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Which takes us back to my original statement that they're idiots if they're willing to squander the next 4 years for that reason.


And your point is... seriously, Obama got in the way of Bill, which is why folks got tired of him towards the end of his term. Not sure Hillary would be quite this way if were not for Bill, but I don't doubt that there are some who want to make this happen.

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Hillary is just about to go on and they had a close up of Bill on MSNBC...somebody handed him a "Unity" sign and he looked at it then put it on the ground and went about talking to the lady next to him. Chris Matthews was saying "And there's Bill Clinton holding a Unity sign! And..uh...he just put it down....." then went to something else.

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Which takes us back to my original statement that they're idiots if they're willing to squander the next 4 years for that reason.


That's if they think like you do.


Maybe they don't, and maybe they think an Obama term will be the same if not worse than a McCain term.

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Which takes us back to my original statement that they're idiots if they're willing to squander the next 4 years for that reason.


Being a supporter, you should know that Hillary deserves the presidency. No Democrat but her. Four more years of the same Bush and McCain stuff will just make the pendulum swing back faster and farther to the left. I'm willing to make the sacrifice for the greater good that is more chunky Jewish girls.

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Hillary is just about to go on and they had a close up of Bill on MSNBC...somebody handed him a "Unity" sign and he looked at it then put it on the ground and went about talking to the lady next to him. Chris Matthews was saying "And there's Bill Clinton holding a Unity sign! And..uh...he just put it down....." then went to something else.




Guess who's not going to watch Obama's speech?



He'll say in public what he needs to say. But privately, I wouldn't be surprised if he votes for McCain


Nader actually. Just like in 2000. Gore is not named Clinton so no Democrat presidency for him if I have any say in it. And I do.

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That's if they think like you do.


Maybe they don't, and maybe they think an Obama term will be the same if not worse than a McCain term.



Those hardcore Hillary supporters (like the dimwit delegate from Wisconson who was going to support McCain until she found out he was going to overturn R v Wade) who are going to switch parties are basically petulant children.




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Those hardcore Hillary supporters (like the dimwit delegate from Wisconson who was going to support McCain until she found out he was going to overturn R v Wade) who are going to switch parties are basically petulant children.





The petulant children are those who think that just because a candidate has locked up a nomination, everyone must automatically support him over the other party in the general election.


And if they don't, it's Hillay's fault... or racism... or they are stupid poopie-heads. Wah!




Partisan democrats have a lot more in common with the partisan republicans than they want to admit.

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As much as I would support Hillary in 2012 if Obama loses, I don't think either of them would be the nominee again. If Obama loses, the Democrats will be split between the two sides blaming the other for the loss, and it would take a 3rd person to bring the party back together again. Hillary supporters would be wise to support Obama for president, and be content with Hillary taking over Ted Kennedy's role as the advocate for healthcare and education, with the possiblity of being nominated to the Supreme Court by President Obama.

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Obama is giving his convention speech in front of a temple!!!!




In addition to the Temple...a Clinton supporter/friend just sent me this, I told her to make a shirt:


Now I'm not conspiracy theorist or anything and I know this is cheesy, but when put together, don't these two names seem a lot alike? Are the gods giving us a sign?


Obama-Biden Osama Bin Laden

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