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Bills are #22 according to CNNSI

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We need to establish some color color coding so we knowinstantly who is good and who is bad:


Don Banks

Peter King


Bills fans are so funny. When I cited an article Don Banks wrote about the videotaping of signals being the "Most Common" type of cheating that goes on in the NFL, people on this board said he was a Pats homer. Now that he states the Bills may make the playoffs, he's a great writer. Your hypocracy knows no bounds.


Writers that write bad things about the Bills are accurate more often than those that write the good. Your franchise has become a laughing stock in the NFL, and you have your ownership to thank for that. Unless the ownership changes, your team is sentenced to sub-mediocrity.

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Bills fans are so funny. When I cited an article Don Banks wrote about the videotaping of signals being the "Most Common" type of cheating that goes on in the NFL, people on this board said he was a Pats homer. Now that he states the Bills may make the playoffs, he's a great writer. Your hypocracy knows no bounds.


Writers that write bad things about the Bills are accurate more often than those that write the good. Your franchise has become a laughing stock in the NFL, and you have your ownership to thank for that. Unless the ownership changes, your team is sentenced to sub-mediocrity.

In case you didn't notice, some fans here think it's pretty stupid that there are good writers and bad writers....

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This is a pre-training camp ranking list. Of course it's only his opinion (based on a little more than gut), what else would it be?


And he doesn't say he is absolutely sure Brady's knee will be 100%

And he doesn't say T.O. will implode and not offer an iota of help to the Bills.


What exactly was your post based on?


Based on his long history or being a blowhard and a shameless homer. Of course I'm distilling his statements a bit and not quoting him word for word Faustus, but you are a smart guy and aware of overall tone and slant aren't you? King is affable enough to his insiders of course, those connections allow him to keep his job. I just think he's a slob, his style is grating (HE O-VER E-NUN-CE-ATES and talks slowly to try to sound informed and intelligent) and is too obvious a homer for someone who is supposed to be covering all 32 NFL teams.

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Bills fans are so funny. When I cited an article Don Banks wrote about the videotaping of signals being the "Most Common" type of cheating that goes on in the NFL, people on this board said he was a Pats homer. Now that he states the Bills may make the playoffs, he's a great writer. Your hypocracy knows no bounds.


Writers that write bad things about the Bills are accurate more often than those that write the good. Your franchise has become a laughing stock in the NFL, and you have your ownership to thank for that. Unless the ownership changes, your team is sentenced to sub-mediocrity.


Check your work, and spell hypocrisy correctly.


Tell us what your wisdom says. Should we rise up and do violent acts to the ownership? Attend no home games? Guide us...I await your advice.

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We need to establish some color color coding so we knowinstantly who is good and who is bad:


Don Banks

Peter King


Actually, we need something pinned and can be updated when needed.

That way, we can just click on the thread and instantaneously know who's been bad and who's been good.

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So does afcfan think that Bills fans are the only ones that are hypocrites when it comes to national media covering their team? I'm sure over on Jets boards when someone rips the Sanchez pick they are an idiot and those that praise it are brilliant. A laughing stock, come on there are alot of bad teams, we're just one of them. The Lions are a laughing stock.

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Check your work, and spell hypocrisy correctly.


Tell us what your wisdom says. Should we rise up and do violent acts to the ownership? Attend no home games? Guide us...I await your advice.



My bad for the spelling, but the point remains the same. I read somewhere (I think in a Carucci chat), that Bills season ticket sales have gone up this year. My question would be why? I don't know if the local media just does an excellent job of selling optimism, or if Bills fans just don't care that their team goes into every season at a serious talent disadvantage. What reason does Ralph Wilson have to put more money into this team? I know Bills homers look at the team and think the is talent there, but in my opinion the talent just seems to be in the positions where it doesn't matter that much. You have a 1st round pick at RB, and you're seriously considering bending to the will of Fred Jackson???? Are you kidding me?? The guy is almost 30 yrs old, lucky to be in the league and should be sent packing if he doesn't take what the Bills are offering. Honestly, how many wins do you think the Bills will have because Fred fricking Jackson is on their team. Spend that $$ and the $$ spent on Skills Diminishing, Cancer Causing TO on the DL and OL. That is where quality teams are made. So the Bills are going into next season with a Raider castaway at LT and a bunch of unproven guys playing new positions on the OL. Combine that with only one guy on the DL that can play the run and a mediocre LB core, and you have the 2009 Bills.


As for how you get a change in ownership, your guess is as good as mine.

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Actually, we need something pinned and can be updated when needed.

That way, we can just click on the thread and instantaneously know who's been bad and who's been good.


Since the draft, I've been trying to keep track, so here's what I think is the current barometer:


ESPN - bad

Bill Simmons - eternally bad (nobody that I know of likes this douchenozzle)

Mel Kiper - good

Yahoo Sports - bad

Todd McShay - good

Don Banks - was bad, but is now good

Jim Rome - good (I think, I can't remember, I heard him being spoke of fondly recently)

Gregg Easterbrook - good because he has relatives in this area I think?

Chris Berman - good (but once he announces someone other than the Bills making the Super Bowl, that will change)

Peter King - bad unless he writes something nice about Jim Kelly

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My bad for the spelling, but the point remains the same. I read somewhere (I think in a Carucci chat), that Bills season ticket sales have gone up this year. My question would be why? I don't know if the local media just does an excellent job of selling optimism, or if Bills fans just don't care that their team goes into every season at a serious talent disadvantage. What reason does Ralph Wilson have to put more money into this team? I know Bills homers look at the team and think the is talent there, but in my opinion the talent just seems to be in the positions where it doesn't matter that much. You have a 1st round pick at RB, and you're seriously considering bending to the will of Fred Jackson???? Are you kidding me?? The guy is almost 30 yrs old, lucky to be in the league and should be sent packing if he doesn't take what the Bills are offering. Honestly, how many wins do you think the Bills will have because Fred fricking Jackson is on their team. Spend that $$ and the $$ spent on Skills Diminishing, Cancer Causing TO on the DL and OL. That is where quality teams are made. So the Bills are going into next season with a Raider castaway at LT and a bunch of unproven guys playing new positions on the OL. Combine that with only one guy on the DL that can play the run and a mediocre LB core, and you have the 2009 Bills.


As for how you get a change in ownership, your guess is as good as mine.


Quite a bunch of words. Not quite the personal attack as before, but still snotty.


You could go to 31 other fan boards and say the same, more or less. Lift a leg on last year's success for the SB winner, lift in on any other team by degrees... It's easy.


Pointing out ba-de-ba about players, that's ok, and getting a bit rambunctious, also ok.


But insinuating that the Bills, and their fans are nothing, can't think anything out for themselves, and haughtily declaring them more or less ignorant dirt stuck on your shoes...?


I have read several of your posts. Happy that you are here to contribute. Hope you continue to post.


Let's start again, in a better fashion. Agreed?

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Bill Simmons - eternally bad (nobody that I know of likes this douchenozzle)


Really? I don't know anybody that doesn't love the guy. His patriot fandom aside, I'm not sure what else you dislike. His is the most entertaining writer out there by far. And he's loyal to his teams, just like you'd expect Buffalo fans to be.

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Bill Simmons - eternally bad (nobody that I know of likes this douchenozzle)


Really? I don't know anybody that doesn't love the guy. His patriot fandom aside, I'm not sure what else you dislike. His is the most entertaining writer out there by far. And he's loyal to his teams, just like you'd expect Buffalo fans to be.


I think his fandom borders on myopic. IMO his writing is basically scripted each week. It goes as follows:

  • Pick Boston-centric topic
  • add 2 parts 90's pop-culture reference (ie: 90210, Road House or Seattle Grunge music)
  • match with 2 parts 80s pop culture (ferris buellers day off, Indiana Jones and any of the Rocky movies)
  • sprinkle with references to friends of your using odd nicknames
  • add 1 part calling and talking to dad on the phone
  • write one side-bar column under the assumed roll of "sports gal"
  • reference at least three times being a long-suffering Red Sox fan
  • add a dash of Curt Schilling, David Ortiz or Tom Brady
  • Mix and serve as a "NEW" column


The only thing he's written recently that wasn't drek, was the article about hid dog dying. That's just my opinion on him, so I could be wrong... it's not just coincidence that he's the only columnist that doesn't have a comments section at the end of his article.

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22. Buffalo

The Bills remind me of the Orioles in the American League East. No matter what they do to improve in the offseason, they can't get over the New England hump. Even when Miami and the Jets make overtures to pass the Patriots, the Bills stay stuck down in the pack. That's why they went out and risked their season on Terrell Owens. If they've hit a home run with T.O., it might be enough to eke out nine or 10 wins against a manageable schedule. But I doubt it.



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What is really actually laughable here is how most of you are about Peter King. I'm not even going to say if I like him or not, because it's not relevant.


I will say this however, I had no idea, until now, where he lived. I never heard him speak with bias toward New England, anymore than anyone else out there talks about their dominance compared to our otherwise pathetic division. Has anyone found anything bad to say about the Patriots lately?


I will also say this. There were about three years in a row here, where Peter King picked the Bills as his "team to watch" or his "sleeper" pick. Well, when you get burned enough I guess you finally learn your lesson.


Peter King has actually been pretty good to the Bills over the last few dismal years. And now he jumps off a bit, and you all crucify him. LOL. Unreal.


Anyway, I'm kind of glad he doesn't like us this season. After all, he did like us the last few years, so hopefully he is wrong again, and we finally get in the playoffs this year.


So, in advance, I say......We hope you are wrong about us again this year!

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My bad for the spelling, but the point remains the same. I read somewhere (I think in a Carucci chat), that Bills season ticket sales have gone up this year. My question would be why? I don't know if the local media just does an excellent job of selling optimism, or if Bills fans just don't care that their team goes into every season at a serious talent disadvantage. What reason does Ralph Wilson have to put more money into this team? I know Bills homers look at the team and think the is talent there, but in my opinion the talent just seems to be in the positions where it doesn't matter that much. You have a 1st round pick at RB, and you're seriously considering bending to the will of Fred Jackson???? Are you kidding me?? The guy is almost 30 yrs old, lucky to be in the league and should be sent packing if he doesn't take what the Bills are offering. Honestly, how many wins do you think the Bills will have because Fred fricking Jackson is on their team. Spend that $$ and the $$ spent on Skills Diminishing, Cancer Causing TO on the DL and OL. That is where quality teams are made. So the Bills are going into next season with a Raider castaway at LT and a bunch of unproven guys playing new positions on the OL. Combine that with only one guy on the DL that can play the run and a mediocre LB core, and you have the 2009 Bills.


As for how you get a change in ownership, your guess is as good as mine.


Perhaps that's because we're not fair-weather fans, like the ones who support the Pats*? Where were all of those die-hard Pats* fans when they were absolutely cruddy in the early 90's? Nowhere to be seen. No fan wants to see their team play with bad players, a big reason why on any team message board you can find people saying they want this person or that person off the team. As for Fred Jackson, do you watch football? Seriously. Look at his stats as a back up rusher compared to your teams best rusher last year. Sammy Morris had the highest total for a New England RB last year coming in with a whopping 156 Carries for 756 yds. That's a not bad 4.7yds per carry. Fred Jackson had 130 Carries for 531 yds for an also not bad 4.4yds per carry average. Here's the link. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/statistics?s...2&year=2008 I also recall him running all over that vaunted NE defense in the final game of the season last year, which was far from meaningless for the Pats*. He rushed 27 times in that game for 131 yds, a 5.0 yds per attempt. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/statistics?s...2&year=2008 Yeah, he really sucks. Most people who know anything about football think the Bills need to resign him because he is a very good combination back with Lynch. You were probably one of the few people who thought Michael Turner was terrible because he was a back up to LT. And in case you hadn't noticed, we did just draft the two best interior linemen available in the draft at their positions. I think we addressed the OL. We'll see what happens as the season progresses, but coming to a board and slinging insults isn't really something most people would do.


And for the record, I don't really have an opinion of Peter King or Don Banks. Their columns are what they are. That being said, you never really answered the problems I posed to you about that Banks article, rather, you began making ad hominem attacks and focusing on points that weren't relevant or even an issue in the discussion. Anyway, please take you Pats* love to a board where people might actually care what you think.

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As for how you get a change in ownership, your guess is as good as mine.

Really, a-hole? Your Cheatriettes* have had 3 ownership changes to the Bills none, and you P-Town types almost lost your team to St. Louis in 1992, then to Hartford in 1998.


Seems you'd know that, if you weren't so stupid, and if you'd been a fan before you jumped on the Cheatriettes* bandwagon after 2001.

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You know what....We bash all these guys for their predictions. They are always right, then we look like the idiots at the end of the year.

Yeah you're right....and the Dolphins went to the Super Bowl in 2006. Just like Mort, Clayton, King and other predicted.


I think the point that's being missed here is: the NFL today is nothing like it used to be. How many people honestly thought we would beat Seattle AND the Jags last year? The "safe" pick was that we would be happy with 1 win. How many people thought we would be drafting BEHIND both teams this year? How many people had the Cards going the playoffs? The fact is that with the parity now, making the right FA calls, having a QB fall in your lap, a good draft, good coaching, and some luck, you can go from crap to good in a year, hence the Dolphins last year.


I think the other point that's being missed is that, just like with Pats* fans, the media is all about the bandwagon, and can easily be fooled by effective PR, hence the "Dolphins going to the SB" picks. That concept went from a hypothetical to an absolute certainty in a matter of months in that off-season...until Culpepper was sacked by Ko Simpson of all people.


Let's face facts: THE MEDIA ran TO out of Dallas, not the owner. Jones cracked under the media strain, because Jones is a media whore. And why not? Being a media whore has generally worked for him...remember signing Deion, getting Parcells, etc.? It's just that being a media whore has a down side = Pac Man, Tank, TO, etc., and the bandwagon media will turn on you like a mother in law if it suddenly becomes "popular" to do so.

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What a surprise - fat Peter King, who lives in Boston, predicted the Bills won't do well. :rolleyes:




King likes the Bills.


And he's one of the absolute best writers out there. He has lived in Boston for how long, do you happen to know? About a month.

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Based on his long history or being a blowhard and a shameless homer. Of course I'm distilling his statements a bit and not quoting him word for word Faustus, but you are a smart guy and aware of overall tone and slant aren't you? King is affable enough to his insiders of course, those connections allow him to keep his job. I just think he's a slob, his style is grating (HE O-VER E-NUN-CE-ATES and talks slowly to try to sound informed and intelligent) and is too obvious a homer for someone who is supposed to be covering all 32 NFL teams.



Again, if he is a shameless homer, it would be for the New Jersey teams. This is just nonsense. He's never been a homer, and in fact it's been pretty obvious over the years that he likes the Bills. He has lived in Boston for about 4 weeks.

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