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Barak Obama, 44th President of the United States

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I am torn. One one hand I am incredibly proud and happy that we have overcome one of the great stains on the history of our country by electing a black man. I'm ecstatic that this day has come. Good for us! This validates what I and many others have known for some time, that you can be whatever and whoever you want to be regardless of your race, color or creed.


On the other hand I am disturbed that we have elected the wrong man. As has been debated beyond reason here, his ideas suck and will not help our nation out of the quagmire we're in and most likely will get us in deeper. But that is what the Democratic process is all about. To be fair, the Republicans screwed it up with their corruption and quite frankly, by acting like Democrats and spending too much.


But congratulations America...you got what you asked for. Now let's see what the Democrats do. No excuses.

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I am torn. One one hand I am incredibly proud and happy that we have overcome one of the great stains on the history of our country by electing a black man. I'm ecstatic that this day has come. Good for us! This validates what I and many others have known for some time, that you can be whatever and whoever you want to be regardless of your race, color or creed.


On the other hand I am disturbed that we have elected the wrong man. As has been debated beyond reason here, his ideas suck and will not help our nation out of the quagmire we're in and most likely will get us in deeper. But that is what the Democratic process is all about. To be fair, the Republicans screwed it up with their corruption and quite frankly, by acting like Democrats and spending too much.


I can agree with both sentiments...save that my disappointment over "President Obama" is tempered by my belief that we were !@#$ed either way.

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The oly issue is whether the Senate will be filibuster-proof or not.


The last hope for the free market in America is if THAT doesn't happen. If they do gain the supermajority, expect socialized medicine within a year. Take it to the bank.


God help us all.


That'll teach the Republicans for nominating a liberal to fight a liberal.

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