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LOST 5.13 - "Some Like It Hoth" [sic] - (Miles-centric) - Ben is taken from the infirmary which raises suspicions about a possible security breach. Also in the episode, a reluctant Miles is forced to work with Hurley when he's asked to deliver an important package to a top Dharma official.


The U.K. preview is a little more liberal, and a couple of notes of my own... Yellow-fonted: "After young Ben is reported missing from the infirmary, suspicion mounts among the Dharma Initiative that there are traitors in their midst and Sawyer's lies about the castaways look set to come undone." Naomi makes a return appearance (since this is a Miles ep, most likely, it will be their 'conversation' after she was knifed by Locke). Pierre Chang, too, is listed in the credits (possible there will be a reveal that will surprise exactly no one that Miles is Dr. Halliwax's son from the season-opening scene). Jeremy Davies (Faraday) is also back after a several-ep absence, in steps leading up to why he was at the Orchid construction site.



Hoth is the snow planet in "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" where the rebellion suffers a terrible defeat at the hands of the Empire. How this refers to the Lost storyline is anyone’s guess. Could it mean another visit to the frozen donkey wheel? Is there going to be an uprising of some kind that will be quickly thwarted? Is this where Jacob, A.K.A. Christian Shepard appears to Jack and says, “I am your father!” Who knows?


I think the group with Ilana et al. are Dharma coming to reclaim the island, and it doesn't look like there's much to hold them back c. 2007.

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I think the group with Ilana et al. are Dharma coming to reclaim the island, and it doesn't look like there's much to hold them back c. 2007.

I hope Rose, Bernard and Vincent are ready for them. <_<


By the way, I remember reading somewhere (probably Lostpedia) that the producers confirmed that Victor will make it all the way to the end of the series alive and well.

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But wouldn't they have be there in '77?


Well, yes, obviously. Not quite sure what you're saying. Ilana and this crew are in 2007, tho, and taking back the island from the Others 15 years after the Purge. Presumably, the Ben-less Others are still hiding out somewhere. Is it possible they're still in the Temple? (And is that what's "in the shadow of the statue?)


I hope Rose, Bernard and Vincent are ready for them. <_<


By the way, I remember reading somewhere (probably Lostpedia) that the producers confirmed that Victor will make it all the way to the end of the series alive and well.


Dunno where Bernard & Rose are. Since all the Lostaways we saw went through the timeflash, you could conclude that R&B timeflashed as well and are hiding it out in '77, to become "Adam&Eve" in the caves, as many hold to (Lindelof and Cuse have been asked about this and said only, "Be careful not to rule anyone out." The assumption that they timeflashed to '74-'77 could very well be incorrect, tho. In the same manner as only the O6 timeflashed on the plane, suppose R&B could have been left behind in 2004. Also, Sawyer's security group did scour the (DI-controlled part, at least) island for 3 years and didn't find anyone.


Yeah, I think a lot of people wouldn't be OK with Vincent dying. Jack Bender (the show's principle director) is a confessed dog person. I believe it was his call to put in Vincent swimming after the raft/Walt in S1, to give the dog-people audience that moment. I'm not ashamed to say I always well up in that scene. It was a great touch.

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I hope Rose, Bernard and Vincent are ready for them. <_<


By the way, I remember reading somewhere (probably Lostpedia) that the producers confirmed that Victor will make it all the way to the end of the series alive and well.


ive read this as well. good.

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Well, yes, obviously. Not quite sure what you're saying. Ilana and this crew are in 2007, tho, and taking back the island from the Others 15 years after the Purge. Presumably, the Ben-less Others are still hiding out somewhere. Is it possible they're still in the Temple? (And is that what's "in the shadow of the statue?)

Just saying that if they were part of the original Dharma project, Ben would have recognized them on the plane. Also, Sayid asked if Ben was the person she was working for and she seemed sincere in not knowing who that was. Anyone in the Dharma initiative in 1977 would have known of Ben. I won't rule out that theory, because she could have been very young. But personally, I don't think that's it.

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Actually, everyone asks that question. It has been discussed many times, but it has yet to be answered. Even when they showed him off the island he doesn't age, I can't even venture a guess at this one.



I dont remember anybody on the show discussing Alpert at all

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Just saying that if they were part of the original Dharma project, Ben would have recognized them on the plane. Also, Sayid asked if Ben was the person she was working for and she seemed sincere in not knowing who that was. Anyone in the Dharma initiative in 1977 would have known of Ben. I won't rule out that theory, because she could have been very young. But personally, I don't think that's it.


Not saying that this possible new group of DI have been to the island before, or that they've necessarily been in the DI for long, or that Ben would know them from Adam or vice versa. As with Widmore's freighter group, the theory would go that they recently found the island's location and are going there.


As when Radzinsky said, "I'm calling Ann Arbor"... there is much more to the DI than those killed in the Purge on the island. Not surprising that she wouldn't blink at "Ben" b/c the DI doesn't know exactly what happened, but whatever the case, that it wasn't good. For 15 years, they've presumably not had any contact from their island-DI group, so you'd think they would figure that something happened re: the Hostiles/Others. They didn't put combo-lock armories in the hatches for nothing. And Ilana, et al. didn't have a big-ass gun locker on the Ajira plane for nothing. They also managed to get it on the plane --- Ajira = Indian airline... Dharma is a Hindu concept....

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Not much in the way of reveals tonight. Miles is Halliwax's son, which should have surprised no one who's been paying any kind of attention.


Yet another bad dad / father issues story.... Miles was separated from his father when very young (according to his mother, dying of cancer(?) ~15 years after leaving the island's protection). Miles can talk to dead people... we know this... except he can only hear them, he can only do this with a physical body, and the body can only 'tell' him what happened up until the point they died. Football-dad serves as the proxy 'You need to say things while you're alive' and Miles is fighting against this himself for his own father.


They tried to inject Hurley for some comedic value. I think this largely fell flat. Only part mildly amusing was Hurley rewriting "SW:TESB" and planning on sending it to George Lucas so he can edit out the crap scenes. And hey, I actually liked the Ewoks!


1) Why might Halliwax not begin to suspect or even ask himself... what are the odds that another Asian dude on Lostaway island (which has time-traveling capacities that he knows of) is named Miles? Didn't ring any bells for him? But then again, maybe it did and he's just leaving the situation be.


2) We saw Ilana's-group guy tried to get Miles to play for their team before the freighter left. If they're not with Widmore, and Ben shot one of them, it's closing the odds down to they are DI (see above post). Interesting also about the body Naomi brought Miles to; he had photos and records of dug-up bodies... yet we still don't know who had the 815 wreck staged. Tho the tone of it suggests it was Ben.


3) The re-appearance of Daniel Faraday. Was it that he was getting off the sub after being somewhere for some time?


4) The building of the hatch... The dead body inadvertently discovered the electromagnetic field, which pulled a filling through his brain. Yipes.


5) Things are starting to unravel for Sawyer. So much for his "plan" crappola. Looked to be the start of a change in leadership tonight, as Sawyer offered a weak thank you to Jack for covering Kate's story... As Mr. Man With a Plan is being shown for being the same kind of reactionary idiot that he called Jack, don't look for Jack to keep erasing chalkboards.


Something else is sticking in my craw re: Jack, tho. In the hotel room with Ben after getting Locke's body (how long ago does that seem now?), Ben told Jack that if there was anything he wanted in this life, to bring it b/c he was never coming back. And let's be clear here --- Ben didn't say that Jack "probably" or "might not be" coming back, he said "never." Ben knows things. He knows Jack is going to be staying on the island. As I theorized upthread, I think Jack = Jacob. And the more I fit things together in my mind, the more this makes sense to me.


That's about all I've got. No ep next week; it's a refresher course on S5 to-date, which I most surely will be watching. I'm disappointed that ABC is not showing the repeats anymore.


My grandmother passed away last night, so I will be leaving for WNY sometime tomorrow. (I'd rather avoid making this a condolence thread. This is not intended as a LAMP. Tho sad, this something that has not been unexpected. Besides, she was a tough old Dutchie and rarely went in for that kind of thing anyway.)

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I am the king of run on sentences.

It is with heartfelt grief that I hereby declare that after faithfully viewing every episode to date I proclaim Lost has jumped the shark. Dude, did you fart? seriously? Miles finds his daddy? This was beyond gay. Yes ... gayhe. What lies in the shadow of the statue? who cares. I am bitter. I want nothing more to do with this circle jerk. ...... yeah, I said it.

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I have to say...there have been very few episodes that I've disliked, but this was one of them. I got NOTHING out of that episode. Characters came and went seemingly just to make an appearance. And they even drove the Hurley - Miles thing into the ground. Blech.

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I am the king of run on sentences.

It is with heartfelt grief that I hereby declare that after faithfully viewing every episode to date I proclaim Lost has jumped the shark. Dude, did you fart? seriously? Miles finds his daddy? This was beyond gay. Yes ... gayhe. What lies in the shadow of the statue? who cares. I am bitter. I want nothing more to do with this circle jerk. ...... yeah, I said it.


As I said, in 'bringing the funny,' Miles is a very weak substitute for Charlie. Hurley was on a comedic island --- it was like watching Bob Newhart w/o a set-up situation/person. And at this point, we don't want a chuckle nearly as much as we want, to quote S1 Hurley, "some friggin' answers!" Last night was largely a filler ep whose main reveal was guessed a long time ago by all and sundry. You know, I thought we were behind these at this point. Disappointing.


But, don't despair too much. We're working toward the end of the season that was to explain "why the O6 needed to come back." Looking at the Neilsens, tho, these last several featuring the O6 in the '70s and getting heavy in time-travel stuff (and the show being head-to-head with Idoltry) have been downright dismal, even when including the number of those who DVR. It's decreased from the previously reliable at-least-13M viewers to 8.5M for "Dead is Dead." Ouch. You can only hope that it lights a fire under some butts.


There are 4 eps left in the season and I don't doubt things will start to pick up pace. Especially since the final scene last night was with a newly-minted Faraday, now looking determined and with a purpose rather than a timid stuck-in-the-head scientist type. Have some faith. Nobody but nobody does season finales like LOST.

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I dont remember anybody on the show discussing Alpert at all

My bad...I was referring to chat rooms or forum discussions, that's what I thought you meant. I think the only repeating character that would know about Richard's non-aging is Ben. Although Locke met him at a very young age, but I don't believe he remembers that encounter. Would make for a good one liner from Ben in a future airing...


1) Why might Halliwax not begin to suspect or even ask himself... what are the odds that another Asian dude on Lostaway island (which has time-traveling capacities that he knows of) is named Miles? Didn't ring any bells for him? But then again, maybe it did and he's just leaving the situation be.


2) We saw Ilana's-group guy tried to get Miles to play for their team before the freighter left. If they're not with Widmore, and Ben shot one of them, it's closing the odds down to they are DI (see above post). Interesting also about the body Naomi brought Miles to; he had photos and records of dug-up bodies... yet we still don't know who had the 815 wreck staged. Tho the tone of it suggests it was Ben.


3) The re-appearance of Daniel Faraday. Was it that he was getting off the sub after being somewhere for some time?


4) The building of the hatch... The dead body inadvertently discovered the electromagnetic field, which pulled a filling through his brain. Yipes.


5) Things are starting to unravel for Sawyer. So much for his "plan" crappola. Looked to be the start of a change in leadership tonight, as Sawyer offered a weak thank you to Jack for covering Kate's story... As Mr. Man With a Plan is being shown for being the same kind of reactionary idiot that he called Jack.


Something else is sticking in my craw re: Jack, tho. In the hotel room with Ben after getting Locke's body (how long ago does that seem now?), Ben told Jack that if there was anything he wanted in this life, to bring it b/c he was never coming back. And let's be clear here --- Ben didn't say that Jack "probably" or "might not be" coming back, he said "never." Ben knows things. He knows Jack is going to be staying on the island. As I theorized upthread, I think Jack = Jacob. And the more I fit things together in my mind, the more this makes sense to me.


That's about all I've got. No ep next week; it's a refresher course on S5 to-date, which I most surely will be watching. I'm disappointed that ABC is not showing the repeats anymore.


My grandmother passed away last night, so I will be leaving for WNY sometime tomorrow. (I'd rather avoid making this a condolence thread. This is not intended as a LAMP. Tho sad, this something that has not been unexpected. Besides, she was a tough old Dutchie and rarely went in for that kind of thing anyway.)

1. Was there ever a reference to Halliwax being alive in 2007? I don't recall. But if not, then something might have happened to him before the capabilities of the island were discovered. I think there is a big chunk of that story missing.

2. What was meant by "not being ready to go to the island" because he couldn't answer the riddle? At least he didn't get whacked in the head for not knowing the answer. Also, I thought it was known that Widmore staged the crash?

3. I thought at first that Faraday would not recognize Miles and he would be another non-ager, but he's definitely been bouncing around. And now he's an Ann Arbor scientist? Very interesting.

4. Now that would suck! Bad enough you're on ditch duty...

5. Good points...


Sorry for your loss!!

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I dont remember anybody on the show discussing Alpert at all



My bad...I was referring to chat rooms or forum discussions, that's what I thought you meant. I think the only repeating character that would know about Richard's non-aging is Ben. Although Locke met him at a very young age, but I don't believe he remembers that encounter. Would make for a good one liner from Ben in a future airing...


When the Island6 were still jumping and jumped into the time of Richard's camp with the bomb, Sawyer directly asks Juliet about how old Richard is. She replies something along the lines of him being "very old" and/or having been on the island a "very long time".


It seems that Juliet knows more. Probably because she was a sworn-in Other.

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My bad...I was referring to chat rooms or forum discussions, that's what I thought you meant. I think the only repeating character that would know about Richard's non-aging is Ben. Although Locke met him at a very young age, but I don't believe he remembers that encounter. Would make for a good one liner from Ben in a future airing...


Actually, as someone wrote upthread, Juliet is in the know from her Other days, but she hasn't specifically spoken about it. The other Lostaways/Freighties who were in the 1954 time-flash should be clued in. Locke definitely knows --- he saw Richard in what was established as '54 and met him in 2004 (Richard gave him the folder on his father and subtly suggested he wanted regime change). The childhood visits to Locke or his memory of them don't matter now concerning this topic, the cat's out of the bag for him. Faraday, Miles and Charlotte all saw Richard in the tent in '54. I don't believe any of them met him in 2004. But Miles has seen not-a-day-older Richard in '74 when he came to the Barracks to discuss the breaking of the truce. We don't know if Faraday knows or has been informed. Sawyer was in '54 but I'm not sure he saw Richard, however he saw their manner of dress so he could probably guess the decade, and again, he saw Richard in '74, (and I believe he knows about the compass) and considering how Sawyer does put things together pretty fast, vouchsafe that he knows Richard doesn't age.


1. Was there ever a reference to Halliwax being alive in 2007? I don't recall. But if not, then something might have happened to him before the capabilities of the island were discovered. I think there is a big chunk of that story missing.

2. What was meant by "not being ready to go to the island" because he couldn't answer the riddle? At least he didn't get whacked in the head for not knowing the answer. Also, I thought it was known that Widmore staged the crash?

3. I thought at first that Faraday would not recognize Miles and he would be another non-ager, but he's definitely been bouncing around. And now he's an Ann Arbor scientist? Very interesting.

4. Now that would suck! Bad enough you're on ditch duty...

5. Good points...


Sorry for your loss!!


There's nothing that says Halliwax is still kicking it in 2004 or 2007, but there's little to say that he isn't. If you believe Miles' mother, it seems he dies not terribly long after this '77 jaunt, maybe in the early-to-mid-80s(?). I wouldn't call Miles' mother a reliable source, tho. We know he at least survives "the incident" (which is the title of the season finale coming up) and the initiation of the DI's security procedures, of course, b/c he references it in the orientation films. They are in the beginning stages of construction of the Swan and the Orchid and he was seen in a film experiencing the duplicate rabbit situation in an operational Orchid.


Like I wrote, I think Halliwax may have a vague feeling about grown-up Miles, considering his knowledge of the island. The DI is doing stuff at the Orchid/Donkey Wheel for a good reason. And even if they only know it has broadly to do with the subject of Time, Halliwax should have some suspicion --- if not in '77, then surely as the Orchid experiments start --- that security-dude Miles is an older version of his baby son. And that may be why Halliwax dismisses them off the island, even tho he loves them... b/c it has to happen.


There are conflicting reports on who staged the 815 deep-sea crash. Ben says it was Widmore (So, b/c Ben said so, right there, there's a 95 percent chance that there's no way in hell(!) it was Widmore). Widmore, no doubt thinks (don't remember if it's been said) that it was Ben trying to throw off anyone's trail from the island. But, really, what would be the benefit to Widmore staging the 815 crash? I see none other than to quell interest, and Ben benefits far more from this than Widmore. Who needs to be duped? Any search and rescue attempt by the Coast Guard/Navy would be given up fairly shortly, people back in the real world would put it out of mind that it's lost at sea and will never be found.... The only people I see that Widmore would really have is to dupe is the Others, who don't need duping. I am almost certain it was Ben.


I only saw once. Faraday was among scientists arriving from Ann Arbor? So, he somehow quietly left the island, went to the U. of Michigan and insinuated himself there for the past 3 years?

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Also, why would Naomi/Widmore's group need Miles to tell them what Felix (the dead body in the restaurant) was doing at the time of his death? If Widmore had staged the crash, why would they need to know that Felix had 'photos, pictures of empty graves, and a purchase order for an old airplane.' re: the staging of the crash?


Even if it were just a test of Miles' ability, Felix was part of Widmore's group, and Naomi already knows.... Still, why would Widmore need a fact-finding dossier about something he did? Or, supposing Felix was working for Ben, why would Ben be gathering damning info together on something he did? All signs point to Ben.


More like, Felix had gathered this information for Widmore, an outside Other killed him and left the body. The Others took the info to Ben. Ben put them in his safe. Ben shows them to Locke to persuade him to let him free when they're waiting at the Barracks and convince Locke that the Freighties are bad and want to kill everyone, not just Ben.

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Even if it were just a test of Miles' ability, Felix was part of Widmore's group, and Naomi already knows.... Still, why would Widmore need a fact-finding dossier about something he did? Or, supposing Felix was working for Ben, why would Ben be gathering damning info together on something he did? All signs point to Ben.



they were just testing Miles ability....they knew exactly what happened to Felix...they wanted to see if Miles could really talk to the dead...or if he was full of sh--

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Ok, finally getting caught up here. Mom was visiting the past week, so i had 2 eps to catch up on last night. Lots of good ideas as usual thrown about and i have a few to add.


1. Alpert - i think he's the owner or keeper of the island and the "others." He seems to get the pieces in place where they need to be, but then let the individuals make their own choices. This was highlighted with Young Ben and baby Alex. There was a disagreement between Ben and Whidmore about what to do with Alex, and Richard kind of sat there and had a look of, "you make the choice."


2. On the topic of Alex, i wonder if Ben keeping her had something to do with the others' inability to have children. Perhaps Ben was supposed to kill her as a baby, but if he did what "he wanted" instead of what the island wanted, the island punished the group by not allowing any babies to be born. Ben seemed to do a lot of what he wanted as the leader, which may not have been what the island wanted.


3. Locke, Sun, Ben, etc. Do we know for sure they are in 2007? I know the plane left in 2007 LOST time, and that jack etc went back to 1977. But did the rest of the plane land in 2007 or some other time between Dharma and the present. Remember, they went from flying during the night to crashing during the day.


4. The new group in 2007 seems to be the leftovers of the DI. With all the guns, it makes sense they are primed to re-take the island.


5. As soon as Hurley asked how to spell bounty hunter, i knew he was re-writing SW:ESB. <_<

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