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Losman should be our starting QB


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Trent has ruined this season with his brilliant consecutive trifecta of losing to the Dolphins, Jets and Patriots. Sorry and no offense pal, but you suck. He's clueless and needs to sit and watch Losman being given his final chance to resurrect his career as a Buffalo Bill.


These last three losses are so historically bad for this franchise that I don't think we here at TSW are even fully aware of the magnitude.


I know LABillsfan is going to give me flack and plenty of others here, but drastic times call for drastic measures. I think Trent has tossed every last bit of 5-1 cache he had with these last three abysmal games against the AFC East division. It's time to shake things up and put a QB in there that can actually get the ball to #83. If Losman fails, then give the ball to Hamden. I'm done with Edwards. You and your head coach can take a hike.


You're an idiot!

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I actually agree with the idea of starting Losman right now, or at least keeping Trent on a short leash. Despite what he has said, I don't think he is okay following the concussion. He is slow making reads, hanging out too long in collapsing pockets and losing track of defenders. He has no help of course, but he has looked so much better pre-concussion vs. post concussion.


The organization can avoid a QB controversy if they make JP only a temporary measure while they do further testing on Trent's noggin. Something isn't right there and it's killing us.

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So, because he said good things, he has a big mouth? Have you considered than JP just might be sincere?


This says far more about you, than it does about JP. I think you've lost it, man.

Well you will to be proven 100% wrong.

It is already very clear what Losman is saying between the lines, don't know how anyone could miss it.

It WILL come out after he leaves Buffalo.

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I'll be watching with interest too. JP will get a fresh start while Trent's career will remain mired in mediocrity (at best) due to the limitations of this coaching staff. Trent will wish he were in JP's shoes somewhere else. He's just not experienced enough yet to realize it.

He won't last 2 years after he's put on a bus out of Buffalo.

Even as a backup.

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Well you will to be proven 100% wrong.

It is already very clear what Losman is saying between the lines, don't know how anyone could miss it.

It WILL come out after he leaves Buffalo.



How? What the hell are you talking about?

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You've missed the point again.

Not at all.

I don't care about the circumstances, because there might be only 4 or 5 teams good enough to win with Losman at QB.

And teams like that will have no part of him.


Losman might find a situation that is marginally better than Buffalo, but he will not be picked up by one of the leagues better teams, which is what he would need to hang on.

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That guy has a big mouth and he WILL run it after he is shipped out of Buffalo.

I'm 99.99% certain of that.



Look, Losman has not been a good NFL QB, but he has been a terrific NFL citizen. He has, perhaps, made two or three statements, in his entire time with the Bills, that might be considered questionable. But, a big mouth? NEVER.


Trust me, JP is not ever going to say "When I made this comment, I really was saying this..." So, let's just assume I will never be proved wrong, about the above.


Do I think JP is walking the walk, although he is unhappy as a backup? Of COURSE he is. The other option is to speak his mind...THEN he would be a big mouth. But, JP hasn't played well enough in the NFL to spout off, and he knows it. He probably thinks he got screwed in his time here (I tend to agree), but he still didn't play well enough to keep his job.


He may say some stuff after he leaves, I doubt it will be as bad as many players have done, though. My guess is, he stays outwardly classy, as he always has.


Calling someone JP big mouth for what you believe he is really thinking, while he is saying all the right things is a very bizarre definition of a "big mouth".. Big mouths actually say what they think, ya mook.

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Look, Losman has not been a good NFL QB, but he has been a terrific NFL citizen. He has, perhaps, made two or three statements, in his entire time with the Bills, that might be considered questionable. But, a big mouth? NEVER.


Trust me, JP is not ever going to say "When I made this comment, I really was saying this..." So, let's just assume I will never be proved wrong, about the above.


Do I think JP is walking the walk, although he is unhappy as a backup? Of COURSE he is. The other option is to speak his mind...THEN he would be a big mouth. But, JP hasn't played well enough in the NFL to spout off, and he knows it. He probably thinks he got screwed in his time here (I tend to agree), but he still didn't play well enough to keep his job.


He may say some stuff after he leaves, I doubt it will be as bad as many players have done, though. My guess is, he stays outwardly classy, as he always has.


Calling someone JP big mouth for what you believe he is really thinking, while he is saying all the right things is a very bizarre definition of a "big mouth".. Big mouths actually say what they think, ya mook.

We all know your history of JP worship, mook.

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We all know your history of JP worship, mook.


My history that nobody can seem to document? I guess not joining the lynch mob counts as worship. So, down the line, I will be considered an Edwards' worshiper too, as I failed to take shots at him, on a regular basis, after a lose or when he didn't play his best.


Perhaps I am simply more respectful of these athletes and make an attempt to take into consideration the things that go on, on a team, that are out of a player's control.


Go ahead and show me some posts where I "worshiped" JP.

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My history that nobody can seem to document? I guess not joining the lynch mob counts as worship. So, down the line, I will be considered an Edwards' worshiper too, as I failed to take shots at him, on a regular basis, after a lose or when he didn't play his best.


Perhaps I am simply more respectful of these athletes and make an attempt to take into consideration the things that go on, on a team, that are out of a player's control.


Go ahead and show me some posts where I "worshiped" JP.

ok direct me to the missing archives

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ok direct me to the missing archives



Yes, isn't it odd that all my well known JP worshiping posts are in the part of the archives that were lost. Very interesting, don't ya think? I must have been quite clever to only post JP worship posts within that time frame. I am a freaking psychic!

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Kind of like the Dallas game last year.How many interception did Romo throw? How many T.Ds did the defense score?And some how it end up being the defense fault that we lost.How many points did our offense score?


I wasn't saying Trent was so great his rookie now was I? I was pointing out Losman wasn't so great in the example cited.


You would have made a point if I was saying Trent was great in the Dallas game, but I wasn't. Trent was definitely part of the reason we lost that game. The point is I'm a fan of a team and can stay objective. It's a neat hobby, you should try it.

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Yes, isn't it odd that all my well known JP worshiping posts are in the part of the archives that were lost. Very interesting, don't ya think? I must have been quite clever to only post JP worship posts within that time frame. I am a freaking psychic!

Yes a soon as Edwards emerged you and your kind went into hiding.

That's no secret and it was anticipated.

Everyone here knows how obnoxious the Losman fan club was at the height of the QB controversy.

People scummy enough to launch all those personal attacks simply on a difference of opinion on QB, are certainly not above denying it after the fact.

Now just like the Rob Johnson fanatics they are all in denial.



Are you about to tell me that it didn't exist on this forum?




Isn't it funny to you that the tone of each and everyone of those JP fans has changed radically?

Why has it?

Because they ate their crow and their humble pie.

No escaping that.

They found out that the knew far less about the topic than they spewed.

They proved to be no experts on QBs.

They aren't about to raise their hands now and say....."yes yes I was one of those morons".

Nope they're all in denial now!

Liars and phonies is what they are, aided by a crashed hard drive!

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Your an idiot. Were you at that game? He changed everything. He brought momentum. I'm sorry, but if you wont at least give JP credit for that game than you're not a bills fan.


Thanks Judge Murra. I saw the game and JP did give momentum on a scoring drive, no doubt, but I was pointing out he wasn't a rookie, and he didn't have a great game. I never knew passing for 136 yards in an NFL game was a great accomplishment when your running game stank that day.



You're just a negative nancy who bitches about people who are more talented then them and refuses to give credit where credit is due.




I did not bring up the KC game, but I will never forget it. He made all the nay-sayers and Holcomb supporters quiet themselves, and he did so triumphantly. How is 9 completions for 137 yards bad? That's fantastic. He threw 2 fantastic touchdowns and did EXACTLY what was asked of him to win a very big game.


So I'm not a fan because I won't give Losman credit, but when Holcomb throws for a high percentage ratio and does what's asked of him and you throw him under the bus without anyone mentioning his name and I'm not the fan? Hmmm... I'll take note of that genius.


...do not discredit his career's biggest victory.


If that was his career's biggest victory when the D had 3 INTs and he scores 14 pts with 137 yards then you've made my case. I would hate to see his bad games... oh wait I did... two games in a row with 75 yards passing.


Let me put it to you another way, since understanding the game at all levels might be difficult, but when your offense scores 14 points you lose most of the time. When you're QB only throws at 56% you lose, and when your QB throws for 160 yards (including Holcomb's yards) you lose.


We won because of the defense. I know it doesn't sound sexy, but it's true. For reference watch the Titans this year.

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I wasn't saying Trent was so great his rookie now was I? I was pointing out Losman wasn't so great in the example cited.


You would have made a point if I was saying Trent was great in the Dallas game, but I wasn't. Trent was definitely part of the reason we lost that game. The point is I'm a fan of a team and can stay objective. It's a neat hobby, you should try it.

I think if we won a game and Edwards threw 137 yds and 2 t.d.s on 9 com.we all be happy.Because I'm a Bills fan first.Thats more than 10 yds a com.Why would you be unhappy with that?
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Yes a soon as Edwards emerged you and your kind went into hiding.

That's no secret and it was anticipated.

Everyone here knows how obnoxious the Losman fan club was at the height of the QB controversy.

People scummy enough to launch all those personal attacks simply on a difference of opinion on QB, are certainly not above denying it after the fact.

Now just like the Rob Johnson fanatics they are all in denial.



Are you about to tell me that it didn't exist on this forum?




Isn't it funny to you that the tone of each and everyone of those JP fans has changed radically?

Why has it?

Because they ate their crow and their humble pie.

No escaping that.

They found out that the knew far less about the topic than they spewed.

They proved to be no experts on QBs.

They aren't about to raise their hands now and say....."yes yes I was one of those morons".

Nope they're all in denial now!

Liars and phonies is what they are, aided by a crashed hard drive!



I'm quite sure you will find my posts, from the past two years, suggested the JP/Edwards war, on this wall, was stupid. Still feel that way.


I have never been a JP basher, nor have I been a JP worshiper. I'm the same way with Edwards. The problem is, mooks like you have trouble with even-handedness and subtleties. It's love or hate with you guys.


See, the problem with your theory about me (and those like me) being aided by a hard drive crash, is you will notice that we have consistent, reasonably well thought out, and even-tempered approaches. That didn't suddenly change for a short time, that is now lost. My posting style has been pretty consistent, I think.


Of course, dunderheads like you, that believe you have all the answers, and are always right, and know what players really mean, and know who is faking an injury, etc...you tend to be the same guys post after post, year after year, too. So it is not surprise that you decide to interpret my ability to see several sides, and carefully analyze a situation, instead of making proclamations, and calling players "busts", "losers" and such, as something entirely different, and know what I REALLY mean. I'm sure, if you stay here long enough to have a history (I'd say the odds are against it), your history of posting will show you are a blowhard, missing archives won't be needed to prove that point.

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I'm quite sure you will find my posts, from the past two years, suggested the JP/Edwards war, on this wall, was stupid. Still feel that way.


I have never been a JP basher, nor have I been a JP worshiper. I'm the same way with Edwards. The problem is, mooks like you have trouble with even-handedness and subtleties. It's love or hate with you guys.


See, the problem with your theory about me (and those like me) being aided by a hard drive crash, is you will notice that we have consistent, reasonably well thought out, and even-tempered approaches. That didn't suddenly change for a short time, that is now lost. My posting style has been pretty consistent, I think.


Of course, dunderheads like you, that believe you have all the answers, and are always right, and know what players really mean, and know who is faking an injury, etc...you tend to be the same guys post after post, year after year, too. So it is not surprise that you decide to interpret my ability to see several sides, and carefully analyze a situation, instead of making proclamations, and calling players "busts", "losers" and such, as something entirely different, and know what I REALLY mean. I'm sure, if you stay here long enough to have a history (I'd say the odds are against it), your history of posting will show you are a blowhard, missing archives won't be needed to prove that point.

Tell this to someone who has memory problems.

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