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Sarah Palin

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I'm sorry but being the Mayor of Podunk doesn't make you qualified to be Vice President of the United States.


And being a Senator for 3 years does?


Yeah, you're right, because the two things this country really needs right now are cynicism and stubbornness, like yours, and the previous administrations.


It is unfortunate that you're being sarcastic, because the country does need a nice dose of cynicism before any meaningful "change" happens.

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Again, if she IS a horrible choice as a running mate, I'd expect Mike and others from the left thinking that she was a great choice. It seems to me that he doesn't necessarily think that McCain threw the election away.

I do. She's a terrible choice. You have to question whether he's got the ability to make reasonable decisions in critical situations. If his reasoning is "I need a female running mate" then this is a colossal blunder, as there are many, many more qualified women in the GOP who would have made excellent choices. Trying to figure out his reasoning further is pointless, because as a VP candidate that would help the ticket in any other area, ie foreign policy, ability to deliver a key battleground state, an age demographic, or even race, she fails to deliver in any category.

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I do. She's a terrible choice. You have to question whether he's got the ability to make reasonable decisions in critical situations. If his reasoning is "I need a female running mate" then this is a colossal blunder, as there are many, many more qualified women in the GOP who would have made excellent choices. Trying to figure out his reasoning further is pointless, because as a VP candidate that would help the ticket in any other area, ie foreign policy, ability to deliver a key battleground state, an age demographic, or even race, she fails to deliver in any category.

Christian anti-abortians folks will go to the polls in droves. She will be hailed as a hero.

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Christian anti-abortians folks will go to the polls in droves. She will be hailed as a hero.

Yeh but you know what? They are a minority. LOUD, but still a minority. What the GOP has been able to do the last few elections is scare the crap out of everyman and count on their Christian zombie base to turn out. If normal, rational and reasonable people realize that there's more to leadership than the ability to survive 6 years in a hole or pump out babies, then there really isn't a choice this fall.


Big "IF".

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I was referring directly to Mike's claim that this "candidate just threw away the election". I didn't mean to imply any of the "talking heads" from the media or either side had said it was a terrible choice.


Again, if she IS a horrible choice as a running mate, I'd expect Mike and others from the left thinking that she was a great choice. It seems to me that he doesn't necessarily think that McCain threw the election away.


Well thanks for the in depth but misguided analysis of my post but let me clarify.


She's a horrible choice because McCain desperately needed a running mate with a massive background in economics. It's the single most important issue in this election. McCain has already stated that he's no Bernanke so the logical choice was to shore up that weakness with someone with some credentials.


Instead he chose someone with virtually no credentials.


I don't care how much the Republican's try to rationalize and justify this pick. It was HORRIBLE


And for the record, I'm a centrist that is probably more right leaning that left leaning. Unfortunately the far right has to quantify everyone that's not 100% in line with them as a "lefty". Thank you Rush Limbaugh :thumbsup:

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BA in Journalism from Idaho and small town politics. How do we know she even really understands the workings of the Federal Gov't or the Constitution? She would be ready to step in as Commander in Chief??


She seems like a nice person though, in all seriousness.

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Gov. Palin's VP candidacy will have little direct impact as history shows that VP candidates do little to sway voters. No one votes for the better VP choice. They just don't.


What it does do is it indirectly affects the campaign by changing the dialog, the tone, and the media coverage. McCain is simply betting that those changes will ultimately favor him.

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history shows that VP candidates do little to sway voters. No one votes for the better VP choice. They just don't.

Of course, we've never had a 72 year-old candidate with a less experienced running mate before....I wonder if she can spell potato[e]?

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Awesome. Hope the Dems run with that bit of sexism.

give a rational argument that she wasn't. And the sexism is on the part of the republicans for cynically believing that women are stupid enough to vote for someone just because she's a woman.

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BA in Journalism from Idaho and small town politics. How do we know she even really understands the workings of the Federal Gov't or the Constitution? She would be ready to step in as Commander in Chief??


She seems like a nice person though, in all seriousness.


1. That is why she is chosen in August and not in November. It gives her the opportunity to make her/McCain's case and for the media/public to cross-examine that case.


2. The notion that any elected official understands and abides by the constitution is a quaint one.


3. At best (for either side) is the experience factor between her and Obama is a draw. The problem is that HE is the one running for president and there is only a very slim chance that she would be pressed into duty in the 1st year of the administration. Put it this way, who has "more experience" - Obama today or Palin 3 years into her VP term? Her experience meter revs into high gear starting day 1 and it would quickly pass anything Obama has ever done to date.

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