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Now That Vick's Sentence is Over


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A second chance at what?


His second chance at being an free, mature, adult citizen began when he was released from prison.


A second chance at being a crappy NFL QB? Why is that necessary?


Let him go play with JP in the toss off league.



That is the best Vick idea i have heard. He'd be one of the best most exciting players in the scrub league and NFL fans wouldn't be subjected to any further specualtion, debate or musings on what is "right". Everyone wins...

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Didn't PacMan get a year's suspension and he wasn't convicted; no jail time. IMO, there's no way you can have a player convicted of a felony, do jail time, and not suspend him for at least a year (if not longer). Anything less definitely points to different sets of rules for different players.


The league has already set the precedent that suspension is not dependent upon jail time served. So, to say he's already served his debt; therefore, no suspension, is unfounded. Also, I think you can largely remove the type of crime from the scenario. IMO, Goodell has an easy decision. Were you convicted of a felony? Yes. OK, then you get 2 year suspension. Next.


Although, I must ask, does anyone know of any recent players that have been convicted of, or plead guilty to, felony charges and was not convicted? It'd be a worthwhile comparison, assuming there's a modicum of consistency in Goodell's decisions.


Tank Johnson and Jamall Lewis comes to mind. They served jail time and were not suspended for a full year.

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Tank Johnson and Jamall Lewis comes to mind. They served jail time and were not suspended for a full year.



AKAIK, Johnson was never convicted of a felony. And, I'm not positive Lewis' conviction was a felony, either. Basically, he pleaded to using a cell phone in a drug deal, if I recall correctly.

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A second chance at what?


His second chance at being an free, mature, adult citizen began when he was released from prison.


A second chance at being a crappy NFL QB? Why is that necessary?


Let him go play with JP in the toss off league.




first off if you think vick was a bad quarterback well i cant change your mind nor will i be crude but i do billieve that he deserves a second chance just because a lot of people think he cant produce either way... i would like to see him given the chance however he has to portray to the public that he is a changed person which i dont think will happen thus a partial ban which no team will pick him up

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I think that you are starting down a very slippery slope, if you ban him for life.

What's next, banning players for tax evasion, they might not have enough left

to fill out the leauge. Maybe we should just ban anyone who fails to live up to

the lofty moral standards that proper role models should. Please!


If baseball can ban Pete Rose for gambling, then they can ban Vick for financing a dog fighting operation, betting on the fights and torturing & killing dogs.

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If baseball can ban Pete Rose for gambling, then they can ban Vick for financing a dog fighting operation, betting on the fights and torturing & killing dogs.

That's a very poor comparison. Rose was banned because baseball has a rule that states you can't be a participant in major league baseball & bet on baseball. It is posted in every locker room. Although I've never been in an NFL locker room, I'm pretty sure there are no signs posted on the walls stating that one cannot finance a dog fighting operation, bet on fights and kill dogs. Baseball has posted the equivalent of a no trespassing sign (for betting on baseball)in their locker rooms.

PS- Rose the player should be in the Hall of Fame unless someone can show he bet on baseball as a player. If he had been elected to the Hall of Fame as a player & then kicked out as a manager, would they have kicked him out of the HOF? If Rose had never managed, they would have had no grounds for banning him as a private citizen betting on games.

"Rose he knows he's such a credit to the game..." -Billy Joel.

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If baseball can ban Pete Rose for gambling, then they can ban Vick for financing a dog fighting operation, betting on the fights and torturing & killing dogs.



Rose's infractions damaged the credibility of the sport, not to the marketability of it. Terrible comparison, IMO.

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A second chance at what?


His second chance at being an free, mature, adult citizen began when he was released from prison.


A second chance at being a crappy NFL QB? Why is that necessary?


Let him go play with JP in the toss off league.

I have disliked Vick since way before the dog stuff surfaced, mainly from being down here in Virginia where he is from. But, and a big but, If he is a crappy NFL quarterback that isn't saying much about any QB we have had in over 13 years in Buffalo. Lets see, he is a multiple Pro Bowler, took his team (an average team at that) to one game from the Super Bowl-which included beating Favre and the Packers in Green Bay, something unheard of then. Oh yea, he did come to Buffalo once and ran and threw all over us, so bad it looked like a playground game the way he was making Bills defenders grasp at air. Bottom line is we haven't had a QB as good as Vick since Kelly retired and that includes Flutie as much as I like him.

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I have disliked Vick since way before the dog stuff surfaced, mainly from being down here in Virginia where he is from. But, and a big but, If he is a crappy NFL quarterback that isn't saying much about any QB we have had in over 13 years in Buffalo. Lets see, he is a multiple Pro Bowler, took his team (an average team at that) to one game from the Super Bowl-which included beating Favre and the Packers in Green Bay, something unheard of then. Oh yea, he did come to Buffalo once and ran and threw all over us, so bad it looked like a playground game the way he was making Bills defenders grasp at air. Bottom line is we haven't had a QB as good as Vick since Kelly retired and that includes Flutie as much as I like him.

The funny thing is that Vick had a .618 winning percentage, on an average team as you said. And he actually won a playoff game. That should make him a god in Mr. WEO's eyes.

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