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Dumbest Thing You've Ever Heard Someone Say.

Steely Dan

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Remember this is not a rail on TBD posters thread.


When I worked a the hospital there was a night when everyone was rushing around trying to fill prescription orders for the inpatient units in the building. So as we're all flying around busy this one blond girl, seriously she was blond, said:


"I'm having a menage a trois." Everybody just stopped dead and the room was filled with silence. I said: "Ok, when?" She looked at everyone staring at her and asked: "What's that word for when you've felt something before?" and she was answered by a roaring De ja vu!! We all turned around and resumed working. She said: "What did I say?" One of the female techs next to her whispered in her ear and she let out an "oooooooohhhhhh!" :thumbsup:


This is the same girl who said: "I hope we all get snowed in, then we could order out!" :worthy:

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Remember this is not a rail on TBD posters thread.


When I worked a the hospital there was a night when everyone was rushing around trying to fill prescription orders for the inpatient units in the building. So as we're all flying around busy this one blond girl, seriously she was blond, said:


"I'm having a menage a trois." Everybody just stopped dead and the room was filled with silence. I said: "Ok, when?" She looked at everyone staring at her and asked: "What's that word for when you've felt something before?" and she was answered by a roaring De ja vu!! We all turned around and resumed working. She said: "What did I say?" One of the female techs next to her whispered in her ear and she let out an "oooooooohhhhhh!" :thumbsup:


This is the same girl who said: "I hope we all get snowed in, then we could order out!" :worthy:


When I was in 8th or 9th grade my best friend informed that he couldn't hang out because he had to go see the proctologist. I said, "WHAAAAAA?" and he said-"yeah, I gotta get these zits looked at." To which I said, "WHAAAAAAAAAAA!?"


He looked at me as if I was missing something, then added, "Yeah, I have to go see the skin doctor." And I said, "You mean the DERMATOLOGIST!"

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My old college roommate Rob who was a huge pothead, during the Sox-Yankees series where Zimmer charged at Pedro said this about Pedro "Whoa, it looks like he has spermicide in his hair"


Man, if we're going to take things people say while high then I'll have to think about that. The problem is that I was probably high too so that makes remembering them hard. :devil:

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Remember this is not a rail on TBD posters thread.


When I worked a the hospital there was a night when everyone was rushing around trying to fill prescription orders for the inpatient units in the building. So as we're all flying around busy this one blond girl, seriously she was blond, said:


"I'm having a menage a trois." Everybody just stopped dead and the room was filled with silence. I said: "Ok, when?" She looked at everyone staring at her and asked: "What's that word for when you've felt something before?" and she was answered by a roaring De ja vu!! We all turned around and resumed working. She said: "What did I say?" One of the female techs next to her whispered in her ear and she let out an "oooooooohhhhhh!" :devil:


This is the same girl who said: "I hope we all get snowed in, then we could order out!" :lol:

"Heck of a job, Brownie".

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Back when my cousin graduated from RIT, his sister, also my cousin, is very ditzy. For anyone who doesn't know, RIT has some sort of program for the deaf, and a good percentage of the school is deaf. So we went out to dinner after the ceremony and were talking about all of the deaf people there, and the lady doing the signs at the ceremony for them. After we were talking about them, we realized the table sitting right behind us were deaf people from RIT, to which my cousin says, "Oh no... I feel bad, do you think they heard us?"

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I have another one.


My girlfriend, brother, and I were watching something on TV. Well, you know how when there are multiple talking heads on at the same time, they split them up so they are all on the screen, and then put the city they are talking from below them? Well, my brother says, "Who the hell is that guy on the right?"... my girlfriend says, "Detroit Michigan"

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Probably not the dumbest, but last night I was with some friends in a part of Cincinnati that overlooks downtown and the river for the annual Labor Day fireworks put on by the local rock station.


As we're out on the balcony of this apartment, which is less than 100 yards from the Ohio River, some girl that was with us asked "Are we in Ohio or Kentucky?"



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was she hot?


Probably not the dumbest, but last night I was with some friends in a part of Cincinnati that overlooks downtown and the river for the annual Labor Day fireworks put on by the local rock station.


As we're out on the balcony of this apartment, which is less than 100 yards from the Ohio River, some girl that was with us asked "Are we in Ohio or Kentucky?"



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About 10 years ago, there was an earthquake in Southern California, which occurred on a fault that was previously unknown. The local TV news had an interview with a geologist, who explained that many faults remain unknown until they eventually exhibit seismic activity. In response, the ditzy reporter asked:


"Exactly how many unknown faults are there in California?"



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