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Everything posted by TheChimp

  1. Hmm, strange that almost 85% of the replays show him WIDE OPEN on his routes. I guess he must be just making them up as he goes along, though, right?
  2. Can't he just be an inferior back to Jackson, without all the hate? Seriously, when did Buffalo become Philadelphia? Makes me glad I live in Albuquerque now.
  3. They told him, and then he gleefully reported to the media almost daily during training camp, that he was to be a MAJOR part of our offense. Yet he was used almost exclusively as a decoy, and it took massive public outcry for that to change.
  4. Hell, today, Corey MacIntyre ran as well as Lynch does. There won't be any fight for starting RB next season.
  5. They didn't play because they aren't as good as T.O. Hell, Hardy isn't as good as Josh reed, for God's sake. Alligator armed??? Your hate for T.O. is sorta funny. I for one hope he stays and finishes his career here, after he gets a personal apology from Ralph for subjecting him to the lies and marketing smoke and mirrors when he agreed to come play here.
  6. I was hoping they'd keep Jackson in to try and beat OJ's record. He could have done it.
  7. I heard he fed him shrimp cocktail, too. But he made him eat it with a straw.
  8. Everybody involved in this story appears to be retarded. Leach, the player, the family, the lawyer, the school, everybody. !@#$in retards.
  9. When we had decent Qbs, Josh couldn't hold onto the ball. Now that we have JV quarterbacks, he has hands of glue (except for last game) and does go into the tough places to make the catch. But come on, comparing him to a WR that Jerry Rice referred to as the best WR in the league at the time they were both playing? Seriously?
  10. How's this? It looks stupid and it's hard to read when all the letetrs are in caps. And I think the throwback unis are lame. I like the current ones. There, now they'll change them for you all.
  11. I was thinking that it had been awhile since I heard him Good thread. Side note to Bills: Don't draft any of those QBs from that game. Holy crap.
  12. Outdoor hockey's awesome. Watching it from a half mile away in the stands is kinda stupid.
  13. I definitely heard it. Polian's probably twitching a bit right now.
  14. Whew!!! Thanks for clearing that up, OP, as I was just sitting here thinking that I might. Narrowly averted.
  15. Tangent: Someone in the NFL Head Office needs to re-think this "Rooney Rule". It's insulting on so many levels. To live and breathe football your whole life, rise through the ranks of coaching or managing teams with your skill and knowledge, and then finally get offered an interview by an NFL team, only to hear all the voices whispering that you were only bought in to fulfill some sort of "token black" rule, so the team can check it off their list and quickly get to the guy they "really want"?
  16. JK sorta sounded, to me at least, like a guy with some real STAKE in the organization, in that presser. It was kinda cool. Thing that most caught my attention was how he talked about the guys that Nix would "choose to surround himself with." To me, anyway, this meant that Guy and Modrak are NOT shoe-ins to stay in Buffalo.
  17. She needs to move to New Mexico. We all but canonize drunk drivers here.
  18. He reportedly told the paramedics that he was taking pain medication for his back.
  19. Truly the underlying message in that movie was one about conserving nature, specifically the rainforests, and I couldn't help but laugh when I got home and saw that McDonald's is a sponsor. McDonald's. The largest single destroyer of the Brazilian rainforest to date. It truly is a schizophrenic world.
  20. My God, even Carucci lowered himself to bashing Owens in his article (or collection of anonymous bull **** quotes, whatever that POS piece was). Yeah he dropped a few and looked disinterested in fighting for badly thrown balls a few times. Yup, he sure did. But if he had the efffing ball thrown to him even HALF of the times he had a step on his coverage, he'd have been right up there with the receiving leaders, no doubt about it. The tape doesn't lie. He was open more often than Paris Hilton's legs. What was he supposed to do, throw himself the goddam ball?
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