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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Wow Dude, you just won't quit, will you? I posted my opinion ONE TIME in a thread, but I prefaced it by saying "As I've said many times before in these forums...." I was just elaborating that I'm consistent. JUST ABOUT EVERYBODY WHO POSTS IN THESE FORUMS INEVITABLY WILL POST THE "SAME" OPINION, OVER TIME, IN DIFFERENT THREADS, JUST LIKE I DID. It literally happens ALL THE TIME, every day. It was not "excessive", but rather, it was an opinion that most homers disagreed with, and one of the moderators too. That moderator also called it "spam", which was laughable and totally nonsensical.
  2. I had to laugh at this, because IMO there's a direct parallel to THIS FORUM, in that it's mostly like that in here too. I got suspended for a week for voicing an opinion that simply went against the blinders-wearing homers' majority. LOL
  3. My daughter goes to UM. Have been there to visit her. This may be anecdotal, but from what I have personally seen/heard, Spanish is the #1 language down there. So yes, if you did a radio show, it’d probably be a good idea to do it in the most commonly used language in your listening area.
  4. A lot of people aren’t happy with this either, as they keep taking parking areas away, just as they did when they built a concert venue (Daily’s Place) immediately next to the stadium. And if you can believe this, Daily’s Place is an amphitheater (its covered, but still outside), and there’s NO overhead fans and/or an AC system to blow cold air. Concerts in there from June - September are brutal, yet they have a lot of them. After we went to a June one, that was it for us. LOL
  5. Most people.....I mean football fans, LOL.....here in town are NOT happy with this. And as others have said, I can’t imagine any scenario at all where the players would be happy with this, especially if they have to pay more $$$ in taxes. Not sure how the NFL is handling the latter though. Maybe they have a deal with London where the players don’t have to pay “full rate?”
  6. On the local sportscast tonight, Khans top people in the Jags organization were adamant that he (Khan) wants to keep the Jags in Jacksonville “forever.” They wouldn’t be lying, would they? ?
  7. Don’t see why he wouldn’t have been invited. No matter what anybody thinks about his matter with Ron & Nicole, even if it was “jury nullification”, he was found Not Guilty by a court of law. My guess is he made a conscious choice not to go, but if I were him, and I wasn’t invited, I’d be angry about it.
  8. Terrible camera coverage of the flyover. How is that even possible? Lol
  9. The large debris field sure seems to back up the high rate of descent (and accompanying high speed) into the hillside. The radar data I saw also showed a steep climb while in a left turn to the south, and then another left turn back to the east, and that's when they crashed. It must have been pure hell for the passengers in that descent, knowing that their death was imminent. And it must be very difficult for the folks who have to recover the bodies (body parts?) from the scene.
  10. This is just a terrible, terrible tragedy for those families who were directly affected, whether it be a "world famous" basketball player & his daughter, or a middle school girls basketball coach, or a college baseball coach and his wife & daughter. We all must never forget that the only guarantees in this life are death & taxes. As far as the death of an athlete...or musician....or actor....or "famous" person being more "important" than a "regular" person? The media always has, and always will make a huge "over the top" deal out of these celebrities' deaths. SDS made some valid points. It is what it is. OK, so I used to fly in an airplane with 8 engines on it (have over 1000 hours in it), and I was happy about that, since we could lose FIVE and still make it to an emergency runway...with a good pilot/co-pilot, of course! Some really good posts in here about the possible causes of this accident (Thanks Hapless). I also tend to agree that it was pilot error and CFIT. One thing I haven't seen in here is the notion that the pilot may have felt pressure from the folks to get to their destination...what they call "get-there-itis." And I don't mean direct pressure, but more of an unspoken / expected pressure to "let's get there!" Anyway, the latter is what some experienced helo and small jet pilots are saying on different aviation message boards.
  11. Totally agree with the PI call, and it was PI because he was BLATANTLY holding him while the ball was in the air, hence it's PI.
  12. I might agree with you, but the Music City Miracle has soured them for me....for life! LOL
  13. Regarding the title of this thread: NO, they really were not, or they surely would have taken care of (beaten) Houston. Now, they MAY or MAY NOT "turn the corner" next year. I sure hope that they do, but of course, we will have to wait & see.
  14. Not sure if you're actually serious with this post, or just trolling me. But I'll bite. LOL There were no "participation trophies" in my youth....no "we're going to play this game, but there will be no winners or losers. No 'Everybody's a winner!' " "Helicopter parents" wasn't a thing back then either.....no endless lines of parents' vehicles at schools to drop off & pick up kids. We took the bus, rode our bikes, or walked. Nobody had a cellphone or IPad.....in elementary school! Where I grew up in WNY, myself and ALL of my friends did daily/weekly chores at home. Nobody was allowed to skip gym class unless they had a note from a Doctor, NOT a parent's note. The phrase "Sticks & Stones may hurt my bones, but names will never hurt me" was taken to heart, and we lived by it. Like I said in an earlier post in this thread, we shrugged things off and moved on. How many kids are on some sort of medication for their "mental health" these days? I'd bet the farm that it' a lot more than was back in the 60s - 80s. I could go on, but like I said, I don't really think you (or anybody, for that matter) seriously believes that kids who grew up after 1990 aren't way more coddled, and aren't way more sensitive, than those who grew up before 1990. And before somebody chimes in (again) with "OK Boomer", save if for someone who cares. LOL
  15. I can't, and won't speak for others, but I'm not sure that you're correctly comprehending what I said in here. Here's what I said earlier in this thread: "As for the "hazing", as others have said, it's a way different world than it was even 10 years ago, so a lot of the things us oldsters grew up with, and shrugged them off as "initiation rites" and/or harmless, now cause many snowflakes to need therapy or file lawsuits. I'm not "justifying" anything. I'm saying that in my personal experience (in the 70s & early 80s), there was plenty of hazing going on, and we just dealt with it, and accepted it as a "normal" thing. I guess we didn't know any better. And in looking at the big picture, you have to admit that people who grew up in the 60s - 80s had "thicker skin" than people who grew up later than that, or today's young kids, don't you?
  16. I sure hope you got a warning for this remark from some over officious moderator. You're essentially calling other forum members stupid. I used the widely used innocuous & humorous slang term "snowflake" in a post, did NOT direct it at any users in here, and was slapped with a warning. I dunno though, maybe it's OK to denigrate other users, but not OK to use words deemed to be politically incorrect. ?
  17. The most shocking thing about all of this is that this thread hasn't been locked down yet! ? As for the "hazing", as others have said, it's a way different world than it was even 10 years ago, so a lot of the things us oldsters grew up with, and shrugged them off as "initiation rites" and/or harmless, now cause many snowflakes to need therapy or file lawsuits.
  18. Yeah, heaven forbid that they would have to work the whole year....just like 99% of Americans....to make their millions. ?
  19. You must have missed the part where I said I watch two good teams, or really, even two mediocre teams, if it's a good game. And of course I watch all of the post season games. I am a fan of the game, but I don't have time to sit around and waste my time watching garbage. Everybody has different priorities in life, that's for sure. And I'm sure that "bad" announcers won't stop people from watching their favorite teams and/or a good matchup. OTOH, "good" announcers have never, and will never, make me tune in to a crap game.
  20. This has always made NO sense to me. You watch the game(s) because it is either: your team playing, or two good teams playing, NOT because who is announcing the games. Yes, I agree that Romo brings some good insight, BUT, if the Monday night matchup is Bengals vs. Redskins, I'm not watching even if Jesus Christ is in the booth. The same theory goes for all the young nubile eye candy the sports networks give jobs to. It's truly baffling.
  21. What!? What game are you watching? They most certainly did blitz...brought SIX guys, and the guy who got the sack came in untouched. Please lose the hate for Watson.
  22. Turn out the lights, the party's over.....Well, it was over about an hour ago! LOL
  23. I see that they're not even putting up the net behind the goal posts for XPs....that's nice...FREE playoff ball!!!
  24. I say again, Watson is a good passer (accurate)
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