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Big Ben pull a Kobe at a Hotel??


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TMZ is reporting that the woman checked into a hospital with psychiatric problems unrelated to the Roethlisberger "incident".


Sources connected to the Ben Roethlisberger sexual assault case claim the psychiatric care the accuser says she's under has nothing to do with Ben .... it has to do with a relationship she had with a man who never existed.


Andrea McNulty has sued Roethlisberger, the Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl champ, claiming he sexually assaulted her in July 2008. Sources tell us Roethlisberger and McNulty had a sexual liaison at the time but Ben insists it was purely consensual. We're told the two knew each other because Ben had stayed at Harrah's in Lake Tahoe over the last several years for golf tournaments -- and she worked at the hotel.


Sources connected with the case tell us a former co-worker of McNulty's at Harrah's came forward with this incredible story -- that around the time McNulty hooked up with Roethlisberger, she was allegedly involved with a married man. The man's wife, we're told, created an email account, posing as a U.S. soldier in Iraq. The wife began corresponding with McNulty to gain information. We're told the former co-worker has said McNulty fell in love with the fictitious soldier and began telling people she was engaged to him. When the wife stopped the correspondence, McNulty then began telling people the soldier was killed in action.



We're told McNulty told at least one co-worker she began seeing a psychiatrist because of the phantom soldier.


We tried repeatedly getting in touch with McNulty. So far we have been unable to reach her.




She sounds like she needs serious help.

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She sounds like she needs serious help.


Honestly, it is almost impossible to separate fact from fiction in these cases. Now that this story is picking up steam, what is the first thing Big Ben's defense team will do? Slander the accuser, just like Kobe's dream team. Maybe the broad is full of crap, maybe she isn't. Who knows? I will say using TMZ as a source to base your opinion in pretty retarded.

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Didn't see this posted here




Defintey not a laughing matter esp if true - but had to grin at one of the comments at the end of the article - "He was riding his hog without a helmet again, huh?" :thumbsup:

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Didn't see this posted here




Defintey not a laughing matter esp if true - but had to grin at one of the comments at the end of the article - "He was riding his hog without a helmet again, huh?" :thumbsup:



Very believable account. Doesn't mean it is true (or false), of course.

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Well, I'll say this: it's going to be clear cut. It happened, or it didn't. There's no grey area regarding conflicting opinions about interpretations of what happened, it seems anyway.


Florio's now saying ESPN has banned its reporters from covering the story. Why would Roethlisberger deserve special treatment from them? PFT speculates that they want to keep him friendly.

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Honestly, it is almost impossible to separate fact from fiction in these cases. Now that this story is picking up steam, what is the first thing Big Ben's defense team will do? Slander the accuser, just like Kobe's dream team. Maybe the broad is full of crap, maybe she isn't. Who knows? I will say using TMZ as a source to base your opinion in pretty retarded.

It's just another thing in a long line of evidence that casts strong doubt on her story.

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The bolded part of your statement is about the only thing I can agree with.


I'm not going to sit here and say with 100 percent certainty this is a fabrication. Women do get sexually assaulted, even by wealthy celebrities.


That said, the legal system in this country is WAY messed up when anybody can file any kind of lawsuit and if they're proven wrong or baseless, there is virtually no consequence to screwing up someone else's life other than a loss of a little time and perhaps a few thousand $ for a lawyer. Civil court is a mainstay of those who know that by making enough noise they can get a several thousand dollar settlement to "just go away" b/c one story in the media, even if completely untrue, can mean losing millions, and b/c it's it's far less than a person/company would have to pay their lawyers.


If I were BR and I knew I were innocent, I would be looking into suing her for defamation and slander. But, then again, that just creates more stories.





There is no point in suing someone who has no assets.


This is case looking for a quick settlement. Her lawyer would never go to court without a criminal conviction, or at least a criminal investigation. Early on, it sounds like she has no coroboration and has serious credibility/psych problems.

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Honestly, it is almost impossible to separate fact from fiction in these cases. Now that this story is picking up steam, what is the first thing Big Ben's defense team will do? Slander the accuser, just like Kobe's dream team. Maybe the broad is full of crap, maybe she isn't. Who knows? I will say using TMZ as a source to base your opinion in pretty retarded.

So TMZ isn't a major news outlet, but they seem to scoop most news outlets. It wasn't retarded when TMZ reported that Michael Jackson had died, was it?


Most everyone's gut feel is that something's not right with this case. We'll just wait and see. In the meantime, this news story is pretty damn entertaining to say the least.

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Our source also told us on Monday the exact same story that Mr. Florio passed along from TMZ Tuesday morning.


The source alleges that McNulty was involved a bizarre episode that is unrelated to Roethlisberger. TMZ reports that McNulty received psychiatric care as a result of the incident.


The accusations about McNulty are not exactly surprising.


In fact, they are essentially contained in the civil case that PFT has been able to look at.


McNulty is suing many Harrah's employees for making false and inflammatory statements about her physical and mental health.


McNulty claims in the case that any hospital stay was related to being sexually assaulted.


She also alleges that the defendants/co-workers made inflammatory statements about her "relationship with other men" and accused her of serious sexual misconduct.


She is claiming that she sustained damage to her profession as a direct and indirect result of such statements.




It's obviously all a big conspiracy against the woman. At least, that's what she probably thinks, as crazy people tend to.

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This case just keeps getting stranger and stranger. As it turns out, Andrea McNulty appears to be....a man! TMZ has the pictures to prove it.



Sorry, but if you've seen the chicks Big Ben has dated, there is NO WAY he raped this one. Sometimes these cases need to be put through the "reality check" first, before they go anywhere. :oops:

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Sorry, but if you've seen the chicks Big Ben has dated, there is NO WAY he raped this one. Sometimes these cases need to be put through the "reality check" first, before they go anywhere. :oops:

You mean he only rapes better looking women?


Are you saying that he would not have had consensual sex with her because he can "do better"?

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Anyone recall the 1993 case of Becky-X (aka Victoria C) vs. several Bengal's players?




And the Fed Court of Appeal's words:



Very strange legal case Cincy.


Two things that stick out: first, what was the release the she had the players sign? I'm assuming there was no lawyer involved in writing it up. Second, you know she's crazy, and the story's going to come out anyway--why not call the FBI? Blackmail is illegal.

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