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Trying to stay fit

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So I turned 21 last may. I was about 150 and a year later - I'm 175 (now). Obviously Bars and Bills tailgating did a job on me so I'm trying to get back into shape. I am in alright shape now - just a small beer gut. What are some tips and tricks to help out my diet? I've been eating salads, diet drinks, and working out. Any advice? Thanks! :worthy:

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Stay active, eat smaller portions. I played tennis several times a week last summer and managed to drop 20 pounds - without changing my diet very much.


Like Corp said, only drink water - big help there too.

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Find a lifetime sport, like basketball or tennis. Drink lots of water, especially before you eat. You'll feel full faster and eat less. Resistance training (weights) does work. I just find it kind of boring. If you can build lean muscle, your body will burn more calories. I had a friend that was stranded on a boat for nearly two weeks before he was rescued. That works too.

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Count calories. Burn more than you intake. You will lose weight.


The hardest part is counting and if you have an iPhone, Lose it is a free app that counts for you. Other websites do the same thing.


If that's too much work,


(1) always leave the table hungry

(2) workout for an hour (at least) 6 days a week


There are lots more things to do but if you want the shortest and most basic plan, that's it. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows how to do it. Few people do.

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Invest in some workout eqipment. Get a decent bench,a couple hundred pounds of weight and a stationary bike. Look on line and set yourself up a weight program. Hit the weights 3 times a week and do the bike 4 or 5 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes. You can buy all the equipment you need for 500 bucks or so. Eat sensibly and stick with the workouts religiously and you will get and stay in shape.

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Drink Miller Lite, cut back on the drinking, drink more water, quit the fast food, quit the junk food. None of this is really bad if you do it in moderation. Doing it every day, or multiple times per day is what hurts you. Everything in excess can hurt you. Keep it in moderation.

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So I turned 21 last may. I was about 150 and a year later - I'm 175 (now). Obviously Bars and Bills tailgating did a job on me so I'm trying to get back into shape. I am in alright shape now - just a small beer gut. What are some tips and tricks to help out my diet? I've been eating salads, diet drinks, and working out. Any advice? Thanks! :thumbsup:

A good bit of advice is to walk places whenever you can vs driving.Depending on where you live/work that can help immensely.

A HUGE thing is to go easy on the carbs(esp bread/cake)...and try to keep carb intake low in the PM. Eat your carbs early so you can burn them off in the day.-The exception of course is if you are a long distance runner or other somesuch athlete who needs to carbo load--but that doesn't sound like your situation now.

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So I turned 21 last may. I was about 150 and a year later - I'm 175 (now). Obviously Bars and Bills tailgating did a job on me so I'm trying to get back into shape. I am in alright shape now - just a small beer gut. What are some tips and tricks to help out my diet? I've been eating salads, diet drinks, and working out. Any advice? Thanks! :thumbsup:

Wife and I dusted off the Wii Fit yesterday and it informed me that I had gained 26.5 lbs :o<_<B-):worthy::thumbsup::bag: since my last visit (in July) so I'm not in the best....shape....to give advice. But I will say this, you say you've been eating salads and diet drinks. Do you envision yourself being able to eat salads and drink Slim Fast for the long haul? If not, I'd switch that up immediately. Otherwise it will only be a matter of time before you dump it completely.


Lots of good advice in this thread and everyone will tell you what types of foods to eat. But you gotta pick healthy foods you can live with. Otherwise on April 26, 2010, you just might start a thread saying "So I turned 22 last may...." ;)

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cardio 3x a week. Run, bike, swim- whatever you enjoy. I like playing hoops and tennis- its a fun way to get your heart going. Staying active revs your metabolism. Stay away from processed foods and soda

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I'm starting on a weight loss routine myself. The hardest thing for me I can tell is going to be the cutback of soda and iced tea. I am not picky about food; healthy/unhealthy it really doesn't matter to me but not being able to have my Coca Cola? Ouch. Anyone know off hand if DIET Arizona Iced tea/Sierra Mist Free/Diet snapple is OK to have every once and a while? They're all free of sugar, carbs and calories but have some sodium in them.

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Make sure you don't undercut your calorie requirement too much. If you're burning 2300 a day and drop to 1200 on a diet, you'll start burning muscle and your weight loss will slow. Ought to try to target about 500 cals less than your requirement.


I dropped 30 lbs last year running 6 days a week and doing the above. Then Winter came, I traveled a bit, and kiddos had things to do... I think I just finished gaining it all back. Here we go again!


Try to think of it as a lifestyle change, not just a temporary thing. That will help keep it off.

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Make sure you don't undercut your calorie requirement too much. If you're burning 2300 a day and drop to 1200 on a diet, you'll start burning muscle and your weight loss will slow. Ought to try to target about 500 cals less than your requirement.

If you hadnt eaten anything for 8 weeks, well then you might start burning muscle. Eat small meals throughout the day and this will keep your metabolism revved. Shutting down your caloric intake will cause your metabolism to respond by slowing down.

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