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BART Cop in Oakland kills man.


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Is it just me? I can't see anything in those videos really.


The cop who shot him is partially blocked by the other cop, so it's hard to actually see him draw the weapon. But the shot is clearly audible as is the reaction from the crowd.


That's a big oops. Any of our resident law enforcement types want to comment on the gun vs. stun gun thing? I would guess they are easily to differentiate by feel, but maybe not. Sadly, things like this can happen in the heat of the moment when people are resisting arrest and they are surrounded by a hostile crowd.

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The cop who shot him is partially blocked by the other cop, so it's hard to actually see him draw the weapon. But the shot is clearly audible as is the reaction from the crowd.


That's a big oops. Any of our resident law enforcement types want to comment on the gun vs. stun gun thing? I would guess they are easily to differentiate by feel, but maybe not. Sadly, things like this can happen in the heat of the moment when people are resisting arrest and they are surrounded by a hostile crowd.


I thought lawfully an officer can not shoot someone in the back. I could be wrong though. And you mean to tell me these 3 guys could not subdue 1 guy already on his stomach. WTF??

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I thought lawfully an officer can not shoot someone in the back. I could be wrong though. And you mean to tell me these 3 guys could not subdue 1 guy already on his stomach. WTF??


Who said an officer could shoot a guy in the back? I assuming the theory of him thinking it was his stun gun is correct because nothing else makes sense. The cops were not in imminent danger, they just needed to subdue the guy; hence the stun gun would have made sense. Obviously he f--d up in a major way.

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This happened about 2:30 AM on New Years. The train was full of people coming back from bars. I rode through this station about 12 hours later coming home from the airport and there was no police tape. I heard about it on the evening news. I couldn't get the video to load, but I have seen several on the local news. It appears that the cops were stunned after he shot the guy and he probably thought he had the taser in his hand.

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It's tough to monday morning quarterback a situation like this. The suspect is resisting arrest and a "use of force" with a taser would have been warranted. You also can't see the the suspect's hands on the video. If he tried to reach for one of the officers' weapons, lethal force would been acceptable.


From what i read, the BART officers recently got issued the tasers. Most departments have polices saying you have to wear your taser on the opposite side of your gun. Maybe lack of training and polices is what to blame here.


To answer your question, tasers and guns have a similar feel. I can tell the difference from personal expereince, but a BART officer in the heat of a call might not. The big difference is my side arm doesn't have a safety and is ready to fire. Most tasers require you to flip a switch with your thumb to turn them on before firing.


You're a cop? Lord help us. :worthy:

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Bunch of idiots are protesting today, causing the closing of two BART stations. The trains are going through, but if you wanted to get off at those stations, you need to wait for >1/2 hour for a bus-bridge back to the affected stations. The cops outnumber the protesters who are walking and setting garbage cans and dumpsters on fire. Live on TV- the Oakland cops are in riot gear and marching down the streets herding the idiots away.

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Bunch of idiots are protesting today, causing the closing of two BART stations. The trains are going through, but if you wanted to get off at those stations, you need to wait for >1/2 hour for a bus-bridge back to the affected stations. The cops outnumber the protesters who are walking and setting garbage cans and dumpsters on fire. Live on TV- the Oakland cops are in riot gear and marching down the streets herding the idiots away.


Here an article on the protests/riots.



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Nothing like highlighting racial injustice by going on a rampage of destroying property owned by other minorities. Gee, and people wonder why cops have itchy triggers.


Not to mention the on-going shoplifting of neighborhood businesses into oblivion and then claiming the lack of goods and services and jobs is an evil plan of oppression perpetrated by the Man.


I recall when Buffalo's Fruit Belt section was a vibrant community. The West Side, the same.


Then came LBJ's "Great Society", and that was the end of that. Clever plan...put people into H*ll and foster a dependency on the State that guaranteed votes.

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On a local radio station today(I'm in the Bay Area), an Oakland cop called in and said the protest at the BART station was peaceful. It got violent when anarchists (white teens-early 20s whites- the same ones that show up at the G-8 meetings) egged on the crowd to march downtown and then to damage businesses.

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Not to mention the on-going shoplifting of neighborhood businesses into oblivion and then claiming the lack of goods and services and jobs is an evil plan of oppression perpetrated by the Man.


The best example of this is when a man opened up FIGMOS (Finally I Got My Own Supermarket) in the old Loblaws next to the Rockpile. It lasted 1-2 years. The reason he gave for closing- They shoplifted me out of existence.


My B-I-L delivered food to the Family Dollar on William Street in the inner city. The manager had to stand on the dock with a gun because people were stealing cases between the truck and the store!

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On a local radio station today(I'm in the Bay Area), an Oakland cop called in and said the protest at the BART station was peaceful. It got violent when anarchists (white teens-early 20s whites- the same ones that show up at the G-8 meetings) egged on the crowd to march downtown and then to damage businesses.


Wasn't someone here questioning the use of the words 'hippies' not too long ago? :w00t:

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The best example of this is when a man opened up FIGMOS (Finally I Got My Own Supermarket) in the old Loblaws next to the Rockpile. It lasted 1-2 years. The reason he gave for closing- They shoplifted me out of existence.


My B-I-L delivered food to the Family Dollar on William Street in the inner city. The manager had to stand on the dock with a gun because people were stealing cases between the truck and the store!

One of our guys here lives in Oakland. Says exactly the same thing happens in Safeways and so on. Weekends in parts of Oakland are total anarchy. Burning tires middle of the street. Partying and so on with no regards for anyone else in the neighborhood. Business owners in the area scared out of their wits on a weekly basis. Restaurants and so on.

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On a local radio station today(I'm in the Bay Area), an Oakland cop called in and said the protest at the BART station was peaceful. It got violent when anarchists (white teens-early 20s whites- the same ones that show up at the G-8 meetings) egged on the crowd to march downtown and then to damage businesses.

I'm sure these assclowns will be at the Pro-Gaza protest in San Francisco this weekend too. Sometimes it is embarrassing to be a Californian. :rolleyes:

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This happened about 2:30 AM on New Years. The train was full of people coming back from bars. I rode through this station about 12 hours later coming home from the airport and there was no police tape. I heard about it on the evening news. I couldn't get the video to load, but I have seen several on the local news. It appears that the cops were stunned after he shot the guy and he probably thought he had the taser in his hand.



You could see the one officer with his back to the camera saying something to him with his hand out like "WTF did you just do"


This type of stuff really frustrates me. There were reports in the one article I read that he was yelling at the cops that he's a father and to be easy or soemthing like that.

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It's tough to monday morning quarterback a situation like this. The suspect is resisting arrest and a "use of force" with a taser would have been warranted. You also can't see the the suspect's hands on the video. If he tried to reach for one of the officers' weapons, lethal force would been acceptable.


From what i read, the BART officers recently got issued the tasers. Most departments have polices saying you have to wear your taser on the opposite side of your gun. Maybe lack of training and polices is what to blame here.


To answer your question, tasers and guns have a similar feel. I can tell the difference from personal expereince, but a BART officer in the heat of a call might not. The big difference is my side arm doesn't have a safety and is ready to fire. Most tasers require you to flip a switch with your thumb to turn them on before firing.

yeah i think i can monday morning QB a guy not knowing the difference between his taser and his pistol. Im sure the killing wasnt intentional--but that cop is a chowderhead...and the guys family should get millions

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