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Charles Romes

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Everything posted by Charles Romes

  1. I purchased the preseason game viewing package from NFL.com. I have to say its nice to buy software from a powerhouse like the NFL. Everything worked without any glitches. I think it cost me 20 bucks for all the games. I made my purchase like 5 minutes before kickoff when there had to be a million simultaneous hits on the server. Somehow my order was processed instantly and I was watching the feed within minutes.
  2. Just remember that Trent Edwards and Spiller tore it up in preseason two years ago. If I remember, Fitz and the O could do nothing last year in preseason and started great. I look at the preseason as an opportunity for individuals to make plays. Unfortunately we do not have anyone to chuck it up to any one of our ten 6.2 230 receivers so that that they could distinguish themselves from one another.
  3. He seemed to be in the play for a high percentage of plays he was on the field
  4. By being out if the league will he be occupying defenders and opening things up for Stevie?
  5. Would be nice if we had someone who could throw one up somewhere so tha Aiken had a chance to make a play.
  6. You mean where graham refused to go after that ball over the middle in order to avoid a hit.
  7. Our QBs are so bad we have no way of knowing what we have at receiver.
  8. The reason is we had no franchise qb hopeful on the bench. It's okay to have a weak armed game managing running qb backing up when you are a Super Bowl contender. When you are not a super bowl contender you need a big armed franchise qb hopeful as the second string qb.
  9. Would rather have Mcnabb than young. He's in shape and may be primed for a revival. Has a delivery and wind driving ball flight very similar to kelly.
  10. actually they went 11-5. One of a very few teams to go 11-5 and miss the playoffs.
  11. I liked when Tannenhill was saying how great their receivers are - he said they have no question marks at receiver.
  12. He does not have great football speed. His speed kicks in only after 50m when he hits full stride (his stride is like 50 percent longer than the next guy). The 10 or 20 yard dash would be the best test for football speed.
  13. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=kevin+everett+wiki#seen
  14. It's really remarkable that we may have to cut serviceable players on both the offensive and defensive lines to make roster this year considering Cornell green started for us two years ago. If hagan somehow emerges as a solid 3 that might be the biggest reclamation success out of all the names mentioned. That guy is on his fourth or fifth team.
  15. I find it interesting that we have a qb coach named David Lee and a local Bills reporter named Leo Roth.
  16. Should be no problem to hoist him up to to the Vince Lombardi trophy presentation platform in February.
  17. Hanging on to the ball too long is a sickness that is not fixable. Its a function of not having pocket awareness. Ask rj1.
  18. Bob Sanders is available as well. He's good for a quarter or two this year as well before going on IR.
  19. Jack Del Rio always seems to get more than you would think out of chaos and bad players. Oh wait...take the under!
  20. I see Johnson as the poor mans Hasek of the gridiron. Hasek becamo one of the best ever by presenting an endless stream of false targets to shoot at. Apparent openings that were totally covered and were merely a mirage. Johnson's game is similar. He has an uncanny ability to "sell" a move and strings of moves he has no intention to make. Once he sells a fake move he finds himself wide open. Johnson's game is similar to Hasek's by being highly predicated on deception and false commits. Johnson is also similar to Hasek since both have to be freakishlly flexible to make their game work.
  21. Pure gimmickry on offense won this division a few years ago.
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