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An American Carol pulls $250K more than Religulous

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In the battle of the Micheal Moore-hating right versus the God-hating left, it looks like An American Carol beats out Religulous by $250,000 in box office this weekend: $3.65M (9th) vs $3.4M (10th)


Of course #1 in movies this weekend was Beverly Hills Chihuahua ($29.3M) so I guess that means people prefer tiny talking dogs to politics.



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In the battle of the Micheal Moore-hating right versus the God-hating left, it looks like An American Carol beats out Religulous by $250,000 in box office this weekend: $3.65M (9th) vs $3.4M (10th)


Of course #1 in movies this weekend was Beverly Hills Chihuahua ($29.3M) so I guess that means people prefer tiny talking dogs to politics.




Care to guess how many theaters An American Carol was shown on compared to Religulous?

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Care to guess how many theaters An American Carol was shown on compared to Religulous?


What's religulous about? An annoying wannabe comedian/wannabe politician going around making fun of the religious right? Did I really need a movie about that? Can't Rambo 5 come out? Much more interesting.

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What's religulous about? An annoying wannabe comedian/wannabe politician going around making fun of the religious right? Did I really need a movie about that? Can't Rambo 5 come out? Much more interesting.


I havent seen it, but I'm under the impression he rips on scientology and muslims as much as moormans, and evangelicals. So I don't get how the "religious right" can say being muslim is bad, and then stand by it when being mocked.. but .. ok sure whatever.


Not that both don't deserve the mocking. There is a lot to make fun of.

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Care to guess how many theaters An American Carol was shown on compared to Religulous?

Oops, I should have included that info!


An American Carol: 1639

Religious: 502


That means An American Carol only did $2,227 per screen. Religulous did $6,773. By that measure the God-haters win by a mile. (FYI: Chihuahua did $9,114 per screen, making Religulous somewhat more impressive.)



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Oops, I should have included that info!


An American Carol: 1639

Religious: 502


That means An American Carol only did $2,227 per screen. Religulous did $6,773. By that measure the God-haters win by a mile. (FYI: Chihuahua did $9,114 per screen, making Religulous somewhat more impressive.)




And this is important why?




And this is important why?



Why the !@#$ is this important?

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And this is important why?




And this is important why?



Why the !@#$ is this important?

Because if they made a movie called "A Canadian Carol" it would be about some drunk broad named Carol with no teeth trying to illegally cross the border for dental care by making a boat out of cardboard. It would show on 0 screens and average $0 per screen.

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With the current state of the health care system in the US he'd try to cross the border TO Canada, right?

Dude. Canadians may have free health care but but it is not exactly "high tech". Think of a serf plowing a field in 1288. He gets kicked by a horse and gets his leg busted. His friend drags him into the woods and smashes his head with a rock so he can die with dignity. That is a basic summary of the Canadian system. Poor stupid people who know no better.


As for dental care, they don't do anything because it is too complicated for them. Plus, toothpaste and alcohol combine for a horrible taste. The drunks won't give up the sauce even in the morning.

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that's funny because when Canada can't cure their patients they send them to see a specialist in the US


Does that still happen ?

From what i hear from my canadian friends they have made some impressive improvements in their public health system (thanks oil prices!!!) those last few years...

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People spend money on that crap? No wonder we're going broke. I kicked my wife's ass in Monopoly and read a few books this weekend. Those both cost me nothing and I enjoyed every second of it....the Monopoly game most of all. :(



Thats funny. I played Kids Monopoly with my kids last week. My 5 year old is still pissed about that rental fee she had to pay me!! :lol:

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