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Another Bills epic fail

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No the teams not required to get the player a house, but the teams required to know that this kind of contriversey is going to happen before opening kickoff week 1.


Even if To doesn't sit out games, he wont care about games. I say 300 yards this season, maybe 4 touchodwns if we're lucky.




I only wish you lived next door to me and would bet me on that. I could use an extra few hundred bucks. Sigh. Life isn't fair.

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I only wish you lived next door to me and would bet me on that. I could use an extra few hundred bucks. Sigh. Life isn't fair.

Well, if he lived next door to me I'd go over and kick him in the nuts. Maybe twice, his post deserved it.

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Yeah, good job getting TO that worked out for like 2 weeks...now he's not finding a home and I think he might sit for the first part of the season being unhappy. I just wanna say I called this move blowing up in their faces, now buffalo's getting embarrassed on espn b this story. Sad.


where is the link to you calling you this move?


why do you say he sits, wow jumping the gun.

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Yeah, good job getting TO that worked out for like 2 weeks...now he's not finding a home and I think he might sit for the first part of the season being unhappy. I just wanna say I called this move blowing up in their faces, now buffalo's getting embarrassed on espn b this story. Sad.

Just go to your room and do not post again for 1 week you are on time out.

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Go read a book on engineering physics and leave the sports talk to people who know what they are talking about---nerd.



Nerd! Nerd! Nerd! Nerd! Nerd!


War Nerds getting slapped senseless when trying to talk sports...


Boom! Outta Here...



Love the jungle reference


war a ban on a torontobillsfan from TSW

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Yeah, good job getting TO that worked out for like 2 weeks...now he's not finding a home and I think he might sit for the first part of the season being unhappy. I just wanna say I called this move blowing up in their faces, now buffalo's getting embarrassed on espn b this story. Sad.



well this thread is a waste of time. What are you talking about? who cares about TO housing situation, worry about stuff the matters-

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No the teams not required to get the player a house, but the teams required to know that this kind of contriversey is going to happen before opening kickoff week 1.

Wow, I never realized house hunting can ruin the whole season! :thumbsup:




Sorry, I'm not buying it. 347...

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Yeah, good job getting TO that worked out for like 2 weeks...now he's not finding a home and I think he might sit for the first part of the season being unhappy. I just wanna say I called this move blowing up in their faces, now buffalo's getting embarrassed on espn b this story. Sad.



I agree, its extremely embarrassing. He should sit for the whole season. If you read the language of the last CBA, while its not a requirement for teams to provide houses to players, one suggestion in there is to make sure your players can get a house before you sign them to a contact.


Unfortunately, the Bills didn't do that and now we fans look like idiots. They should follow the CBA to the T, no need for the Bills to screw something that easy up.

You two must be high or something. Are the Bills supposed to breast feed players too?



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My first reaction is to call someone who would make such a post a tool. But can someone so utterly useless actually be called a tool?


It is a philosophical puzzle....


Tool? Maybe not. Fool? Well look at the day he joined the board.

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