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Fines Up to $3,800 for Failing to Get Health Insurance


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They're using the car insurance model as justification.

I can't wait until they get the universal government-run car insurance plan in place next. They tax all the private car insurance companies for any insured car valued at over $15,000, and fine any person who doesn't have it. And just like this new Baucus health care plan, you're exempt from the fines for not having insurance if you don't have a car under $15,000, or if you're an illegal immigrant.

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Well, with 46 million uninsured, that puts a chunk into the deficit.


People making under $250K will pay less in taxes under Obama, yeah?


Oh, wait. This isn't a 'tax' this is a 'fine.' Totally different.


The oft-quoted "46 million" is wrong. Many, if not most, choose not to purchase coverage. There's lots of younger people in good health, along with youth's feeling of invulnerability, that simply choose not to spend the money for coverage.

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The oft-quoted "46 million" is wrong. Many, if not most, choose not to purchase coverage. There's lots of younger people in good health, along with youth's feeling of invulnerability, that simply choose not to spend the money for coverage.


Yeah, but that still makes them "uninsured" regardless if they "choose" to be.

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What I find to be extremely moronic about the Baucus plan is that they will tax the health insurers $6 Billion dollars to help pay for their health insurance reform.


Ok, does anyone else see the twisted logic of doing this?


$6 Billion would account for 1/3 of the entire profits of the health insurance industry. So in other words, you are going to cut down their profit margins even more than it all ready is, which is at 3.5%.


Don't they know that if you do this, that they will find away to recuperate the lost revenues?


Don't they understand, that they will pass this cost on to the consumer?


Wasn't the whole point of the health insurance reform to lower the cost of health insurance? So now, we will tax them so heavily that it will take away 1/3 of the profit revenues, and we will expect them to not pass along the cost :devil:


These guys are !@#$ing idiots!!!


If anything, they should give them bigger tax breaks and require them to pass the savings along to the consumer. Of course they wouldn't think of anything like that though.


Dumbasses :P

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Don't they know that if you do this, that they will find away to recuperate the lost revenues?


Don't they understand, that they will pass this cost on to the consumer?


Not if they fix or cap the amount insurers are allowed to charge.

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Well, they havn't gone that far yet, but I wouldn't put it by some dumbass in congress to come up with an idea such as that.


Talk about opening up Pandora's Box.


Yes, not yet. But how else would it work? Either that, or drive the industry into bankruptcy.



Which would be fine with most people, because corporations are evil. Hell, Michael Moore could do "Sicko II: Another Capitalist Love Story" about it.

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Yes, not yet. But how else would it work? Either that, or drive the industry into bankruptcy.


I'm actually surprised that Waxman hasn't starting waving papers around showing how much is being paid to health insurance CEOs based on his request for them to report front-and-center. That was supposed to happen on the 4th, and today would be a great day to show everyone how evil these people are.

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Yes, not yet. But how else would it work? Either that, or drive the industry into bankruptcy.



Which would be fine with most people, because corporations are evil. Hell, Michael Moore could do "Sicko II: Another Capitalist Love Story" about it.

Oh ya, it would drive a decent % of the insurers out of business. No doubt about it, and the majority of the rest would have to cut quality of coverage to compete. At the end of the day, the overall quality of coverage from "competing" health insurers would be lessened.


Apart from these "competing" health insurers, I could see "cadillac" coverage health insurers finding a niche' in the market tailored to those who don't want to deal with the red tape and who are more concerned with quality as opposed to price.

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And another thing...what about people who don't use western medical resources - Christian Scientists, naturopaths, homeopaths. Never mind that such people are generally idiots anyway...but should they be fined $3800 for not having insurance they won't use because it won't cover their treatments anyway?


Or does the government ban Christian Scientists, or mandate that insurance cover raspberry-leaf-and-grapeseed poultices as a treatment for glaucoma?

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Yeah...who needs "CHOICE" in this Country?


Unless it comes to killing the unborn, of course.

So then when they get hit by a bus or diagnosed with a terrible disease, it's implied that we can leave them to die right?


Or are you going to send in a check?


Or, their families could go bankrupt paying for their care....and are you going to send them a check?


I would rather THEY pay.


Tell me - how do you feel about having to insure your automobile? I haven't seen you raising a ruckus over THAT.

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And good luck trying to show how those who choose NOT to own cars should be held responsible paying the med bills for those who do and wrap them around telephone poles.


Of course not. Everyone - in New Jersey, at least - knows it's the telephone pole's fault.

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