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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Just watched it also. Damn that is depressing. What an unbelievable team that was though.
  2. F*ck fitz F*ck boldin F*ck ward F*ck breaston F*ck holmes too And f*ck you Lee evans has more raw talent than all of them Give him a bitchy attitude OR a decent QB OR a bigger market. you fools are just enamoured by the flavour of the month...the way the nfl likes it Guarantee none of you thought fitz was the best reveiver 12 months ago...did he all of a sudden get that good in one year? Andre Johnson Randy Moss Lee Evans
  3. Kelsay in the pro bowl? I'm almost positive you're joking and enjoying the replies, but in case you're not, you need to start watching more football dude! Kelsay gets penetration as often as a straight priest. And when he does, he's usually in the wrong...uh...gap. You got a better chance of hearing a Lee Evans interview without him saying "no doubt".
  4. I think you're referring to blades of steel...and yes, the fighting in that game was second to none. Alphadawg, 96 was good, but 94 is a timeless classic. I prefer it even to the nhl games out now (and I have a ps3). Plus, it's the game they were playing in swingers!
  5. This isn't even close...TSB is the greatest video game in history...followed by nhl 94.
  6. also, mike singletary (who was awesome) and ron rivera (not a head coach, i know)
  7. Great topic! The best was the original TSB on nes...the follow-up to tecmo bowl. I have a cracked version on my psp with updated rosters. I'd say the Bills were 2nd after San Fran in that game.
  8. The Bills were lucky enough to stumble upon a player like this, so they better keep him. Again, I believe Bobby April is to thank for having him on this team. He marvelled at his athleticism and I remember an interview where he was amazed that he went undrafted and they got him as a free agent. Jason Peters was awesome at times this year, but not as good as last year, no doubt. But the real problem with this offensive line is Dockery. I'd say even moreso than the center (okay, maybe about the same). He is atrocious. I'm surprised more people don't mention this. Even putting aside his salary, he just hasn't been effective at all. Just seems like the kind of player that can only function with a kick in the ass from the coaches, which won't happen with our cadaverous coach.
  9. naw...i'd say edwards is the better than RJ
  10. The Buffalo Bills: Spread your legs for another year of Dick, followed by a kick in the Jaurons.
  11. What would it take to poach the greatest coach in the game? Sure, the press conferences would be just as boring, but I think every other aspect of the team would be infinitely better. He would even put some of the Jills to shame with those unsightly manboobs. I know this will probably never happen (not to mention the whole tampering issue also) but if he were to agree to come for 15 million bucks a year, would you rather spend that money on him, or a combo of dockery and schobel? Hey, we can all dream!
  12. i think ko simpson tried to tackle the streaker but missed
  13. are you joking? josh reed has been more of a #1??? teams don't gameplan around josh reed....if you read any of the pregame or postgame comments from other teams, they always talk about how they try to plan around smothering lee evans....never heard of anyone worrying about josh reed (not to take anything away from his improved game) as people have stated already, lee just doesn't get the ball...don't know whether that's because of the qb or schonert/jauron sadly, even when he is covered, he makes the catches...can you name of many instances this year where he was thrown the ball and didn't catch it? double-teamed or not? the guy is immensely talented and that talent is just wasting away year after year here it sucks, because i really feel this offense has the skill but it's just not being used...jauron or whoever needs to identify if it's the qb, or schonert's scheme and do something about it...probably wishful thinking because it's jauron, but i really feel this season was lost because of the offense's inability to challenge deep does anyone know of a website that will tell you how many times a team has attempted throws of at least 30 yards?
  14. If you're looking to blame someone for him not having 300 yards, blame bobby april and the special teams personnel. Those pesky bastards are killing trent's stats by having drives start at midfield.
  15. Ideally, the bills should re-sign greer and trade mcgee in the offseason. Doubt he will stay in buffalo after 2009 and they should be able get something of value for him.
  16. why don't the coaches just put up a big sign that says "we are running the ball on this play"? Great win today, but this annoying habit has been a staple of the Bills' offense for the last 3 years and needs to stop. If an everyday fan can recognize this, I'm sure opposing coaches have also. To be fair, there was one instance today where they actually passed in that formation (goes against my point, I know) but it is the first time I've ever seen them do that.
  17. For the common folk who don't have V-coach: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3776224
  18. Here's the link: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3769872 Happy holidays to us all. !@#$!
  19. Does anyone know what happened to him? He used to be on WGR weekly, but not any longer. He's a bit of a clown, but I always found him to be entertaining. Does he appear on any other radio shows? Would love to hear him rip into the team, especially after today.
  20. A receiver is only as good as the qb throwing to him. Evans catches any and everything thrown his way, but he can't help it if his qb doesn't have the balls to throw to him when he's covered. If he had the bitchy attitude that some of these prima donna receivers have where he whined about not getting the ball enough, he would have much better stats. But to his credit, the guy always puts the team first. Sadly, if he was the high maintenance type, the offense would probably be better off at this point. Guys like Smith, Owens, Moss, etc. get thrown to whether they are covered or not. Evans does not have that luxury, whether that's the qb's fault, or the coaches. It's too hard to compare receivers because of this, but in my (probably biased) opinion, I think he is a top 5 receiver in the league on pure talent.
  21. In a twisted way, that is the best news I've heard in a month.
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