures feel pain, and therefore we take the stance that they deserve better treatment from us, shouldn't bother you, but it does, and I wish I knew why.
  4. So, um, hey. Now that you've been shown the facts, do you understand where I'm coming from now? Just thought I'd ask because you sorta disappeared there the minute you had your ass handed to you.
  5. And another thing, for all you "people are worth more than animals" preachers. Do you even understand that what most of us are raging about is the torturous PAIN he inflicted on the dogs, and that we'd be obviously just as upset (some of us moreso) if he had done this to humans? It's the ACT that we abhor, not the fact that he did it to cute, cuddly animals. The fact of the matter is this: Those of us screaming out our rage against Michael Vick and his cohorts are the same people screaming about the atrocities being perpetrated to humans around the globe. Those of you defending Michael Vick and trying to spin this against us are the same people who NEVER get involved in ANY advocacy of ANY kind, either for humans OR animals. You're not fooling anybody. Calling ME a jerkoff when you are obviously a thug with a decent spellchecker....unreal.
  6. Well they'll sure be more competitive than our gaggle of fraggles, that's for damned sure. Ryan sure seems to have shown alot of posters here how wrong they were all season long. Funny how little humility they're showing right now, though. Should we be surprised?
  7. So is murder, robbing bodegas and shooting their owners, and selling little runaway girls into prostitution. You OK with that too, so long as it brings your favorite team a playoff appearance a year or two before they abandon you for a bigger city? You make me feel smart.
  8. I'm gonna believe you because your avatar has the best ass in the known universe, and that, to me, speaks volumes.
  9. What bugs me is, the Bills Top Brass seem to think it's imperitive that they get an "offensive-minded" head coach. Did they not watch the defense and special teams this year? No, what the Bills need is a head coach with the proven ability to: 1. Draft well (someone who has already shown to have had a hand in drafting quality players) 2. Execute successful trades (upgrade his team for both the short-term and the long-term) 3. Manage the game well (ie. adapt quickly to any wrinkles his opponents throw at him, manage the clock, etc) 4. Choose good assistants who both understand his philosophy and are willing to IMPLEMENT said philosophy (see DJ and his coordinators for the perfect example of the opposite). From what this "coach search" looks like to me, anyway, the Bills either don't understand the real needs of the team, or they do understand this, but everyone with the above qualifications has turned them down already. Just venting here, sorry. But this guy lost too many clutch games, as a coordinator and as a Head Coach, for me to think he is the General the Bills need.
  10. What happened to all that talk that was going on a couple weeks ago about Ralph possibly giving the team to his wife, and Jim Kelly and Thurman somehow being intimately involved in the talks????? Because I totally agree, this is a huge deal to these prospective coaches, from what it sounds.
  11. Try rooting for the New Mexico Lobos, sometime
  12. Indeed, he was. Because of tactics that the NFL eventually decided were unfair or unsportsmanlike, and made said tactics illegal. And without the use of those tactics, I don't think we returned even one to the endzone, did we? And the penalties and mistakes and craziness from his players....he needed to go. And unless our new coach would be someone who really doesn't care alot about ST, he'd probably get rid of April along with the rest of the bathwater, anyway.
  13. Just wondering. April's squad's performance this season didn't bother you?
  14. Meh, Cowher, Billick, makes no difference to me, they're both far better coaches than we've had in a LONG time. And how can you go wrong when BOTH of them have "BILL" in their name? Sorry, Schottenheimer. We ain't the Buffalo Marty's. You lose.
  15. ALL OF THAT Face it, the League changed the rules because of what April was doing with the wedge, he said so himself in so many words. There was another rule change that he said would directly affect his (and only his) squad's performance when the season began, but I forget what exactly it was. But without those two advantages, ST, although stacked with players and with two of maybe the best return men in the league back there, this season was a total flop for April. Without his tactics, which the league obviously felt were unfair and/or dangerous to opposing teams, April's unit fell apart. ST led the team in penalties to start the season, with offsides, blocks out of bounds, blocks in the back, you NAME it, they DID it. And McKelvin and Parrish's goofs WERE things that he should have been smart enough to mention, as these guys are obviously no smarter than trained rats. One conversation with them shoulda told him THAT. At the very LEAST Parrish should have never been left to do what HE did, having come after McKelvin's game-changing gaff. His credentials went out the window with this season's crappy performance
  16. I just read at manginifiredbybrownstomorrow.com that Mangini will be fired tomorrow, take it for what it's worth.
  17. The way Perry's defense got picked apart against Indy's starting offense reminded me of why he shouldn't be DC anymore, let alone HC. Now our Defensive Backs coach should feel pretty damn safe right now, IMO. I think, also, that we need to call attention to our piss-poor Special Teams this season. Talk about an IMPLOSION!.
  18. Ten to one they'd tell you the Bills should hold onto Owens.
  19. Jeezus H. Christmas, people, rip the guy's head off. But really, although Haslett very well might have the FIRE necessary to bust back into the NFL, he's had TWO chances already to show that he can be the field general out there and failed pretty badly. Fire is great, but ability is far better.
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