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Everything posted by Nostradumbass

  1. barring a move stick you lips around a tail pipe J##$$ Ch&&st buy a sat radio, find a buddy who actually has joind the 21st century world of cable, find a pub, follow it on NFl.com and on and on
  2. Basically code for - I can't find anybody who has career aspiration to come here and coach under me with this old lunatic and the cast from Cocoon running things
  3. Ralph will be praying we don't win a Superbowl with a cotnract that incentive laden
  4. He said we wouldn't recognize the names so I'd like to take a wild stab at some "names" Arthur Moneywise Hank Bloweather Steve Mcfathum James Hassenfloss Andrew Hencepence Craig Pie John Fearless Tommy Shaneville Timmy Howl Frank Chickenpaw
  5. The Bills have had at least 10-12 calls from NFL QB's whom either want to be traded here or sign here as a FA. The list would blow your mind So to answer your question, no, we don't need to draft him
  6. 7 year 45K per year contract ..and he gets all leftovers fom the media buffet
  7. Ooohh sorry I forgot about 1968 Maybe I should clarify...worse times in this generation
  8. AS opposed to the actual person made coach that makes me wnat to "blow my brains"
  9. Yeah Chan Gailey And he's also Tight End coach, Receivers coach and Strength and Conditioning coach and Russ Brandon's son is our new video coach and he's doing it for FREE!! Tight ship being run after the loose mobney decade we just went through
  10. Hell Yeah! I'm up for some waterboarding..lets start with Ral..wait did I get get the title confused..??
  11. I'll take pointless negativity over unjustifiable positivity any day At least I'll stay sane
  12. Other "hilights" for those who missed it Ralph Wilson - "It pleases me that I'm paying less to my coaching staff than I am for my proctologist" RW - "you guys think I'm made of money??? the price of beef consume went up 8 cent a can you know.." Buddy Nix "I caught a 60 pound catfish dangnammit..you think this managing thing scares the bejebus outta me..." BN - "Ebnebody wanted this coaching job I had HS coaches calling me, the coach of Maine, CFL assitant coaches,Jim Tressel...it was a long list" RW (in response to a question from a female reporter "excuse me mam but who is your escort?? I'll only address him"
  13. I realizing that your posting nickname has become your identity but try not to revel how pathetic you are to everyone
  14. Buddy Nix "We gonna go after free agents harder than I used to run brown liquor across the county line"
  15. Quit putting PTR at the end of your posts its F&&&ing annoying I keep trying to deduce what source PTR is.
  16. Whomever the DC is he will be responsible for coaching the LB/Defensive Backs and D-Line There will be no wasting money on excessive coaches this year
  17. I'm suprise Ralph admitted he was looking for three things in a coach - old - white - and tried
  18. all coming for interviews The talent is starting to knock on the door folks
  19. I miss the 14 second delay between actual events on the field and Pat's call .. TV picture - Emmitt Smith runs a touchdown into the endzone 1 second 2 seconds 3 seconds 4 seconds PS - Touchdown 5 seconds 6 seconds 7 seconds PS - Emmit Smith !!
  20. I'll grant people Shanahan's questionable personel skills. But the man is the best football scheme creater on the market IMO
  21. Nothing like a post full of 30 and 40 year olds pining for the good old days. Of course the good old days meant an entire season with only two watchable games, the 49ers and Cowboys regular season tilt and the NFC championship game. Anybody who say otherwise simply has bad memory. I defy anyone to watch the next "classic" game on the NFL network from say 15 years ago and then come back to this post and say the football was better. The product is faster, more violent and is played by more athletic players then ever before. I agree commercials are a problem but what do you think drives the boat?
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