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Adam Schefter reporting Brady tore ACL and MCL


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I'm serious when I say this: can doctors really tell from manipulating a guy's knee that his ligaments are torn? Doesn't it take an MRI?


BTW, it must be killing Belichick that there are so many "inside sources" spreading the news.

I'm sure he had an MRI before the game was even over.

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go and check it out. They are sad and rightfully so

I love this:


they were in shock when it happed. I thought and some people thought he just banged up his knee and would be back in the second half. I went to the game with a chiefs fan. i could not beilve people were giving him props the entire game. and touching his hat.
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Maybe he'll just wrap it in bubble pack and duct tape like Shawn Merriman. :wallbash:



the crowd that was there was pretty loud. one drive in particular, we helped take the seahawks out of field goal range with 2 false starts and a wasted time out.


however, it was so beautiful out during the early morning, i dont think many people came prepared for the cold rain that drenched everyone for the first half. a lot of people called it quits at halftime and never came back. some of us (COUGHrealfansCOUGH) stayed all the way to the end even in our drenched jerseys and zubaz :lol:


I think Merriman left the game, at least for a little bit. Man he's dumb for not having surgery.

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You're right. I just did a search and found something called a lachman test that a doctor or trainer can perform while manipulating the leg.


OK. My question was answered. This could be Patriot Nation's biggest nightmare come true.


I've actually seen EMTs do it in pick-up basketball. If you know your stuff, it's apparently not that difficult to pick up on.




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I know it's bad to cheer injuries, but I am actually thrilled and laughed when I saw the replay of the little B word going down. I hate Brady more than I ever hated Dan Marino. :lol:


I hear the church organs pipe in a sweet melody when you pray. Remind me never to get on your bad side or jail cell. :wallbash:

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There are way too many real good players on that team to write them off right now.



My theory for years has been take Brady out & NE becomes an average team with an average coach. We will see if my theory holds up this season. Unless Cassell is the next coming of Brady, I think they are really going to struggle. & Manning looked awfull last night. Maybe the shift in power in the AFC has finally begun.

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Payback for running up the scores on teams last year. Brady, enjoy your off season!!!



This running up the score stuff is just crap. It's putting the game out of reach for the opponent. Quite honestly, I was hoping for 40+ yesterday afternoon. I'd bet 90% of my fellow Bills fans were as well.


As far as Brady goes... looks as though our stars may be aligning this year.

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