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  2. That's a natural struggle for a new league. If (and that's a big if) it lasts, some can say they watched from the beginning while others can say they only started watching after it got popular.
  3. Idk man. I love college football. I love the NFL. I watch hundreds of games in the fall. I can’t get into this stuff. I’m not sure why. I guess in CFB you have rivalries which is always fun and in the NFL, if you follow the league, you kinda know most guys playing long enough. There’s just something missing.
  4. IMHO its an easy answer for me...the New Zealand All Blacks (Rugby) The New Zealand All Blacks are the winningest sports team in history of any sport in the world Over 112 years they have a 77% win percentage which is not only the best all time of any sport, but pretty insane. Past 4 years their win % is 95% They also dominate women's Rugby too. They are the most dominant sports team in world history and have a plethora of the greatest to ever play the game in their history. No team has dominated a world sport to the degree that they have. Fun fact: Rugby despite being one of the bigger sports in the world, is currently the 2nd fastest growing sport for both men and women. PS: If anyone is interested, Amazon Prime does a series called "All or Nothing" which is very similar to HBO's Hard Knocks style of show, but they have done all kinds of sports and not just football. And the one on the New Zealand All Blacks is quite a good watch, even if you aren't that familiar with Rugby.
  5. He was good in the XFL too….Spring Football legend
  6. said the guy going by freak-o based on light message board posting
  7. Where are the Marlins? Has any other franchise ever gutted their team after a championship? Throw in the God-awful stadium remake a few years back and the awesome reign of Derek Jeter as part owner and CEO (hey, we should trade our best player to the Crankees!) and they'd be high up on my list.
  8. That's kind of amazing. So doesn't this mean that Linsley and Clapp are related?
  9. Wow #13 is reeeeeeeeeally unlucky. Also, they really meant suffering fanbases. The top four in miserable would be Pats, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox.
  10. Those early baseball teams kinda have a decently big asterisk, since the best collection of talent is based on relative to their competition and a huge part of the competition was prevented from playing in the league.
  11. Maybe its one of the other WR's trying to earn a spot for the Bills or our PS outside the top 6 guys (or Isabella as that ain't Isabella HA). I honestly couldn't pick those other guys out of a lineup haha.
  12. in the video he's working side by side with Shakir so def. someone Moulds is training.
  13. McGovern played more games at RG than C in college The C on most teams sets and adjusts the protections Not quite the same task in HS and even college
  14. Good question, not sure...maybe someone who is part of Moulds team or maybe another WR from another team or a college WR who hired Moulds too. Be my best guess
  15. I don't see that happening. SVPG becoming undeniable wouldn't lead to them keeping an extra OL that they normally wouldn't. In the event that SVPG did blow everyone's socks off, they'd move McGovern back to Guard and Edwards would take SVPG's presumed spot on the 53 as a reserve. If SVPG were to get hurt in that scenario, they'd shuffle the line by sliding McGovern to Center and put Edwards at Guard. Edwards is a Kromer favorite and a full time starter before last season. I don't see a scenario where he's going to fall on his face in Kromer's system. He was brought back at a pay raise because of Kromer's history and belief in him. What makes McGovern a good Guard is what makes him a better fit as a Center. He's very good at holding the line and not letting people through. However, he's not good at pushing his man backwards. This is fine for a Center. But for a Guard, you want them to get push for runs to the Left side. Thus, the shift to Center - with Edwards to Guard who's better at pushing his man. I really don't see him being a decent Guard but an albatross at Center. Especially since that's the position he played in High School and College.
  16. Always really liked Mark Pike, great call! Nice roster. Would’ve straight up whipped many of our drought starters imho!
  17. Im a Bills fan I hope he succeeds but I stand by my assessment of him
  18. I'm going with Jabari Greer. I spent 3-4 years bitching while he languished on the Bills bench despite clearly being the team's second most capable and instinctive corner only to see the Bills let him walk when he became a FA. He's currently ensconced in the Saints Hall of Fame.
  19. Live From Studio 6B on Real America's Voice today played clips of Reagan speaking at the 40th anniversary of D-Day back in 1984. He was 73 then, not much younger than Joke is today. The they played clips of Joke today. What a difference. The whole show is available on You Tube.
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