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Everything posted by Nostradumbass

  1. The Players made a mistake? Does anyone really think the best offer from either side is on the table?? Is this everyone's first rodeo? This CBA isn't getting settled until real pressure is on and that doesn't happen unitl August /September. Fans need to sit back and relax this is just a process and right right now neither side has any incentive to get a deal done. And please quit with the players should be happy with what they have, fans should revolt, nonsense rhetoric we read on every post on this issue. We will all comeback when the NFL settles this CBA, it's a fantastic product that generates Billions in revenue and it's not always going to be easy for the interested parties to determine how to divide the pie. Meanwhile quit whining like it is our god given right to have football on our TV.
  2. with Ralph making our 1st round picks he has a habit of reaching for fast shiny things, no reason to believe this year will be different.
  3. I don't think I've ever seen worse vision in a runner, every time they do a reverse angle relay on a Spiller 1/2 yard run I see a decent hole for somebody who could identify and cut.
  4. i hope we keep handing off to Spiller he's bound to break a four-yarder soon
  5. Spiller is not a bust just a terrible, terrible pick Holes all over the team and we have a mildy effective scat-back with our 1st. It was Ralph Wilson's pick which is why Gaily doesn't give a flying $**t to give him the ball
  6. Meanwhile Winfield Spikes Fletcher Greer Leonard Williams All productive players after being cut by the Bills
  7. Newsflash - CJ Spiller wasn't drafted by Gailey and Nix He was drafted by the old senile coot that sits in his owner's box and whines that the Bills aren't exciting enough. We've changed regimes umpteen times and yet still seem to make ill-advised first round RB choices. There is a reason why no coaching talent even takes a sniff at Buffalo. Why would you join a franchise where the owner is going to make picks for you? Remember Dwayne Wright the 4th round flier Ralph leaned on the scouts to make? Why with the knowlege that Ralp forced the hand on a 4th rounder do we not understand what is going on here?
  8. Awful, awful pick by Ralph Wilson and I do think Spiller will be a dynamic player but RB's are a a dime a dozen, you can find talented ones in street clothes after the draft. Only an idiot franchise drafts one when they have two servicable and fairly young ones playing already. Couldn't think of a need we needed filled less than our backfield? Meanwhile our trench play is worse than ever.
  9. I thought Edwards had awful pocket awareness today. Yeah the line was bad but it wasn't like they were collapsed on every play, many times they created enough of a pocket for Trent to make a play but he simply refused or in most cases felt pressure that wasn't there. It seemed like any flash of white and Edwards flushed out as fast as he could. I appreciate that Edwards refused to slide on a couple of running plays but I still maintain Trent has never been the same since his Arizona destruction. He is terrified of a blindside hit.
  10. The Good Chris Ellis - Nice to see that we might have a player in this guy Cory McinTyre - Two really good ST tackles McKelvin - Superb athleticism out there today Florence - was a gamer all day Lindell- 51 yarder!! David Nelson - Looks like the preseason wasn't a fluke Whitner - Brought some much needed physicality to the team The Bad Eric Wood - Supposed to be a star in the making but got pushed back like a doll on many plays today Spiller - Was not a threat at anytime today despite a dozen touches Maybin - flew around alot but embarassed himself with his kangaroo celebration for his half tackle The Ugly Green - no need to talk about it Kelsay - Looks like some white middle age fan who won a contest to play a quarter in a pre-season game Edwards - He threw two balls that should have been pick sixes, feels pressure that does't exist or isn't there, basically needs 4-6 seconds without a sniff of a defensive player around him and acompletly open WR to make a play.
  11. New addition "Asset Management = Cutting Productive Players"
  12. "Draft a positions we don't need and then leverage that to sign them last!!" "We will hold most games close until the 2nd quarter" "Our games against KC are barnburners!!" "Looking for the next breakout star that we can trade/cut/not sign" "Best secondary bench in the AFC East" "We'll be a fun spoiler team after Thanksgiving!!" "All the Punts, Check Down's and Draw Play's your heart can handle" "November is mystery Left Tackle month" "We'll Might Finish 4-12 but we are targeting the best CB in next years draft" "Jim Kelly will be present at Two Games this year!"
  13. As a thought experiment how many Bills on the current roster would make the Steelers lineup? 7 maybe?
  14. 1.WTF is Cordaro Howard?? 2. Keeping Maybin and Torbor off of your quaterback is about as difficult as keeping Betty White and my Aunt May off of your Quaterback. Kwame Harris would look all pro facing that talent.
  15. Absolutely Drafting for the least important position on the football club of which you just happen to be stacked at is a sure path to success.
  16. The Bills drafted Spiller because that's what Ralph Wilson told his staff to do. Anyone who thinks different is myopic.
  17. And all the lemmings that eat Bills management tripe (regardless of who holds the GM chair) need to ask at what point does a team that had one of the worst Olines in football last year get serious about treating the problem.
  18. I love how its such a noble cause to build through the draft and bring in young players, ignoring the gaping trauma inducing hole on your club. Its like test driving a new car that doesn't have breaks because you want to save money and be able to buy the right brakes for it. In the meantime you'll just recklessly drive your four wheel hazard and smash it to pieces. Without a LT this team won't be able to; - Evaluate any of its QB's - understand how good Spiller might be - develop it young WR corp We get to watch another whole season of QB's scrambling, 3rd and 12's and 14 punt games
  19. Or just offer up a conditional 3rd or 4th to fill the biggest glaring weakness on the club
  20. as per PFT Meanwhile Wilson got his third blanket thrown on in prep for a couple hours of golf watching and Gailey contiues to throw up in his mouth watching Demetrius Bell on practice film
  21. How can anyone look at the Bills drafting history and not understand Ralph Wilson's influence on the first round? 3 different regimes in nine years all have one thing in common, a first round pick on a RB. Anyone taking over the Bills organization could see the absolute last need for the team was RB, which smart organizations will tell you is probably the last position you worry about filling anyway. Yet we take Spiller because?? Take a look at out 1st round picks; McKelvin, Maybin, Lynch, Spiller, Whitner, Evans... there all speed guys, Al Davis gets whacked in the media for his love of speed yet the Bills year after year ignore the fact our lines on both sides of the ball are paper thin and draft some flighty little sprite. Can all the regimes who have run Bills drafts be this stupid? Anyone remember Ralph forcing Dwayne Wright on us? Anyone wonder why regardless of who is in the front office, Mike Mayock will tell you the morning of the draft who the Bills are taking? Whitner called, Maybin called, Spiller called, becasue he has a pipeline to Mr.Wilson as long as he breasts his cards unitl the morning of the NFL draft. The Bills front office rushed up to the podium because they had no say in the matter, their draft doesn't begin until the Bills second pick
  22. When asked by a local reporter for the reason behind his absence Marshaw replied "I promised my cousin Ray-Ray that I would buy him a cell phone tommorow"
  23. I don't have any faith in a GM that chooses an undersized RB in the 1st round. It shows a basic mis-understanding of whats important on a good football team. We've already wasted 1st round picks on two "special" Running Backs in the last decade I'd rather have the 5th best tackle than the best RB in a draft. THe whole notion that we've been an undersized team is bunk as well, we had the biggest OLine in football two years ago and look where that got us.
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