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Everything posted by offsides#76FredSmerlas

  1. Brandon Spikes said he only liked and talked to a few players on the team. He said Marrone kept to himself and was not very likable. Brandon said in his time playing for him they never had one conversation other than hello. He told me that when the team had to take a bus trip that he would just sit in the front and not talk to any of the players and that most of the guys couldn't stand him.
  2. The Bills would have a better chance of trading him if he was featured and had a good game against a poor defense then to try and trade him after saying he is going through a concussion. Makes no sense...
  3. If Anderson beats the Colts and somehow gets a win over the Patriots he will not be taking out. I don't see this happening but if this long shot occurs then Allen IMO will not be put back in right away. My guess is our bad wide receivers look a lot better this week. I remember our offensive line years ago looked horrible and Rob Johnson got sacked a billion times. Then Flutie comes in an our line looks very good because Flutie knew how to throw on time and didn't hold the ball.
  4. Wanna bet? Chiefs will be in the Playoffs without a doubt. I will give you 100 if I'm wrong. You give me 75 if I am right.
  5. Still stuck on Tyrod, seriously! Then we have to give back the pick to the Browns for a guy who has no future. I'm glad they got rid of him. My money is on Anderson being the best guy we could actually play, not hypothetically. I would still go with Allen because at the end of the day I'm holding out hope that he ends up being better than all 4 at some point early on in his career. A better poll would be who will be released first our special teams coach, or Peterman?
  6. Jaraxxus and Lurker did you really feel you needed to make that point. If you don't like what the poster is saying just move on. I get tired of people making comments towards posters who do the classy thing and don't throw people under the bus. If you don't want to believe it that's your call but no one needs to hear it. It makes people not want to report information. Last year I had a good conversation with Brandon Spikes and I didn't throw his name out there and got bashed when I passed some of the things I learned from him along that I thought were interesting. Guess what, it will never happen again. I spoke with an insider with the Panthers who is very close to Beane and McDermott a few weeks back but those conversations I had will now stay close to the vest. Thanks COTC, appreciate you passing things along.
  7. The weather is supposed to be perfect for the Bills party. Looking forward to another great Bills Mafia event.
  8. On Saturday September 8th Tavern on the Tracks in Charlotte NC will once again bring the best Bills party outside the Buffalo area. If you are in Charlotte plan to visit. Last year it was slammed packed. The party goes from 5:00pm to midnight. The 7 Days Band who rocked it out last year in front of 3 or 4 thousand crazy Bills fans will be back to fire up the party once again. The band will be playing from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. Hope to see another awesome crowd out at Tavern on the Tracks supporting our Buffalo Bills!
  9. It wasn't so far fetched was it? The Browns wanted Mayfield and took him at #1, the Jets wanted him, and from what I was told so did the Bills. We also did make a trade with Tampa.
  10. I don't think he will be in play at 7 but I'm sure Buffalo is turning over every rock and they might have told the Bucs that if he is there for any reason we would be willing to trade for your pick if you are interested.
  11. I will say that the young man who most of you have figured out to be Luke Maye would never just say something to me that wasn't true. This kid, much like his friend Mason are 2 extremely high character guys. Everything is yes sir and yes mam and they both are highly intelligent and the hardest of workers on the field and in the classroom. If he does get anymore information about either Mason or Baker I will share if he says it is okay for me to.
  12. Thanks I have really no reason to lie. It's doesn't amount to anything substantial but at least I thought it was interesting and thought I would share.
  13. Taking some hits by a lot of so called Bills fans and that is fine because this is truly what I expected 1/2 of the people to do. I said in the title "take it for what it is worth". I'm not trying to guess at what the Bills are going to do. Some of you crack me up on here. It's like you have nothing better to do than throw shots at people.
  14. lol, no but you are good at putting puzzle pieces together.
  15. I coached a pretty talented college basketball player who's family is very close to Rudolph's family. There dads in fact played college football together. I asked him if today if he has heard about any interest the Bills might be showing Mason Rudolph and he didn't have anything to report. He then said to me that the Bucs have good information that the Bills are very high on Baker Mayfield. The reason he knows this is because he is also dating Dirk Koetter's daughter "head coach of the Bucs". I'm not sure if the Bills are discussing a trade with the Bucs and he didn't have that information either. Like I said, take this for what it is worth; just thought I would pass it along.
  16. I must have read 500 posts about who the different teams love in the last few weeks. "Really" No one has a clue of what the teams really think; I am so tired of everyone's speculation AND how many mock drafts do we need? I'm as excited as the rest of you but if you think you can guess what the teams are going to do your crazy. I guess someone has to get the formula right because I have seen the QB's slotted to go a hundred different ways in the draft. I know this if the Bills choose a corner at 12 the fans will burn the stadium down. lol
  17. Ben Roethlisberger, Alex Smith and Dante Culpepper should have never been drafted because they came from small schools and nobody succeeded before them. The school they play at is so irrelevant. If they are good they are good and if they suck they suck.
  18. Dan Fouts I was actually surprised to just read in an article that Fouts didn't have a strong arm, surprised me with all his 20 yard throws and deep bombs to Winslow, Chandler,and Jefferson.
  19. whatever! Yeah he is just taking a vacation; get a clue... He is on top every move and in every discussion and if you think he is not then you are clueless. He would be fired if he was so called "snoozing".
  20. No because there might possibly be no bridge and Tryod would have cost way to much to be a back up. It will probably be a competition for the starting job. Also, we got a guy locked up for 2 years on the cheap where Tyrod would have cost more and left after 1 season. Thirdly, I think AJ will probably be a better qb than Tyrod.
  21. You are correct! People think that just because you didn't enter contract talks with someone you weren't interested. Sometimes the agent might say something up front like my client is only interested in signing with 3 teams and your team is not one of them. It doesn't mean you were not interested.
  22. It's not speculation when you say he is NOT available. That sounds like you know more than you do. I just said it was a possibility. I am using logic and common sense and you are just acting like a know it all.
  23. Unless you are the Colts front office you do not know this. You are speculating. The Colts are rebuilding and if they love a qb coming out I could see this. I don't think it will happen but I would not be surprised. It could be why the Bills haven't made a move yet. It also could be why McDaniels didn't take the job.
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