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As i am writing this post, I hope Dick Jauron is packing his bags. But, with that being said, who could be our next head coach? Bill Cowher-probably not, to much $$$$. Steve Marriucci, Herm Edwards, Romeo Crennel, and list could go on..


I want either a young O-coordinater who uses the short passing game and running game both effectively like Josh McDaniels.




Someone who will get on the players asses when they aren't doing their job. And will without question RUN THE BALL, like a Schottenheimer.

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Give Bill Parcells the money and control he needs and we'd finally have a football mind capable of matching wits against Belichick. You can't pit Good Ol' Jimmy from Chess Club against Gary Kasparov.


Many people hate Parcells but if he's the closest to a sure thing if you want to turn a franchise around. Look at Miami in one season - they deserve to make the playoffs this year for many reasons, but the big one is:


Under Parcells, they had the DARING TO INNOVATE. They brought the Wildcat to the NFL, and I think I read that all but three teams tried it this year after they beat the Pats with it. And now teams are actually scouting players in this draft to employ in that scheme. Men who change the game and force others to play catch up: Those are your winners; those are your Hall of Famers.


The Bills haven't innovated anything (save for New Ways to Be Mediocre) since the early 90s, and it IS why Levy is rightfully in the Hall.

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Russ Grimm would be great. A former oline coach committed to the run, perfect for a Northeast team. Rex Ryan, Josh McDaniel, Tenn coordinators. If Jim Johnson of Philly wasn't so old, I would take a run at him. Hell, I would take Jim Haslet or Cam Cameron over Jauron.

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