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Is Sarah Palin covering for her 16yr old daughter?


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This stuff does happen. But don't you wonder what kind of parents would LET their daughter be made a spectacle of, world wide? Surely Palin and McCain (if he really knew, which I doubt) realized that a 17-year old girl doesn't necessarily WANT her mistakes to be public knowledge. Unless of course they're really into that Scarlet Letter sh--.


The latest story now is that the father's baby is the guy Palin wanted fired...and instead fired the guy who wouldn't fire him...so now she's under investigation for that. In fact, she's hired an attorney now...

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All the slugs crawl out of their hiding spots.

HA! Well you know, having illicit sex sometimes is cause for comment. Let's go to the John Edwards thread shall we? Here's a consenting adult who had sex outside marriage, his wife was aware of it, and he was pilloried for it.


As a parent myself, I cannot imagine subjecting a child to the ridicule if it could be avoided. Unless this girl is a real loser, she's got to be embarrassed and wish the spotlight was not on her. And to know it's her own mother who put it there? Come on. That's not natural. Parents sacrifice for their child - I guess Palin figured if she passed up this opportunity she'd not get it again, and she decided her "career" is worth more than her child's.


Wingnuts really have a problem with sex. I guess either they don't get it, or they're just plain bad at it.

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HA! Well you know, having illicit sex sometimes is cause for comment. Let's go to the John Edwards thread shall we? Here's a consenting adult who had sex outside marriage, his wife was aware of it, and he was pilloried for it.


As a parent myself, I cannot imagine subjecting a child to the ridicule if it could be avoided. Unless this girl is a real loser, she's got to be embarrassed and wish the spotlight was not on her. And to know it's her own mother who put it there? Come on. That's not natural. Parents sacrifice for their child - I guess Palin figured if she passed up this opportunity she'd not get it again, and she decided her "career" is worth more than her child's.


Wingnuts really have a problem with sex. I guess either they don't get it, or they're just plain bad at it.


Let's make a list of all the stuff Sarah Palin doesn't know-


1)What her teenage daughter is up to

2)What a VP's job entails

3)Anything about Iraq

4)Who the Pledge of Allegiance was written by


That's just off the top of my head, feel free to add to the list.

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Let's make a list of all the stuff Sarah Palin doesn't know-


1)What her teenage daughter is up to

2)What a VP's job entails

3)Anything about Iraq

4)Who the Pledge of Allegiance was written by


That's just off the top of my head, feel free to add to the list.

I would start a list of what you don't know... but there is not enough room left on this server. :devil:

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HA! Well you know, having illicit sex sometimes is cause for comment. Let's go to the John Edwards thread shall we? Here's a consenting adult who had sex outside marriage, his wife was aware of it, and he was pilloried for it.


As a parent myself, I cannot imagine subjecting a child to the ridicule if it could be avoided. Unless this girl is a real loser, she's got to be embarrassed and wish the spotlight was not on her. And to know it's her own mother who put it there? Come on. That's not natural. Parents sacrifice for their child - I guess Palin figured if she passed up this opportunity she'd not get it again, and she decided her "career" is worth more than her child's.


Wingnuts really have a problem with sex. I guess either they don't get it, or they're just plain bad at it.


What's the big deal? Jamie Lynn Spears "greased the skids" for her, so to speak. Too bad for McCain/Palin that all her fans are too young to vote.

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Well, perhaps maybe she didn't set the greatest example. Sarah and Todd's first son, Track, was born 8 months (late April 1989) after his parents eloped (late August 1988) at age 18. :devil:


Parents were 24 years old each (born in 1964) when they married.


Track was born in 1989, but I do not have an exact birthdate. I've heard two, one is April 20, the other is September 11.


Again, this is relevant to Ms. Palin's fitness to serve how? If she was indeed pregnant when she got married, she certainly wasn't the first. Nor do I believe that would disqualify her for serving as VP.


I had a college roommate get married about the same time as the Palins, and they kept shifting the date around for some weird reason.


Eight months later, we found out why. He was seven pounds, eight ounces. The parents were divorced within two years. At least the Palins' marriage has lasted.

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