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TO's post game comments


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He's doing his best to be 'good' but we need him to be TO and speak his mind. It's obvious to him (repeatedly says 'just going with the plays that are called') as it is to us that the gameplan and/or Trent need to improve. How we can't get him and Lee involved in this offense is beyond me. You almost have to go out of your way to exclude guys of this talent level. Throw some slants, jump balls, to these guys early and get them in the game for god's sake. Makes no sense.


Q: What did you think of the offense overall?


Terrell Owens: Didnt execute.


Q: Why do you think the offense didnt execute?


T.O.: We lost the game, what do you think?


Q: On the deep ball at the tunnel end did you pull up on that?


T.O.: No.


Q: Trent couldnt get the ball downfield and it seemed like everything was short and check downs.


T.O.: I was just going with the plays that were called.


Q: Was it something their defense was doing out there?


T.O.: What do you think?


Q: You tell me, youre out there


T.O.: Im just going with the plays that are called.


Q: Your frustration level right now?


T.O.: Im good. Just got to get ready for next week.


Q: Do you feel you and Lee (Evans) are being wasted in this offens?


T.O.: Were just going with the plays that are called.


Q: You could say no right there.


T.O.: Im just going with the plays that are called.


Q: Do you like the plays that are called?


T.O.: Whether I like them or dont, Im just going with the plays that are called.


Q: How about the decisiosn that are made after the plays are called? The quarterbacks decisions after the play is called?


T.O.: Youd have to ask him


Q: Im asking what you think.


T.O.: I dont want to answer that because whatever I say you guys are turn it into however you want to say it.


Q: Well print whatever you say word for word.


T.O.: I just answered you sir.


Q: Any thoughts on the end of your catch streak (185 straight games)?


T.O.: Its over.


Q: Did it have any meaning to you at all?


T.O.: We didnt win the game.


Q: Do you feel bad for the defense?


T.O.: Weve just got to regroup and get ready for next week.




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I'm on record as saying I didn't like the signing from the get-go, but I will admit, he's taken the moral high-ground and being a good soldier and not letting the media goad him into saying something that will draw the headlines. Good for him! Sure he's giving milquetoast answers, but he's got reason to.


1. he needs to look to the future and what team will sign him next year.

2. he gains nothing by ranting and raving about an offensive game plan that is about as diverse as your average Section VI HS team.

3. if he gives the media what they want he gets nothing but "typical TO" stories written about him

4. It's a long arduous season and face it, he's probably here for the duration so what does he gain by blowing up the lockeroom in week three?

5. He can get his frustration out once he leaves here

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I'm fairly certain he's asked himself a few times "what was I thinking when I put the pen to that paper".


Lee Evans should say the same thing after signing his extension...talk about a career being wasted. At least TO had a few good QB's throwing to him over the years.

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Sad thing is, once TO blows up the locker room, I'm going to side with him. Andre Johnson is the only major threat on the Texans (Owen Daniels is not exactly a game-breaker, folks), yet he catches 100+ passes a year for major yardage. Roddy White was the only receiving threat on the Falcons last year, and had a monster year. Why are we seemingly the only team completely incapable of getting the ball to our best playmaker(s)? Even before TO came on, we couldn't get the ball to Evans. Now with both TO and Evans, we can't get the ball to either one. Awesome.

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Andre Johnson is the only major threat on the Texans (Owen Daniels is not exactly a game-breaker, folks), yet he catches 100+ passes a year for major yardage. Roddy White was the only receiving threat on the Falcons last year, and had a monster year. Why are we seemingly the only team completely incapable of getting the ball to our best playmaker(s)? Even before TO came on, we couldn't get the ball to Evans. Now with both TO and Evans, we can't get the ball to either one. Awesome.


These are excellent points.

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I'm on record as saying I didn't like the signing from the get-go, but I will admit, he's taken the moral high-ground and being a good soldier and not letting the media goad him into saying something that will draw the headlines. Good for him! Sure he's giving milquetoast answers, but he's got reason to.


1. he needs to look to the future and what team will sign him next year.

2. he gains nothing by ranting and raving about an offensive game plan that is about as diverse as your average Section VI HS team.

3. if he gives the media what they want he gets nothing but "typical TO" stories written about him

4. It's a long arduous season and face it, he's probably here for the duration so what does he gain by blowing up the lockeroom in week three?

5. He can get his frustration out once he leaves here



I'm right with you, Bullpen. I know saying that "T.O. acted like a class-act" may sound funny to us as a result of our view of him from previous actions and media portrayals, but T.O. acted with as much dignity and professionalism as possible could be done with a reporter seeking to tick him off.


I applaud Terrell Owens for both his skills as well as his handling of a unbelievable rough situation. <_<


The truth is we have an undependable offense. We have a decent defense that just can't hang with top 10 teams in the 4th quarter. This has been proven by New England and New Orleans. The reason is simple. First, great coaching means great fourth quarter teams. Second, great conditioning leads to great fourth quarter teams. Third, teams with a winning tradition and mindset win in the fourth quarter.


This is what separates average teams from outstanding teams. Buffalo is average because there is not great coaching, conditioning, or a winning culture/attitude infused in the locker room.


That's why Buffalo loses.


Fire Jauron!

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Sad thing is, once TO blows up the locker room, I'm going to side with him. Andre Johnson is the only major threat on the Texans (Owen Daniels is not exactly a game-breaker, folks), yet he catches 100+ passes a year for major yardage. Roddy White was the only receiving threat on the Falcons last year, and had a monster year. Why are we seemingly the only team completely incapable of getting the ball to our best playmaker(s)? Even before TO came on, we couldn't get the ball to Evans. Now with both TO and Evans, we can't get the ball to either one. Awesome.

Impeccable logic. <_<

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Its awesome how we get to see Rodney Harrison call T.O. a clown and accuses him of "mefirst" antics and only caring about himself, as opposed to the team. Predictably, NBC only showed a snippet of T.O.s press conference to help them paint this picture. Yet, amazingly, when I watched the PC, I saw a T.O. that was frustrated at a team performance. He didn't throw anyone under the bus, which he could have, and clearly indicated that it was team loss affected him. Even when the rabid media was lobbing him softballs...


T.O. is really going through a humbling experience in Buffalo this year. I hope that he comes out the other end better for it. For those of you hoping that T.O. pops off at the team to expose their losing ways....well, it amazes me how you guys waste your time posting on a Bills board when you could clearly be spending your precious time on the team that you really support.

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Its awesome how we get to see Rodney Harrison call T.O. a clown and accuses him of "mefirst" antics and only caring about himself, as opposed to the team. Predictably, NBC only showed a snippet of T.O.s press conference to help them paint this picture. Yet, amazingly, when I watched the PC, I saw a T.O. that was frustrated at a team performance. He didn't throw anyone under the bus, which he could have, and clearly indicated that it was team loss affected him. Even when the rabid media was lobbing him softballs...


T.O. is really going through a humbling experience in Buffalo this year. I hope that he comes out the other end better for it. For those of you hoping that T.O. pops off at the team to expose their losing ways....well, it amazes me how you guys waste your time posting on a Bills board when you could clearly be spending your precious time on the team that you really support.

I don't think they have message boards all about themselves.

And I agree, the media are acting like whores. Crack whores, from the looks of it.

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We have a decent defense that just can't hang with top 10 teams in the 4th quarter. This has been proven by New England and New Orleans. The reason is simple. First, great coaching means great fourth quarter teams. Second, great conditioning leads to great fourth quarter teams. Third, teams with a winning tradition and mindset win in the fourth quarter.


This is what separates average teams from outstanding teams. Buffalo is average because there is not great coaching, conditioning, or a winning culture/attitude infused in the locker room.


Winning defenses have offenses that can score points. The '85 Bears defense would have had a hard time winning with an offense that posts a goose egg. Our offense has really only scored 43 points in 3 games. Not going to win many games when only average 14.33 points per game.


Why we can't design and execute plays to get our playmakers the ball is beyond me. Why our 3rd string TE gets more balls thrown to him than TE and LE is a crime.

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Its awesome how we get to see Rodney Harrison call T.O. a clown and accuses him of "mefirst" antics and only caring about himself, as opposed to the team. Predictably, NBC only showed a snippet of T.O.s press conference to help them paint this picture. Yet, amazingly, when I watched the PC, I saw a T.O. that was frustrated at a team performance. He didn't throw anyone under the bus, which he could have, and clearly indicated that it was team loss affected him. Even when the rabid media was lobbing him softballs...


T.O. is really going through a humbling experience in Buffalo this year. I hope that he comes out the other end better for it. For those of you hoping that T.O. pops off at the team to expose their losing ways....well, it amazes me how you guys waste your time posting on a Bills board when you could clearly be spending your precious time on the team that you really support.

This is how the "for profit" media works, regardless of subject. It used to be kinda fun to watch these things unfold but now it really bothers me.

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Sad thing is, once TO blows up the locker room, I'm going to side with him. Andre Johnson is the only major threat on the Texans (Owen Daniels is not exactly a game-breaker, folks), yet he catches 100+ passes a year for major yardage. Roddy White was the only receiving threat on the Falcons last year, and had a monster year. Why are we seemingly the only team completely incapable of getting the ball to our best playmaker(s)? Even before TO came on, we couldn't get the ball to Evans. Now with both TO and Evans, we can't get the ball to either one. Awesome.


+1 <_<

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