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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I sent a pm to Olivier in France. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/user/541-olivier-in-france/ Hopefully he responds in time.
  2. I understand your reasoning but I think that if there is interest in Carrington and the Bills can find a serviceable O-lineman at a comparable price that they'll go in that direction. And while I like Carrington, it could certainly be argued that he was not missed at all this season.
  3. Werder who is deeply connected to the Cowboys was one who reported that Garrett's job is dependent on making the playoffs. I believe this report to be true, regardless of whatever the Joneses say. If the Eagles win in Dallas tomorrow we're likely to find out.
  4. Not everyone can build a brand, even if they spent their entire career in one market. Does Darryl Talley have a "brand?" How much money do guys like Bruce Smith, Andre Reed, and Thurman Thomas make based on their reputations? The recipe for personal brand success is a combination of professional individual success, team success, market size, likeability, and probably some other stuff that are impossible to measure. Again, one in the hand is better than two in the bush. You take the money. You don't take less money on the miniscule chance that it will somehow benefit you in the future.
  5. Good point however it's counterbalanced by the adage that "one in the hand is better than two in the bush."
  6. You're right. In contrast look at all the people here who said McKelvin, Aaron Williams, and Marcel Dareus were busts that have come back and admitted that they were wrong.
  7. Cutler played at Vandy so I could see him being "a person of interest" to the Titans where he would be Fitz' teammate. Now if you could put the two together then you'd actually have something.
  8. Shanahan, Frazier, Allen, Munchak, Schwartz, and Garrett. I don't count Wade because he's an interim coach and I doubt he was ever reaaly considered as a replacement for Kubiak.
  9. Rockpile, that is an amazing fact. (Is it true?) GREAT stuff. A slice of family history and a slice of Bills history, both very rich in flavor. Kudos to you both. Just amazing.
  10. This was such an amazing time in our country's history and a very interesting time in the history of American football. I never realized that both AFL Championships fell on the same date. Great trivia question. I always wonder if winning the AFL Championship the following season against the Kansas City Chiefs would have changed the organization's karma. Thanks for the great post, Jim.
  11. You know what E? I'm really pleased with the team's progress this year. For the good of the board I'm trying to temper it with the knowledge that I'm a hopeless optimist, even as an old fogy. But I love the way this defense is growing and I believe in the quarterback. Hopefully the offensive coaching is good enough but I'd like to see a third strategist in the room.
  12. It goes without saying (I'm a sucker for the obvious) that Brady and New England will provide a very stern test for our Bills. I'm extremely stoked for Sunday's game. By Sunday evening, we'll have a pretty clear idea of how good the defense really is.
  13. To the bolded, you're already giving New England the win? Great stuff, JH. I've been meaning to start a post making the analogy between "batterymates" in baseball and quarterbacks/wide receivers in football. I'll save it for another time. Bottom line, it's hard to be successful as a rookie QB when 3 of your top 4 wide receivers are rookies or 2nd-year disappointments. It's often pointed out around here how seldom rookie wide receivers make an impact but it's never mentioned that teaming a rookie QB with rookie WRs is a recipe for failure. Add to that your inexperienced OC doing double duty as the QBs Coach and you've created quite a steep slope. I guess it's just easier to just say the (rookie) QB sucks. Great post. Sometimes it seems like every poster here has been following the NFL for two years. It's frustrating as hell how little perspective people have, even those who should know better. I guess we should be glad that we're here for them to vent so they can feel better getting stuff off their chests.
  14. To the bolded, I agree wholeheartedly. McKelvin is more of a shadow corner. I think Donnie Henderson is doing an amazing job with McKelvin. On a few replays I can tell McKelvin while running stride for stride is focusing on the wideout from the shoulder to the hips. It seems like he's become adept at reading strides and knowing when the wideout is gonna cut or change direction. This skill is probably also a function of "film" study. It seems like McKelvin has been very studious about the players he's matched against and he has been staying in hip pockets without using much grabbing, in contrast to Gilmore and others that play the grabby style.
  15. I'm not sure why I'm being singled out here as before this post, I had only posted 4 times in this thread. As to the bolded below, my point is that it's inarguable that playing in Toronto neuters the home field advantage for the Bills. That some would argue this is actually incredible. And below is the reason I posted in the first place. WEO basically suggests that trading a home game for a neutral site game doesn't disadvantage the Bills. Over and out. I promise.
  16. This is simply not a fair statement to the Bills. Again since the Steve Walsh/Troy Aikman situation in 1989, none of the 32 teams in the NFL have gone first round quarterback in consecutive years. So why would you bash the Bills, particularly before April has even rolled around?
  17. I strongly disagree with Sal's opening statement: "Leodis McKelvin probably wasn't a first-round-worthy talent coming out of Troy State in the 2008 NFL draft, but the Buffalo Bills thought he was, so they picked him No. 11 overall." Leodis was a consensus first round pick. And he's always displayed the natural talent so IMO there's never been a time where he hasn't flashed his first round abilities. Leodis has twice been selected to the Pro Bowl as a return man. He has 3 punt returns for TDs, an INT return for a TD and a kick return for a TD. He's also had 4 other return TDs called back due to penalties. It's obvious why Leodis was taken in the first round so Sal's way off here. I wouldn't argue that he hasn't played like a first rounder but he was always considered a first rounder in the leadup to the 2008 NFL Draft and his talent has always been obvious.
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