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American Patriot charged with murder

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Doubt they'll be able to get a first degree murder charge out of it.


The first shot, he's got a legitimate self defense case

The following shots :lol:. If the kid was still alive - Voluntary manslaughter and/or depraved indifference. If the kid was dead - abuse of a corpse

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why does it make a difference?> these teen pirates had every intention of harming the captain if they didn't get what they wanted, the decision was made to recover the US hostage, and that's what they did. The big difference between the two situations is that after the pirates were shot, we didn't go back over to them and open fire again. There was no need for the pharmacist to go back and fire on someone who was laying there with a bullet wound to the head, posing no further threat to anyone. It was unjustified and the man should be punished. These two situations are not even comparable.


What he said.



Actually the intent of the teenage Somali pirates was to exchange the ship & crew for money, not to harm the captain.


But after something like 4-5 days and no progress the situation deteriorated and the ship captain nearly got killed. What was Obama doing for those 4-5 days? Perhaps, trying to appear tough in front of the world?


Obama could have had this situation ended peacefully - on DAY ONE! European countries and NATO would never use military snipers to solve these situations.


The two situations are similar in that people were killed "execution style" when they didn't need to be.

Obama-Liberals Lesson: "Ruthless slaughter" of starving teenage Somali pirates is OK but torture to gain valuable intelligence data is not.

Republicans-Conservatives Lesson: Obama-Liberals beat the living s**t out of us regarding torture but when Obama needlessly kills people we're too stupid to turn around and use it against him.


Are you saying that they should have just dropped the money and said "Thanks for not harming anyone. Enjoy the food you're gonna buy! Bye Bye thanks for the lesson on starving Somali's?"


BTW, here's something interesting about your food crap idea.


“Right now they want to hold our captain for ransom, and we are trying to get him back,“ second mate Ken Quinn told CNN in a live interview after the network called the Maersk Alabama, which is homeported in Norfolk, Va., but operates overseas.


“We had one of their hostages, we had a pirate. We took him for 12 hours. We tied him up. We returned him. But they didn’t return the captain,“ Quinn said.

The captain was on a lifeboat with the pirates, Quinn said.


“Right now we are trying to offer them whatever we can, food. It’s not working too good,“ Quinn said.


He said the crew was communicating with the captain by radio.


The company that operates the ship, which was hauling food for relief agencies in Kenya, confirmed that it was back in the crew’s hands and said the hijackers had departed with a crew member.


Yeah, all they wanted was food for themselves, who gives a :lol: about the Kenyan's food relief?




Good luck criticizing Obama for the Somali situation. I mean, you may have 5% of a Americans on your side. Maybe you can also attack Santa Claus for breaking and entering.



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What he said.


Are you saying that they should have just dropped the money and said "Thanks for not harming anyone. Enjoy the food you're gonna buy! Bye Bye thanks for the lesson on starving Somali's?"


BTW, here's something interesting about your food crap idea.


“Right now they want to hold our captain for ransom, and we are trying to get him back,“ second mate Ken Quinn told CNN in a live interview after the network called the Maersk Alabama, which is homeported in Norfolk, Va., but operates overseas.


“We had one of their hostages, we had a pirate. We took him for 12 hours. We tied him up. We returned him. But they didn’t return the captain,“ Quinn said.

The captain was on a lifeboat with the pirates, Quinn said.


“Right now we are trying to offer them whatever we can, food. It’s not working too good,“ Quinn said.


He said the crew was communicating with the captain by radio.


The company that operates the ship, which was hauling food for relief agencies in Kenya, confirmed that it was back in the crew’s hands and said the hijackers had departed with a crew member.


Yeah, all they wanted was food for themselves, who gives a :lol: about the Kenyan's food relief?







Those are interesting quotes. What day was all that transpiring?


What was Obama doing from DAY ONE? A FULL investigation is warranted!


Bottom Line: Had President Obama wanted this situation to end peacefully it would have ended peacefully. The White House is getting away with murder and moron Republicans don't even mention it. They should bring it up every now and then when Obama and Olbermann bring up waterboarding!





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"Ruthless Slaughter" - Getting your head completely blown off by a sniper. Had Obama wanted to settle this situation peacefully he easily could have. Nope - Kill 'em! And then let's get back to talking about how bad torture by George Bush and Dick Cheney is.


Is Obama ever going to release the pictures of the now headless and lifeless Somali teenagers?






Well, at least we finally know your true agenda. Not that we didn't before but you tried to cloak it in some self-righteous indignation by trying to make a piss-poor comparison of the situations involving piracy at sea and torturing people. Perhaps you advocate the torture of the poor little pirates then?


And again, it was completely up to the commander on the scene to make the call to blow off those poor little teenage pirates' heads. His call. And his alone. When the snipers saw the AKs pointed at the hostage's head, the commander on the scene would have been derelict in his duty as an officer in the US Navy had he NOT ordered the snipers to shoot.


Now, why don't you and OwensMania get a room.

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Yeah, everyone who points a gun at you is a victim. He deserves all the rights of everyone else. I'm with Fingon, you do that to someone you don't deserve to live period. I would like to know how everyone else would react.



No one is doubting that the robber is wrong, but when you already put one bullet in his head and he is laying there dying, does not mean you have the right to go grab another gun and finish him off after chasing away the other guy. The kid made a bad move trying to rob the place but he didn't deserve to be killed execution style, especially since he was already down and out with a bullet in the head.

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No one is doubting that the robber is wrong, but when you already put one bullet in his head and he is laying there dying, does not mean you have the right to go grab another gun and finish him off after chasing away the other guy. The kid made a bad move trying to rob the place but he didn't deserve to be killed execution style, especially since he was already down and out with a bullet in the head.


Several months ago, a young guy walked into one local Medicine Shoppe here waving a toy gun, and threw a back pack over the counter at the pharmacist, and demanded Oxycontin. A retired sheriff working as a security guard fired several shots into him without warning. The guy died. I guess if you are going to shoot someone, keep shooting until the gun's empty. Don't think you can go back later and start shooting again. Especially with video recording everything. Extremely poor judgment by the pharmacist in this case.

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How exactly is the guy a Patriot? Serving in the military is rarely about patriotism and executing a scummer on the floor is a crime.


What the hell is wrong with you people? Really?


Can we ban this jackass now?

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Can we ban this jackass now?


I second that request. Please! Did you see what he tried pulling the other day with me? He actually took the time to create a post that made it look like I was the OP just so he could have a fantasy response. The dude is borderline schizo at best. Thankfully SDS took quick action. Like I said to Scott, busting balls is one thing but deliberately creating false posts and attributing them to someone you disagree with is quite another. I've never met a psycho with so little integrity.

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I'm perfectly fine with the guy shooting the robber. I'd even be fine with him shooting him multiple times initially. The problem comes in when he chased away the second robber, came back and pumped 5 more shots into the robber on the floor.

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I have no problem with him shooting him initially. I wouldn't even have a problem with him continuing to unload the magazine into the fallen body on the floor. It is an extension of the same action. This is the passage that I have a problem with:


... before he walks back behind the counter with his back to Parker, retrieves a second gun, returns to Parker and fires five more times.
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I'm perfectly fine with the guy shooting the robber. I'd even be fine with him shooting him multiple times initially. The problem comes in when he chased away the second robber, came back and pumped 5 more shots into the robber on the floor.



The first shot is for defense.


The other 5 are recreational.




Get all your Drugs at the Patriot and Dumbass Pharmacy.

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Well, at least we finally know your true agenda. Not that we didn't before but you tried to cloak it in some self-righteous indignation by trying to make a piss-poor comparison of the situations involving piracy at sea and torturing people. Perhaps you advocate the torture of the poor little pirates then?


And again, it was completely up to the commander on the scene to make the call to blow off those poor little teenage pirates' heads. His call. And his alone. When the snipers saw the AKs pointed at the hostage's head, the commander on the scene would have been derelict in his duty as an officer in the US Navy had he NOT ordered the snipers to shoot.


Now, why don't you and OwensMania get a room.


Waterboarding (Bush) - Victims are alive!


Starving TEENAGE Pirates (Obama) - Victims are DEAD!


NO, it was NOT up to the commander on the scene to make the call! It was up to Obama. If Obama wanted the situation to end peacefully, like European countries and NATO almost always do, it would have ended peacefully. On the first day! Or the second day! Or the third day!


What the F was going on for 4-5 days? What the F was Obama and White House staff actually doing all that time? Creating a tough-guy image, perhaps? I think so!


From DAY ONE the White House saw this as an opportunity for President Obama to look tough and they took advantage of it. Obama looked tough but the blood of three (now headless) teenagers are on his hands.


Snipers: Ruthless Slaughter. <_<




No denying it!


And Republicans are too stupid to use it against Obama and Democrats.

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Waterboarding (Bush) - Victims are alive!


Starving TEENAGE Pirates (Obama) - Victims are DEAD!


NO, it was NOT up to the commander on the scene to make the call! It was up to Obama. If Obama wanted the situation to end peacefully, like European countries and NATO almost always do, it would have ended peacefully. On the first day! Or the second day! Or the third day!


What the F was going on for 4-5 days? What the F was Obama and White House staff actually doing all that time? Creating a tough-guy image, perhaps? I think so!


From DAY ONE the White House saw this as an opportunity for President Obama to look tough and they took advantage of it. Obama looked tough but the blood of three (now headless) teenagers are on his hands.


Snipers: Ruthless Slaughter. <_<




No denying it!


And Republicans are too stupid to use it against Obama and Democrats.




You keep spewing this nonsense, however you have not listed any alternate solutions to the situation, so either come up with something or just quit talking.

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You keep spewing this nonsense, however you have not listed any alternate solutions to the situation, so either come up with something or just quit talking.


Why are you indulging this? He's not serious.

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Waterboarding (Bush) - Victims are alive!


Starving TEENAGE Pirates (Obama) - Victims are DEAD!


NO, it was NOT up to the commander on the scene to make the call! It was up to Obama. If Obama wanted the situation to end peacefully, like European countries and NATO almost always do, it would have ended peacefully. On the first day! Or the second day! Or the third day!


What the F was going on for 4-5 days? What the F was Obama and White House staff actually doing all that time? Creating a tough-guy image, perhaps? I think so!


From DAY ONE the White House saw this as an opportunity for President Obama to look tough and they took advantage of it. Obama looked tough but the blood of three (now headless) teenagers are on his hands.


Snipers: Ruthless Slaughter. <_<




No denying it!


And Republicans are too stupid to use it against Obama and Democrats.

You're treading on thin ice. Keep it up and you're going on vacation.

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I'm perfectly fine with the guy shooting the robber. I'd even be fine with him shooting him multiple times initially. The problem comes in when he chased away the second robber, came back and pumped 5 more shots into the robber on the floor.


You really need to stop with the common sense. It has no place here.

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