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The Dean suggested it but I'll start it .... What is your


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Reminds me of a saying one of my former college roomies had:


"Cheap beer is good beer but free beer is always better."


For me I've always liked Rolling Rock beer. Now like most beers it is pretty much available anywhere in the U.S. I remember running across it in L.A. about twenty years ago in a "specialty" beer section. It was being sold as a "premium" beer with a price tag to go along with the description. That was laughable.


Currently, for a relatively inexpensive wine (for a big red anyway) I am partial to Penfolds Rawson's Retreat Shiraz Cabernet blend. Here in Texas you can pick it up for about $12 per bottle (screw top by the way). For my money it is as good as or even better than some of the $250+ bottles that my boss has an affinity for (I'm happy to let him pay for the things).


On the booze side of the equation I tend not to go cheap. I like to sip good bourbon, scotch or drink a (very cold) vodka martini. However, while not "cheap" I find good old Jack Daniels to be as good as his more expensive cousin - Gentleman Jack.


My worthless thoughts on the subject what are yours?


BTW - to the Dean ... I waited for you to post this but figured I could only wait for so long ... here's a Rolling Rock to you! :w00t:

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Don't know what the parameters are for "cheap", but the best domestic you can buy is Yuengling, IMO. Oldest domestic brewery, and a nice smooth lager. They FINALLY started carrying it down here in the South, so I'm psyched. Now if we could just get Wegmans down here...

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Two-Buck Chuck (really $2.95 Chuck) from Trader Joe's isn't bad wine. Neither is the new Three Oaks brand (also $2.95 a bottle) from Wal-Mart. I'm not a wine snob and I really can't tell an expensive wine from a more modest vintage. As long as it doesn't cause a gagging reflex, I'm fine with it.



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Don't know what the parameters are for "cheap", but the best domestic you can buy is Yuengling, IMO. Oldest domestic brewery, and a nice smooth lager. They FINALLY started carrying it down here in the South, so I'm psyched. Now if we could just get Wegmans down here...

I love Yuengling though it's not quite a "cheap" beer. PBR and Strohs are "cheap" but quite tasty. I'm also pretty fond of Mickey's Big Mouth, especially if I'm looking to get a buzz fast.



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Keystone is not the best tasting beer but it is cheap and my drink of choice on a typical weekend here at school. much better than busch or natural ice which what alot of people get around here


I'll say this about Keystone...you can pound away 10 of those babies and stay just buzzed, which makes it the perfect beer pong variety. Gotta say, my favorite "cheap" beer is Labatt. I like to call it Canada's greatest invention.


If you're looking for a nice lager, I love Magic Hat.

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Two-Buck Chuck (really $2.95 Chuck) from Trader Joe's isn't bad wine. Neither is the new Three Oaks brand (also $2.95 a bottle) from Wal-Mart. I'm not a wine snob and I really can't tell an expensive wine from a more modest vintage. As long as it doesn't cause a gagging reflex, I'm fine with it.



It's the taxes in NH that makes it Three Buck Chuck there. It's still $2 here in CA

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Reminds me of a saying one of my former college roomies had:


"Cheap beer is good beer but free beer is always better."


Just FYI... your roommate is an idiot. Free beer and cheap beer are sh--, just like cheap food and free food are sh--.


I wouldn't touch either.

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EvanWilliams whiskey for 10 bucks a liter is a great deal


PBR is one of my fave cheap beers, but Natty Light is the official beer of WVU students so thats up there too


When it comes to wine, just about any of the local wineries have a great selection and product for under 20 a bottle

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