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Coach Kugler: Levitre had one of highest grades of o-linemen


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Says the interception was just one play.


Keeping in mind that play was in his very first drive against NFL players on an opposing team, I was happy with that Andy showed Sunday night.


You mean the same NFL starting guys he is going to face every play of every game.....

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But the play caused an interception. It was worse than a sack. In the Jason Peters world, that one play would have meant he completely sucked that entire game and hated Buffalo. :sick:

Only if he had walked off the field in a hissy fit, left camp, left his coaches and teammates in the lurch, and said he wasn't coming back unless he got more money! :doh:

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I watched it a dozen times, too. IMO, Levitre falling back definitely caused the ball to sail, but I'm not sure that the play would have been a completion. To me, Evans looked more open than he actually was because of the throwing lanes. The DB who looked like he was three yards away was actually closer than Evans to where the ball was going. It would have needed to be a perfect pass, just splitting the seam to be a completion. But perhaps that is where it would have ended up.


When I saw it live I just thought he overthrew. But I think it's pretty clear that he wanted to but couldn't follow through and anyone who has ever thrown a football or baseball knows what happens when the last part of a second you stop instead of follow through.

There were 3 guys around Evans - one in front - TE would have had to perfectly drop it over the top of the front guy but w/ enough velocity the other two guys wouldn't close in time - not sure he should have thrown that one to Lee at all. To be honest I think partly he was trying to "take a chance" and "go downfield" and "let the receiver make a play" like everyone has been been bitching about ad nauseum - instead of checking down (THE HORROR) which probably would have been the right play in this case.

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There were 3 guys around Evans - one in front - TE would have had to perfectly drop it over the top of the front guy but w/ enough velocity the other two guys wouldn't close in time - not sure he should have thrown that one to Lee at all. To be honest I think partly he was trying to "take a chance" and "go downfield" and "let the receiver make a play" like everyone has been been bitching about ad nauseum - instead of checking down (THE HORROR) which probably would have been the right play in this case.


he's got all regular season to check down. this was preseason, he's trying to get the timing on those big plays down. i wouldnt have cared if we chucked it on every down and lost 84-21. this was preseason, it was PRACTICE, take those risks now so you know how they might work or backfire during the regular season.


they can call it a "game" all they want, as long as it's preseason we're talking about practice.


not a game, not a game, we're talking about practice

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Partly true. When there wasn't someone lined up directly across from him, he had trouble deciding where to go. One play in particular he looked absolutely lost and almost tripped (untouched) because he didn't know where to go and was off-balance.

I certainly don't have anything against Levitre; he's a rookie who is still learning his job. But to say he graded out the highest of anyone is either a lie or a hard knock on the rest of the Oline.


I do agree with the hands to face thing though. It wasn't just on that one play either. He had hands under his face mask a few times.


BTW, if anyone wants to rag on someone for his blocking skills, watch the game again and focus on Shouman. Absolutely horrible. If he doesn't shape up he's going to make people really miss Royal.


if this hands to the face manuever is so effective (and not penalized) maybe our DL should use that instead of the kung-fu moves they have been perfecting to minimal effect. :unsure:

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But the play caused an interception. It was worse than a sack. In the Jason Peters world, that one play would have meant he completely sucked that entire game and hated Buffalo. :o


If we are living in jason peters' world, then it isn't even levitre's fault that he got blown back. It probably wasn't his assignment and he can't be expected to block the guy.

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If we are living in jason peters' world, then it isn't even levitre's fault that he got blown back. It probably wasn't his assignment and he can't be expected to block the guy.

He was too busy thinking about how much money he left on the table with his rookie contract....



And regarding the int, there's an article that came out Should have passed to a wide open Reed on other side

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