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What happens to Buffalo if...


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Hopefully that doesn't happen. But if it does, where do we go from there? I shudder to even think about it. Can you imagine the public outlash against the organization especially since the Bills gave up what looks to be a top three draft pick for Losman? If Buffalo does indeed bench DB and then release him in the offseason and JP stinks up the place, who will we turn to? Matthews? Or a free agent bum like Couch? Another rookie QB? Maybe Warner or Kitna will be available, but that can be DB all over again. It's a scary thought.


The way I look at it, JP is the most important player on the team. If he doesn't succeed, the Bills can be losers for another 5 years or so.


I think JP Losman will be a great player. I loved the way he ran the offense in the preseason. He moved the ball with his feet and arm and looked good doing it, too. He looks like he's gonna be a player.

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Let not your heart be troubled. This kid is the real deal... and yes, DeeRay has a knack for identifying QB busts. I exposed "Golden Child" Collins, Rojo, and Bledsoe as cowshit long before most fans acknowledged it.


JP has "it". What is "it"? Damned if I know, but he has "it". The swagger, the bounce, the passion, the will to win... all the stuff that simply can't be measured, like arm strength, speed, size, testing scores. If I were to describe JP or compare him to another NFL QB, the closest description would be Brett Favre or Flutie with size and arm strength.


Now, hypothetically, what happens if he's a bust? Well, what would you do if you were the owner. Your GM just gave up a number 1 and a number 4 for the pleasure of paying out a huge bonus of which not only can't be recovered, it handcuffs the team salary cap wise. So, the logical thing would be to look at what your GM has done overall... and what type of players has he drafted and how to these players stack up now. If I look at that, my GM has failed miserably, and then to add to a bust QB... this GM is soooooooo fired!!! JP, Evans, and McGahee may be the only players that save "Old Whitey's " ass from Ralph's wrath in the end, cuz I don't see any player that he's drafted that's worth a damn... except for, perhaps Schobel. "Old Whitey" would be wise to tell his scouts to simply look for mean and nasty, not warm and fuzzy.

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We could " What If " every single move the Bills make, towards the negative. What does that accomplish ?



It's a valid question. Where do the Bills go from there? Play GM for a second just for the fun of it.

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I've got a worse what-if...


WHAT-IF TD doesn't cut Drew next June because of the cap hit, :lol:

keeps him as JP's back-up,

and JP gets hurt again and misses a lot of time? :lol:


We'd be reliving this nightmare for another year. <_<

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Funny that some of the same posters who say TD can't find talent in the draft, ie pulling up draft stats and players he has taken and not taken over the years, are now the ones stating JP is our savior. Of all the postions you could draft in the first round QBs have the biggest chance of being a bust. That combined with your versions of TDs draft record I figured some of you would be looking for a free agent QB this off season.

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JP is too cocky to be a bust. He won't allow himself to be bad. I like that trait. The only thing that worries me about JP is that he seems too reckless with his body when he's out of the field. Maybe this leg injury was a blessing in disguise. He now realizes that his body is not made of steel. He needs to protect it in the Pro's. If he's smart, he will use his legs to scramble to the sidelines for that all important 1st down and he will use them to buy time in the pocket and roll out. He should not try to be Mike Vick and fly up the middle unless he's prepared to get walloped. As we've seen, the true scramblers like Vick are not that successful and get "sacked" alot behind the line of scrimmage. The great QB's buy time and use their intelligence and quick release. They mostly use their arms to be great QB's and their legs give them the added playmaking ability.

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