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OT: quick dating question


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anyone got any advice or helpful info...just wondering what the right thing to do is when ordering a drink with food,  if the girl you're going out with isnt 21 yet...and since i know half of you will ask, shes still 2+ yrs away from 21... :D



I'll tell you how to end the date. Take her home, and if you would like to see her again, just say "I've had a wonderful time. I'd like another date." Keep your hands and lips to yourself.


Relationships with people that are worthwhile take time to develop, Ramius, exactly because both parties are good folk. :doh:

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I'll tell you how to end the date. Take her home, and if you would like to see her again, just say "I've had a wonderful time. I'd like another date." Keep your hands and lips to yourself.


Relationships with people that are worthwhile take time to develop, Ramius, exactly because both parties are good folk. :D



Assuming ofcourse that he is looking for a relationship.

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well, then you obviously don't care what soceity says. I just know that if even I, at 24, started really dating (a random hook up would be ok, but dating) a 19 year old, I would catch hell from my family and friends, and to be honest, myself. I think right now, my lowest limit is a 21 year old (MAYBE a 20 year old who turns 21 before i turn 25, but that's pushing it). It's just so easy to talk a 19 year old girl (no offense) into bed/a relationship/anything.  They are very impressionable, really and rediculously immature.



i guess it depends on your definition of dating. i wouldn't try to have any kind of serious relationship with a 19 year old either, as they are immature. but going out, having a good time and maybe (hopefully :D ) fooling around, i consider that to be dating also


and no, i don't care what society says. the only opinion that matters to me on how i run my life, is my own

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It depends on how ugly she is. Is she a two-beer chick? A three-beer chick?


Jesus man, the only answer here is to do what you would normally want to do. If she takes you for that, great. If she doesn't, it won't stop there, I promise. Even if you ask her if it's okay...what if she says "I'd prefer that you don't." Is that going to happen every time you go out? You'll have to spend the next two years not enjoying a glass of wine or beer with your meal?


Be yourself. She'll either dig you or she won't.


And tell her the whole story about Capt. McGillicuty and his trips on the open seas. :D


Oh, and if you really want to see the girl run, absolutely go out and buy "a big old box of wine."


Chicks dig wine from a box.

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Here's what I would do (I know you were waiting for this).


First, I would kneel down and thank god that you are still 22 and dating a 19 year old is socially aceptable still.


Then, I would take her out to dinner, and NOT get a drink. What's the point? You're only gonna have one, so its not like you're getting drunk, and unless the place has your all time favorite beer, she will most certainly find it "gentlemanly" (or some crap like that) of you to drink a soda.


Then, go get a big old box of wine, and see how fast you can down it between the two of you. Or go to a party, etc.


You will end up looking good, you will both end up with a drink, and if you're lucky, you will end up with your arm dead asleep from her laying on it all night.



you guys all do the math wrong?...i never said she was 19, i said shes 2+ yrs away...i am 23 and shes 18 :D

and trust me, if you knew the entire situation, the age difference is the least of my worries (at least until the end of the semester, then theres no problem)...once again, you'll hafta PM me if you want the details...

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Ummmm...no wine from a box is classy.




just the red stuff.



but to be serious, my friend and I (he is about 130 pounds - just a wee man, but 100% irish) drank an entire box of that crap sophomore year in college. Red, too. 5 liters of cheapest red wine ever. Franzia i believe. To this day i have never felt as bad as i did the day after that.

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I'm sure it'll be the next step up from the stuff in a box.




nah, I havn't drank the REAL cheap stuff since college. I mean, I don't drink expensive anything now, only because I primarily like Miller Light, Coors Light, or Mich Light. And for liquor its either 1800 or Iceberg Vodka. But no, I cannot drink box wine ever again. As far as a college guy like Ramius with his 18 year old? I would recommend the box wine.

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