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Why are people so stupid?


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This morning I ran out of gas. Yes, that's stupid in itself, but I can a piece of s#$t Chevy truck with a wildly innacurate gas gauge, so my stupidity isn't the point.


I went and got gas and was walking back to put it in. Mind you, the 4-ways are on ... I could see my truck for about 2 minutes as I walked back. The whole time, there is a woman stopped behind it, just waiting ... PLENTY of room to go around it ... 4-ways on.


Ok, so I get to my truck and as I'm POURING THE GAS IN ... people continued to pull up behind me and just sit there ... WHY?!? :rolleyes:


Ok ... what's your stupid person of the day story ...

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This morning I ran out of gas. Yes, that's stupid in itself, but I can a piece of s#$t Chevy truck with a wildly innacurate gas gauge, so my stupidity isn't the point.


I went and got gas and was walking back to put it in. Mind you, the 4-ways are on ... I could see my truck for about 2 minutes as I walked back. The whole time, there is a woman stopped behind it, just waiting ... PLENTY of room to go around it ... 4-ways on.


Ok, so I get to my truck and as I'm POURING THE GAS IN ... people continued to pull up behind me and just sit there ... WHY?!? <_<


Ok ... what's your stupid person of the day story ...


This idiot ran out of gas and claimed it was because of a faulty gas gage. Like he couldn't just fill up regularly and then watch his mileage. :rolleyes:


Whata maroon! :lol:


Why are people so Damj stupid?




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This idiot ran out of gas and claimed it was because of a faulty gas gage. Like he couldn't just fill up regularly and then watch his mileage. :rolleyes:


Whata maroon! <_<


Why are people so Damj stupid?




Guess I'm the stupid one for not thinking this wouldn't get thrown back to me.

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At a previous job, we had a really dumb receptionist. ("How dumb was she?"). She was so dumb, we used to mess with her. One day she was ordering more paper for the fax machine (we were out) and said Office Depot couldn't deliver until the next morning. I told her to call them back and just have them fax us a couple hundred blank sheets. She picked up the phone and started dialing.

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I see it all the time. People get in the elevator in my building at the 6th floor and then get really angry when it goes up to the 9th floor and not the lobby. They're too dumb to realize that they actually have to hit a button. I wish the building wasn't so busy so that I could see how long these people would stand in a non-moving elevator before they noticed a problem. I would gladly get into one of these elevators just to see how it would play out.

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This morning I ran out of gas. Yes, that's stupid in itself, but I can a piece of s#$t Chevy truck with a wildly innacurate gas gauge, so my stupidity isn't the point.


I went and got gas and was walking back to put it in. Mind you, the 4-ways are on ... I could see my truck for about 2 minutes as I walked back. The whole time, there is a woman stopped behind it, just waiting ... PLENTY of room to go around it ... 4-ways on.


Ok, so I get to my truck and as I'm POURING THE GAS IN ... people continued to pull up behind me and just sit there ... WHY?!? :rolleyes:


Ok ... what's your stupid person of the day story ...


I was driving to work and this guy in front of me runs out of gas. Instead of coasting off onto the shoulder and then braking, he decides to brake in the middle of the road and put on his 4 ways like he owns the place. <_<

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people seem to have problems in elevators.

back at gm place in vancouver, i'm in the elevator waiting to take me up to the press box -- there's a bank of three and not one of them are reserved solely for reporters. and this person gets in and crows, "wow, i've never been in this elevator before."


what, like it goes sideways or something?



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A man came in and asked "how he could get a sub-prime loan.".... :doh:



Turns out he thought "sub" meant under the prime interest rate, making the rate lower. And they say the banks aren't taking advantage of low income/non-educated people.

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One time I went to a good friends house for the usual hang out, beers on a Friday night. We had little ones at the time and its always a good way to end the work week.


On the kitchen counter is a baggie of the colorful magnetic letters that are common in homes with kids age 2-9 (you know, the ones on every fridge). Anyway, I asked why she had em in a baggie, assuming one of the kids was eating them or something. My friends wife, who I love dearly, with a straight face said "Well, I'm sending these back, there are supposed to be 2 of each letter and they weren't all there, so they have already sent a new set, its on the way, take these for your kids"


She is a pitbull when it comes to consumer affairs and I was curious as to what letters would be in such demand that someone in the supply chain would be pilfering this one exotic letter, thinking of a black market of sequestered, high value magnetic letter being traded somewhere in the far east, or maybe New Jersey.


She started to pull out the letters, "Its funny, I have 2 of each one, but not one "lower case "d", and you know what? they gave me two extra "p"s, they must be idiots there"


I couldn't help myself, I placed one of the "extra "p"s on the fridge, and spun it upside down, she looked at me like I had just invented cancer.


My buddy (an editor at a major magazine) just sighed and handed me a beer as we went out for a smoke.

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my favorite is somewhat sports related, and goes back to when i was covering the canucks in vancouver.

i was having a smoke outside gate 9 of gm place, the press gate. that's when someone walked up and asked, "is this the only gate 9?"


ummm ....






At a previous job, we had a really dumb receptionist. ("How dumb was she?"). She was so dumb, we used to mess with her. One day she was ordering more paper for the fax machine (we were out) and said Office Depot couldn't deliver until the next morning. I told her to call them back and just have them fax us a couple hundred blank sheets. She picked up the phone and started dialing.





So this old broad, calls herself "The Queen of England" or some schitt like that, goes and pays $1.4M for a house on Soldiers Place in Buffalo that's - get this - valued at $750K! :w00t:





One time I went to a good friends house for the usual hang out, beers on a Friday night. We had little ones at the time and its always a good way to end the work week.


On the kitchen counter is a baggie of the colorful magnetic letters that are common in homes with kids age 2-9 (you know, the ones on every fridge). Anyway, I asked why she had em in a baggie, assuming one of the kids was eating them or something. My friends wife, who I love dearly, with a straight face said "Well, I'm sending these back, there are supposed to be 2 of each letter and they weren't all there, so they have already sent a new set, its on the way, take these for your kids"


She is a pitbull when it comes to consumer affairs and I was curious as to what letters would be in such demand that someone in the supply chain would be pilfering this one exotic letter, thinking of a black market of sequestered, high value magnetic letter being traded somewhere in the far east, or maybe New Jersey.


She started to pull out the letters, "Its funny, I have 2 of each one, but not one "lower case "d", and you know what? they gave me two extra "p"s, they must be idiots there"


I couldn't help myself, I placed one of the "extra "p"s on the fridge, and spun it upside down, she looked at me like I had just invented cancer.


My buddy (an editor at a major magazine) just sighed and handed me a beer as we went out for a smoke.




That is one of the funniest stories I've ever read!!!


I had a job where a woman got a new puppy and she was telling us all about him and that he weighed 8 pounds now. I said but those are dog pounds it's like 56 pounds to you and me. She got a quizzicle look on her face and said; "I think that's only with age"


Some others from that job.


"I hope we get snowed in then we can order out!"


also by the same woman;


"OMG, I'm having a menage a trois!" Everybody in the room turned and looked at her and froze. I asked when. She then asked what was the word for experiencing something twice and, seriously, the entire room said "Deja Vu" in a loud chorus. She then leaned over to the woman standing next to her and asked what a menage a trois was. The woman whispered to her and she turned red and went, "ohhhhhh!"

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ive built an entire career out of dealing with stupid people and getting them out of their own way without coming right out and telling them theyre stupid.


i dont even know where to begin with this thread so i'll go with what is right in front of me.


im currently looking at a support ticket from one of my customers. he is complaining that he is missing calls and they are going right to voicemail and not ringing his phone and "something must be wrong with your phone/system"


i just looked at his call logs, and every example of an "errored call" (as he put it) he was on the other line at the time.


what you need to know is that he complained about the call-waiting beep for a month before we turned it off for him.... but this is our fault too.



this is the same guy who, the week we turned his office up, called in and said our headset we provided him wasnt working. when i got onsite, it turned out that he wasnt talking about our headset, he was talking about his cell phone bluetooth earpiece. and it wasnt working because he dropped it in the toilet the night before. i turned around and left and billed him for travel time.


this is just ONE user at ONE customer's site....

this is my world.

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...he was talking about his cell phone bluetooth earpiece. and it wasnt working because he dropped it in the toilet the night before. i turned around and left and billed him for travel time.

I almost dropped my cell phone into a urinal once.


I was holding the phone to my ear with my left shoulder and it slipped out headed straight for the urinal cake. I released my little buddy who was in mid stream with my right hand and made a quick swatting motion. My hope was to just hit the phone out of the air and have it land on the floor. Anyplace but directly in the urinal. As I made the swatting motion, somehow I caught the phone in mid air just an inch from the urinal cake.


It was some true ninja like sh-t.

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I almost dropped my cell phone into a urinal once.


I was holding the phone to my ear with my left shoulder and it slipped out headed straight for the urinal cake. I released my little buddy who was in mid stream with my right hand and made a quick swatting motion. My hope was to just hit it out of the air and have it land on the floor. Anyplace but directly in the urinal. As I made the swatting motion, somehow I caught the phone in mid air just an inch from the urinal cake.


It was some true ninja like sh-t.


except for the pissing all over yourself and showing everyone your junk part :doh: haha

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