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I admit I'm an idiot, but...

Wing Man

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We need to quit whining.


The Bills are looking at Dominic Rhodes - if they can sign him, the RB issues will subside. Not to mention DR's effectiveness in the passing game.


They need to get Peters signed and I would like them to draft Herman "Biggest Baby" Johnson to shore up the OL. Then the Bills can concentrate on the DL, LB's and the TE position + team depth.


Not nearly as bad as it sometimes seems to be. We could easily be anywhere from 6-10 to 11-5. We need to go at least .500 in our division. I see no reason we can't win 2-4 games againts the Jets/Fins. We also could use a win against the Pats at home - or maybe we can surprise them in wk 1, like the Fish did last year by waiting until their game against the Pats to unveil the Wildcat - when they crushed them in NE.


Outside our division, we were 7-3 in 2008. Regardless of the media comments - the AFC East is tough - where teams beat up on each other. But outside the division, teams generally aren't as good - therein lies the opportunity. Go 7-3 again + 3-3 in the division and we're 10-6.


Keep hoping!!


good post. Honestly, the negativity in the offseason sucks and it is painful to read. I feel I have very good knowledge of the game and will admit I am bias to the Bills. But that's the great part of being a fan. You have hope. And on a fan board, you should be allowed to have hope. I just can't stand people who come here with the single purpose of crapping in other people's corn flakes. I don't really ever get the point of that, but that's just me.

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Awesome job. We need more negativity about the upcoming season on a Bills' fan board in April. The same teams win every year and it's not like a 1-15 team just made the playoffs last year. All hope is lost. Keep up the great work!!! <_<


Just how long have you been watching this team? What gives you hope? Is it DJ, lack of a GM, 90 year old owner who can't guarantee the future of the team, personnel issues at LG, TE, OLB, lack of a pass rush, or Marshawn, Ko, and Donte getting arrested?


I'm glad your optimistic, but let's be serious. I've watched this team since the late eighties. And never have I felt more down about where the franchise is now. You're entitled to your optimism, but hope without action is nothing.


Still love the TO move. But had he not been released, your offseason (after a third 7-9 straight season) would have been Drayton Florence, Geoff Hangartner, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Pat Thomas, and Seth McKinney.

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This offseason is the favorite time of year for 31 teams. The fans sit around and think this is our year. We only need one or two guys and we can be the next SB winner. In Buffalo we have done this for way to long.

I dont agree with you about the Oline and Dline. Last year we felt like the Oline was going to be awesome. Then due to many causes it just did not happen. The Dline was suppose to be great with Stroud comming in. Stroud did ok but Schobels injury killed the unit. I personally think the Bills have some guys in the system, and will fix some of the areas in the draft. Every year i looked at the schedule and tried to say ok thats a win thats a lose and thats a 50/50. But recently i gave up on that. Reason being is because the NFL changes so quickly.

I do agree the Bills need a freakin GM. A guy that evaluates talent and works with a bean counter on how to sign him. But ultimately he(the Gm) has the final say.

Do not loose faith, the Bills are going to win again, the will make the playoffs. And dont you want to be a guy that can say i stuck by you through thick and thin? Instead of some guy that jumped off the wagon. If you love the Bills you love them. They are like that cousin/friend that always hits you up for money, but is so loveable you cant say no. You give into him/them, but are complaining the whole time. We all here have said many times 'i hate this team' but we are right back the next week or season. Why? Because we cant help ourselves. My wife one time said i wish you could like another team. I hate how those guys get you upset. I told her it just doesn't work that way. Not for real fans and people with character. You love your team even when you hate them.



I hear what your saying. But like any jilted lover, sooner or later the bills have to start returning some of the love or what is the point. In the NFL, to go 9yrs without even being in the playoffs is not only unacceptable but it is unheard of. I just ran into a guy that works on the 24th floor of my building & he told me he dropped his tickets this year after 25 years of having ST. He would come by our tailgate once in awhile. This guy had lower bowl 50yrd line tickets 20 rows up. He said I just got to the point where I was just not enjoying myself out there anymore. He told me he left at halftime of 49ers game & said that is it for me. I am not saying i am there yet, but rooting for this team is heartwrenching & thankless. It really is. After the Cleveland game last year me & my friends sat in the car waiting to get out of the parking lot & I said "how does dawson kick a 58 yard fg on a night when it is 10 degrees outside? Only Buffalo" My friend then said, "this team really makes you want to hate it"


With that being said I am cautiously optimistic this year. If Edward's play improves, they have a good draft & some of the teams in the division struggle(Brady's knee is not right, Miami takes a step back, jets struggle at the qb position) I think we could make a run at the division. I admit, jauron is real sore spot with me. With that being said, the day I can not get excited about the bills chances for the upcoming season 10 days before the draft is the day I will drop my season tickets.

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Just how long have you been watching this team? What gives you hope? Is it DJ, lack of a GM, 90 year old owner who can't guarantee the future of the team, personnel issues at LG, TE, OLB, lack of a pass rush, or Marshawn, Ko, and Donte getting arrested?


Fair enough response. You are aware there is still a draft right. To address some of the valid needs you mention:


- LG is said to be one of the easiest of the all the o-line positions to play (help on both sides). There is absolutely no reason a 2nd or 3rd rookie can't step in and be a starter from day 1. Plus, it is nice to have a former decent NFL starter as a backup (mcKinney)

- TE - This is almost improved by subtraction. We can't get much worse play than we got from Royal last year. And I really think Pettigrew is being targeted for this team. He would be a huge assest to both the running & passing games.


- OLB - Another position that can be addressed in the draft. The better the DL, the better the LBs. There's no reason we can't get a starter in the draft. Additionally, Pat Thomas may be a lot better than he palyed last year. The chiefs had one of the worst d-lines in history.


I'm glad your optimistic, but let's be serious. I've watched this team since the late eighties. And never have I felt more down about where the franchise is now. You're entitled to your optimism, but hope without action is nothing.


Talk about melodramatic. Didn't we go 3-13 one season? Trent is in his 3rd year, where players normally break out. Josh Reed and Robert Royal were maybe the worst 2 and 3 options maybe in the NFL. Now we have a HOF receiver and Reed at his rightful #3 spot. That is a huge upgrade. No more double teams for Reed and it will behard to stack the box against the run.



Still love the TO move. But had he not been released, your offseason (after a third 7-9 straight season) would have been Drayton Florence, Geoff Hangartner, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Pat Thomas, and Seth McKinney.


Florence is one season off being a huge FA and former starter for a really good SD team. I'd take him as a nickel and McKelvin has shown superstar ability. GH started a lot of games for the PAnthers and is said to be a big loss for that team. Anyone is upgrade over our backup QB last year. And the other 2 guys are veteran depth.


Anyways, I'm going to enjoy the offseason and continue to dream of the playoffs next winter. As a fan, IMO, if you do anything else, you're cheating yourself. Especially in a league that has as much turnaround as the NFL.

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Still love the TO move. But had he not been released, your offseason (after a third 7-9 straight season) would have been Drayton Florence, Geoff Hangartner, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Pat Thomas, and Seth McKinney.

And without the Pennington release last year, the Dols are 1-15 again. <_<

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And without the Pennington release last year, the Dols are 1-15 again. <_<


Hypotheticals are worthless in this case, but keep on believing what a team's record would have been like if they didn't have a certain player. You have no idea.


I'm sure you also thought Tom Brady's injury would have made the Patsies 1-15 with Matt Cassel at the helm, right?

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I've seen the schedule. Let's be honest. The offensive line won't gel, the defensive line won't gel, and Edwards could single-handedly transform the quarterback position by mastering the passing game from beneath defensive linemen.


6-10, if we're lucky. I really like Owens, but I really fear he can't save us. We need a real GM.


Week 9: 2-6. Bye, Dick. Thanks for nothing. Why can't we hire real coaches, with real talent, and with a real chance of being paid more than half the next highest paid coach from the bottom?

09/14 @ New England Patriots Lose. Belichick & Brady. That's all it will take.

09/20 TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS Win. Raheem Morris & Leftwich make a big difference. Not quite enough, yet.

09/27 NEW ORLEANS SAINTS Lose. Drew Brees pics Fewell's secondary apart.

10/04 @ Miami Dolphins Lose. Sparano out coaches Dickie the J.

10/11 CLEVELAND BROWNS Win. Payback for 2008.

10/18 @ New York Jets Win. NYJ have QB and scoring problems.

10/25 @ Carolina Panthers Lose. Better team all the way around. Delhomme out to make amends.

11/01 HOUSTON TEXANS 50/50 Can't figure this one out. If Shaub plays, Bills lose. Bet Shaub plays.

11/08 BYE

11/15 @ Tennessee Titans Lose. It's the Titans

11/22 @ Jacksonville Jaguars Lose. Garrard had an off year and Jax is back to their playoff form.

11/29 MIAMI DOLPHINS Lose. Sparano out coaches Dickie the J. Again.

12/03 NEW YORK JETS (Toronto) Win. Same reason as before

12/13 @ Kansas City Chiefs Win. New coach & new QB don't live up to hype.

12/20 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Lose. Same reason as before

12/27 @ Atlanta Falcons Lose. Team very well rounded.

01/03 INDIANAPOLIS COLTS Lose. Unless Colts have division & home field locked up.


So that's 5-11 or 6-10. That's also somewhere around 4-4 by the mid point which will sadly keep Jauron employed until the end of the season. The Bills may regret not having made an attempt at getting Raheem Morris.

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I'm a fan, but every spring I fall for the spin from the coaches and journalists smiling and preening from 1 Bills Drive, expounding how this team is a playoff team. I lose all sanity and salivate all over my hdtv waiting for opening day (I can't abide pre-season games). And every season I get a Bills football team that can't explain why they're losing and can't (or won't) make mid-season improvement.


I've seen the schedule. Let's be honest. The offensive line won't gel, the defensive line won't gel, and Edwards could single-handedly transform the quarterback position by mastering the passing game from beneath defensive linemen.


Before the draft and before the after-draft enthusiasm - "we've got two or three players who will start on week 1!" - and before the training camp, "we're gonna win the division!," bs, here's the reality:


6-10, if we're lucky. I really like Owens, but I really fear he can't save us. We need a real GM.


Week 9: 2-6. Bye, Dick. Thanks for nothing. Why can't we hire real coaches, with real talent, and with a real chance of being paid more than half the next highest paid coach from the bottom?

Solid run from a noob ... so much more refreshing than the "Unconfirmed deep source rumor" noob posts we've been seeing lately.


Deep down I agree ... I'm still in denial mode and hoping for improvement, but I'll be right there with ya by october.

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Our offseason has been very good up to this point. Upgraded at Center with Hangartner, Upgraded at O interior Line Depth with Mckinnie, upgraded big time at WR with T.O, upgraded our Nickel play with Florence ( remember, he was seen as a premier nickelbacker before Jacksonville signed him with a huge contract, when they moved him to the #2DB spot he didn't live up to expectations, with his huge salary, it was too big of a contract for nickelback and now Buffalo acquired a top flight Nickelbacker, and he definitely is an upgrade to what Mckelvin was last year at the nickelback) Fitzpatrick can't be any worse than what JP was last year, so I can't see how this isn't an upgrade.


Pat thomas is a headscratcher <_< none the less its more depth.

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10/11 CLEVELAND BROWNS Win. Payback for 2008.



The Bills may regret not having made an attempt at getting Raheem Morris.



Wasn't the '08 Browns game supposed to be a Bills win for payback to losing to them in '07? <_<


I so wanted Raheem Morris to be the new head coach of the Bills in '09. The guy looks like someone who has a ton of drive, competitiveness and personality. I'd be surprised if he fell on his face as a head coach. Everything our team lacks on Sundays, he looked to have in spades. Tampa made a great move with that shakeup.

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Hypotheticals are worthless in this case, but keep on believing what a team's record would have been like if they didn't have a certain player. You have no idea.

Hypotheticals like "without TO...?" <_<


And if you were to ask NFL "experts," every one of them would say that Pennington was the main reason for the Dols' success last year. I'll bet Bill Parcells would tell you the same.

I'm sure you also thought Tom Brady's injury would have made the Patsies 1-15 with Matt Cassel at the helm, right?

Not quite, but I knew they weren't going to make the playoffs. I figured 7-9, but going 11-5, missing the playoffs, and drafting in the bottom 1/3 was fine by me. :o

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Half the fun of being a fan is seeing that next year could be the year. If there is no hope, dont watch


I agree with some of your points but now that im going to school in Buffalo and possibly buying season tickets im going to keep hoping that this year is the year



Detroit never has hope and they watch!


Hope is a great thing when you believe it could happen. However the reality on the current roster we have now is it doesnt look good for us at all. Look at the schedule and how it falls and look at how our team as performed in similar positions, not on what you hope but what could truly be expected. 7-9 is the reality the hope is 10-6 or better and that Trent turns into a QB, Nobody can stop the two head mosnter of Lynch/Jackson becuase the newly formed offensive line opens holes and gives plenty of time for Trent to Find Evans/TO for their combined 2000 yards receiving and the defensive creates enough pressure to turn over the ball and the secondary is good enough to shut down any team in the NFL- NOW THATS HOPE- and the reason we watch. NOT To see a great game but to see if our players/coaches finally improve!!!!

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09/27 NEW ORLEANS SAINTS Lose. Drew Brees pics Fewell's secondary apart.



OMG! You are right, we had better draft a CB in the first round!

Just watch the game for as long as you stand it and then get back to me after Brees puts up 250+ yards. After what KC & Denver did to Fewell's defense last year, Brees is going to have a field day. Fewell consistently refused to make any changes whatsoever when his D was getting torched. What in God's Green Earth makes you feel that Fewell is going to be any different this season?

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Wasn't the '08 Browns game supposed to be a Bills win for payback to losing to them in '07? B-)


I so wanted Raheem Morris to be the new head coach of the Bills in '09. The guy looks like someone who has a ton of drive, competitiveness and personality. I'd be surprised if he fell on his face as a head coach. Everything our team lacks on Sundays, he looked to have in spades. Tampa made a great move with that shakeup.

The Browns game was painful to watch. Quinn looked like he was ready to start on fire and Lindell's missed kick was agonizing. Yet another example of Jauron's group getting out-coached and out-played by an ostensibly inferior team.


Morris is pretty much the anti-Jauron. I thought the Bills could use a shot of enthusiasm. Raheem may have an up and down 1st year, but I'll bet he becomes a very good HC in this league.

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09/27 NEW ORLEANS SAINTS Lose. Drew Brees pics Fewell's secondary apart.



OMG! You are right, we had better draft a CB in the first round!


Just watch the game for as long as you stand it and then get back to me after Brees puts up 250+ yards. After what KC & Denver did to Fewell's defense last year, Brees is going to have a field day. Fewell consistently refused to make any changes whatsoever when his D was getting torched. What in God's Green Earth makes you feel that Fewell is going to be any different this season?

The Saints are vastly overrated. They put up lots of passing numbers and thats about it. They can't run the ball. They can't play defense. Their coaching staff made as many, if not more mistakes than ours last year. This is definately a game we can win this season, especially at home. I also don't see us losing to the Dolphins twice this year. Jacksonville will improve some this year, IMO. Tennesse will regress a little. We have the ability to beat both of those teams. The Titans are really going to miss Haynesworth. When he was hurt for a stretch two years ago, they struggled badly.

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I'm a fan, but every spring I fall for the spin from the coaches and journalists smiling and preening from 1 Bills Drive, expounding how this team is a playoff team. I lose all sanity and salivate all over my hdtv waiting for opening day (I can't abide pre-season games). And every season I get a Bills football team that can't explain why they're losing and can't (or won't) make mid-season improvement.


I've seen the schedule. Let's be honest. The offensive line won't gel, the defensive line won't gel, and Edwards could single-handedly transform the quarterback position by mastering the passing game from beneath defensive linemen.


Before the draft and before the after-draft enthusiasm - "we've got two or three players who will start on week 1!" - and before the training camp, "we're gonna win the division!," bs, here's the reality:


6-10, if we're lucky. I really like Owens, but I really fear he can't save us. We need a real GM.


Week 9: 2-6. Bye, Dick. Thanks for nothing. Why can't we hire real coaches, with real talent, and with a real chance of being paid more than half the next highest paid coach from the bottom?


I disagree. You see 6-10-0, I see 10-6-0, if the team that showed up the first 6 games last season plays for the entire season this year. Injuries count a lot, and nobody can predict those. But the bottom line is, there is talent on this team, and DJ knows this is his last season here if they don't at least finish with the same record as the last wild card team in the AFC.

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